Drama in Ancient Rome.

1  2018-11-23 by profunda_loqui


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Cicerocels are over

I don't remember this one.

(((They))) would rather you don't.

Different localizations had wildly different names. I think the english one was either "The Parasite" or "The agent".

I mean, it's been fucking decades since I read them, and I don't think I had anything like a comprehensive collection as a kid. Knowing my mum they're probably in a box in the attic, maybe I'll look them out at the weekend. I was surprised by how titsy the handmaiden's been drawn, I guess that's the kind of thing that would've passed me by as a kid.

I have nearly all of them, many of original run prints too. My father used to collect them as a kid until his aunt threw them all out by accident and a few survived. He passed me his collection and I collected the rest on reruns.

I was surprised to find out new stories are still being writen.

Funnily enough, I looked my copy of this one, it's called "The discord" here.

Caesar sends a drama magnet to fuck over the village, he very nearly succeeds.


Asterix should be the official comic of /r/drama; funny and not capeshit.

I like the anime better.


I ain't reading that, but given all the words I'm assuming it's telling me to vote for Bernie.

I still have the original print.



Is this that one French manga?

Okay you got me, that actually left me a bit salty

I remember that one.

damn I think I have this one in polish somewhere