Bit of Vegan tears and insults when an sneaky OP omits the fact he's making a 100% vegan Thanksgiving and fucking his family's holiday

1  2018-11-23 by MeatyLasagnaa


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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How dare you for putting this person down after so much hard work and disappointment. I'm not vegan but if I knew somebody was vegan I wouldn't be stupid enough to assume that they would go against their values and cook a bird unless they expressly said that they would. Why should the family expect anything but vegan? You're a cold person and I'm thankful that I don't have anybody like you in my life.

I’m thankful I brined my turkey for 48 hours and had one of the best goddamn meals of the year.

brined my turkey

Brining master race.

Imagine being a pleb tossing the bird in the oven straight out of the wrapping.

This and other crimes against food, my mother and grandmother are guilty of.

It's a time-honored Thanksgiving tradition that something in the meal gets burnt or overcooked, and it might as well be the turkey

Oven? Dig a pit, burn a bunch of wood, place the wrapped prepared turkey in the hole, fill the hole back in, and leave overnight.

Whoa now.

I’m not ripping up the yard for a turkey.

For one thing, I don’t like my wife shanking me.

Well just dig another hole for her body then. Problem solved.

Hard pass. She has my babby and I quite like the unborn tyke.

Mazel tov... Completely Unironically

Ah jeezus, we're going to get more drama posters?

Unironic congratulations

Thank you! Am unironically excited.

shanking me.

Is that what we are calling it these days?

spending Thanksgiving with gussy

my wife


Bigly if tru



The first stab breallks the skin.

Are you Polynesian, friendo?

Some people don’t even pat the skin dry, those savages

But how else will the clarified butter brown evenly? 🤤

Can you tell me how to brine a meat? I have no idea how to do it

You want cooking tips on /r/drama? Use Google you fucking simp

You want me to brine you instead of this whole chicken I bought?

The proactive man looks up recipes on his own.

The lazy man never attempts dinner in the first place

The centrist has other people look up recipes for him.

You want cooking tips on /r/drama?

More likely than you'd think.

I'd trust one of these mongoloids to know what they're doing in a given area more than people in a sub where newbies go to ask questions.

Specially with the whole pretend "radical centrism" thing, there's probably no other sub where I can get competent answers in both deer-killing and hemp-weaving.

Pretend? Centrism isn't a fucking joke and it's not a fashion accessory. It isn't a meme, it's the only truth

Also if somone gives wrong advices, no one will miss an opportunity to call him a fucking retard who should commit jump off the bridge like the degenerate he is.

user reports:

Fucking truth.

Put it in water that has both sugar and salt in it that’s what brining is

I have no clue why you would post this question in /r/drama and expect a valid reply, but since I feel sorry for you Ill go ahead and help you out a bit:

That guide will teach you what you need to know pretty well. Dry brining is a better approach for most meats but a turkey really does need a wet brine to get it properly soaked.

Thanks man! Because I know I can rely on someone nice here to guide me <3

You are my senpai now 😘😘😘

Dry brining is a better approach for most meats but a turkey really does need a wet brine to get it properly soaked.

Dunno. I've done both and have gotten significantly better results out of the dry brine.

Of course, the wet brine that I didn't love was some nonsense I tossed-together while hungover on a Wednesday morning after googling "how is brien form?" and the much better dry version was some fancy, artisinal $18 shit from Williams-Sonoma. So, grain of salt and all that.

For me at least I think the wet brine works better on the turkey just because there are so many nooks and crannies on a full sized bird that its hard to get coated evenly with a dry brine. The wet brine is much better at evenly distributing brine in places like the internal cavity, under wings and legs, etc etc since the bird is fully emerged in the brine.

put it in brine lmao

Fuck you i fried that bitch with peanut oil.

step your game up bro, if youre not spatchcock and smoking the bird after brining youre doing it wrong

not deep-fried

look at this fuckin' cumskin trying to be healthy

not flash frying your bird


I don't want to burn down my trailer quite yet.

My family has mostly switched to duck for some reason, god I miss a good old brined, injected turkey

Mmm but duck...

True, it’s my favourite meat; but other than thanksgiving and cold cut sandwiches how often do you eat turkey?

At least once a month I’ll roast a bird. I unironically love it and the recipe I use for roasting it isn’t time consuming. The meat usually lasts a full week.

After yesterday I think turkey needs to be cooked more often. You have the right idea.

Where on earth do you get a Turkey outside the Christmas/Thanksgiving season?

The local market....? Usually they’re in the freezer but it’s there.

Weird. I don't think I've ever seen one outside the holiday season time. But I've never really looked I guess.

Eh at my Albertsons they’re in the freezer with the ducks and small chickens. Whole Foods may have them from time to time (and they taste much better). If you’ve got the hankering, you can find them.

Chicken is the objectively the best/most versatile poultry, but we still like to have turkey in a "mini Thanksgiving" type dinner at least a couple times per year

> not doing a cornish hen


I made duck once for Christmas, it was really good and I learned how expensive duck is. Shit cost me $70

Waaaahhh?? Duck only costs $20 where I'm at. And in the Asian market, it's even cheaper.

Wait what? Why didn't your family freak out? I thought only turkey was allowed!

It’s because a duck is still a birb

48 hour brine, then smoked for 6, my turkey was a work of art this year. The only downside is that there aren't any leftovers.

Nice, I haven’t tried smoking one yet, it’s a 3 hour oven roast. How much of a pain is smoking, from your POV?

I have a Traeger smoker, so it's about as easy as cooking it in the oven. The only real difference is that I do the first 3 hours on low so it is just smoking the bird, then I tent the bird (lock in the moisture) and turn it up to temp for the rest of the time.

This is my third year smoking the turkey, last year was my first time doing a brine. I've never injected it because I don't think it's at all necessary.

Yeh injection isn’t really needed. 36-48 hours in the brine does the job just fine.

I’m gonna have to try smoking it at some point. You’re making it sound easy and I love smoked goodies.

It's super easy with one of the computer controlled smokers! Good luck!

Awesome, danke!

Smoked turkey is pretty good, but imho the trick is to go light on the "smoke" aspect. It's a big hunk of meat with relatively delicate flavor, so if you use as much wood as you would for a similarly sized pork shoulder or brisket, you will end up with a VERY smoky turkey. Like, unpleasantly so.

Also, you can't really use the drippings for gravy.

We smoked our turkey as well this year and damn I love that thing. Cooks pretty well and tastes good

The flavor is off the charts.

I had smoked turkey this year, and it was an amazing choice

It's the only way to fly!

dry brine or are you a fucking idiot?

Tbh turkey's pretty bad I went with beef this year

It's all in the prep. My recipe/prep leads to a bird that is super moist and the flavor penetrates into the meat so it's better than most turkeys.

Poor turkey. He didn't have to die.

He did. I am carnivore, turkey is prey animal. Nature just didn't predict I'd take my time.

Ah yes, only true natural carnivores buy frozen turkey bodies from the grocery store.

=( I'm in LA, be nice

Chicken > Turkey

NOt the way I do it buddy.

True, if you're brining it, it's probably awesome.

I'm just too much of a lazyfag to do much preparation for food.

Yeh, I fell in love with food when I was in law school and being wined/dined. So since I was a poorfag I learnt how to take the raw ingredients and make them good. So I've got the patience to prep 4 days out and have it all lined up. Very much recommend it. Smaller portions, but it's orgasmic.

I've got the patience to prep 4 days out and have it all lined up

Your wife is a very lucky person

Naw, I'm the lucky one. She knows her way around foie gras. Getchaself a woman who can make liver incredible.

>being this pleb

It's a dick thing to do

For sure is. But this is extreme retardation from both sides. Dude who cooked is a dick and family who knew he was a vegan are dumb as shit for not thinking that one through. But then there’s the retardation of both groups together, where simple communication could have prevented this.

Well, they knew he was vegan but they didn't expect him to cook an entirely vegan Thanksgiving. That's just selfish and pretentious af.

Ehhh according to OP they ASSUMED they knew. Still kinda dumb not to bring it up a month before hand until the day of and that's after they committed and didn't buy anything.

Yeah, but assuming in this case actually made an ass out of both parties in this case even though I personally don't hold the aunt/uncle at any fault. Just imagine reversed situations where the family KNEW that one vegan cousin was coming yet just assumed he would go non-vegan on this one day. It'd be kind of messed up. I mean, I actually have a vegan/veggie cousin who comes down for the 4th of July. She either brings her own stuff or we make food special for her. That we we don't look like dicks not accommodating for her known food restrictions, and she doesn't have to compromise her lifestyle choices.

MY thoughts exactly. You make an ass out of you and me when you assume is a good saying for this.

The uncle and aunt weren't asses for assuming OP was a regular person wtf

I would've cancelled too, tofu is gross and that mac and cheese they made looks dry af.

Can't use cheese, so of course it would suck too.

Apparently OP "conceded" a meal so the Mac and Cheese had real cheese. Why the fuck wouldn't you just concede all of it already Hesukristo help me

Many vegans are morally opposed to having any dead animals in their home. To them, it would be selfish and pretentious af to make them go against their morals.

Then a vegan with ideals that rigorous should just decline the invite to host/attend events like this unless everyone is on the same page.

There was obviously a lack of communication, but come on, this person spent who knows how long, making a beautiful meal for her family. Goes to show that something near-universally perceived as very rude is totally cool and acceptable if it OWNS VEGANS

Key word there is “near”. In this case, the vegan comes off as the bigger asshole lol in nearly any other situation, had it been any other day or had the relatives had lived closer I’d agree with you, but that’s not how it worked out.

This is like a vegan walking into a meat eaters home and expecting them to have no meat at all without any communication beforehand.

But for some reason walking into a vegan's home with no communication beforehand they're still expected to kill a dead animal for them?

No it isn't. A better analogy would be, a vegan walking into a meat eaters home and expecting no meat on national salad and fruit day only to be blindsided with a full on bbq.

The difference is that in your scenario, the vegan would go hungry. Vegans won’t eat meat, while omnivores will eat plants. Expecting someone to violate their own morals just so you don’t have to try new foods is very rude.

Any time you pay for dead animals, you’re paying for them to have been killed for you.

A beautiful meal for her family that no one else wanted. Thanks lol

Asking someone to go against their morals and then cancelling last minute just so you don’t have to try new foods is extremely rude.

Maybe confirm with the familh that you're tonna be vegan so they have a chance to decide if they really want to go instead of just assuming they know they won't get what's normally served on regular Thanksgiving holidays.

I don’t see why a turkey is more important than spending time with family.

Yeah if I'm gonna go out of my way to accommodate your specific ass vegan diet I'm damn sure going to expect the same in reverse. If they want people to respect their dietary choices they need to respect ours.

I don't think that you understand that veganism isn't just a dietary choice for many people.

It just fucking blows my mind that people think that cooking a meal for somebody out the kindness of your heart, and then having the guests refuse to show up, is somehow on you for forcing your beliefs on the guests. Its the exact fucking opposite. The guests would be the ones attempting to force their beliefs onto the vegan by telling them to cook turkey.

You wanna drive 60 miles for a mediocre ass meal comprised of all sides? Nah son, fuck that noise. And it doesn't seem like this person was morally opposed to meat they just eats like a pussy. The animals already dead. Just shove it in the oven and make all the Godamn vegetables you want. Op should have communicated their specific ass dietary choices ahead of time and then his family could have canceled ahead of time.

Why wouldn't you expect that?

Because usually people try to accommodate their guest, not expect their guest to accommodate to them

Yeah Imma go to the Hindi family and expect them to "accommodate" me by serving me some hamburgers.

Well I did say “usually” 🤷‍♂️ I mean religion > personal diet

Ya, you really don't do this sort of thing without at least broaching the subject beforehand. It was shitty of OP to spring it on their family. That said, the family were even shittier for having such a shitfit about one meal.

In fairness to the family, it was only the dumb shit aunt and uncle who seemed unable to fathom that a vegan would cook a vegan meal.

Yes but to add to the retardedness of the OP, that sounds like everyone besides his mom.

They didn't know that tho the mom told them and they fucked off

Nah, the family had just had their holliday meal ruined. I think they did the right thing. At least they didn't stone her (as Allah would demand)


I think they did the right thing.

The vegan can still type.

Have you really never eaten awful food because you didn't want to make your family feel bad? I'd accept it the one time, then remember to never have thanksgiving there again.

They were probably boomers and didn't want to do that again

I have, but the host wasn't making awful food just to be a twat.

I used to but I stopped living in my parents' house. Also our family and extended family generally have live-in chefs and none of them had dietary restrictions except for my sister who was a pescetarian at one point or something.

amily who knew he was a vegan are dumb as shit for not thinking that one through.

It's almost like it never happened.

Gives me a chill to imagine the guy who cooks vegan thanksgiving dinner, takes a pic, makes up a fake story of family drama, then happily eats the food with his family

This could be a movie.

I dunno dude, it seems like a key component of just about every dysfunctional family and the drama the never stop producing is a failure to communicate and shitty assumptions about everyone elses intentions. This could be real.

He’s right you know

Amazing how you somehow messed up a holiday by not killing any animals. Gee I thought this holiday was about giving thanks for what you have and being around family. I didn't know the holiday was really Kill a Turkey Day.

You'd you being vegan for over 5yrs people would realize you're not about to kill an animal for one holiday. This is like expecting non-vegans to cook a completely vegan meal without any notice or communication. Same goes the other way, they should have asked if there would be a dead animal in a vegan's home for a meal.

I ruined last Thanksgiving because I shot a peacock and served its carcass instead of the socially acceptable dead bird loloops!


Oopsie poopsie!

Oopsie poopsie is what I call it when I shove a handful of herbs up the dead turkey's ANUS

Hahaha yeah you know it bro!

Usually I ruin every family gathering by getting wasted and/or getting arrested mid feast

Literally trying to bamboozle people into eating vegan garbage on thanksgiving.

Oye, look who you're replying to it's pretty obvious I'm not OP who made the beautiful meal. And again they invited them to THEIR house, a house of someone that has been vegan for FIVE YEARS. This is like a vegan expecting a meat eater to not have any meat in their home at Thanksgiving without any prior communication. Vegans don't eat any animals, nor do they use any animal products, so it's pretty fucked up for you to expect dead animals to be available in THEIR home unless you spoke with them prior.

This is why everyone hates Vegans.

yeah fuck vegans for not killing animals! Pieces of shit.

People don't hate Vegans for not killing animals. They hate Vegans for their cult-like behavior and constant attempts to force their bullshit on others, virtue signal about their moral superiority, and in general smug attitude.

Nah, just seems like people immediately get defensive when they see your plate is different than theirs. The only time I ever heard the same stuff you're spewing is when I hung out with fellow meat eaters. The most common place was when I worked on a hog farm, we'd circle jerk so much about how crazzzyyyy vegans were, when none of us had ever even met one.

Neither of you have any self-awareness.

You're not far off yourself there friend.

This is a prime example of delusional veganism tbh. You seem to actually just not be able to understand why most people hate Vegans, in your world, it isn't the attitude Vegans have or the things you guys say or do, it's everyone else that is the problem.

Ah, even though I just stated how I hated on vegans as well. Pretty prime example of your own delusions my friend. Take care.

You’re right. I go out of my way to not talk about it because it’s shouted at me over and over... VEGAN OMG WHERE DO YOU GET PROTEIN LOL I LOVE STEAK FUCK COWS. I don’t usually bring it up. Other people do it for me enough and often when I don’t feel like defending myself, just chillin. My veganism has been brought up many times and very recently with and around these people. Last time I went to his house, he made chicken and I ordered chinese. It’s clear and has been for years what I eat and what I do not. So no, I did not say, you’re welcome to join me for thanksgiving BY THE WAY ITLL BE VEGAN. Just the first part. My mom loves to cook too and lives 15 minutes away and was happy to make them her version with turkey and all. So she did. However, he freaked at our poor planning, huge surprise and letdown that I purposely orchestrated for karma. And they bailed. We don’t have any other family and no one else was invited...except for, my boyfriend and his 2 little brothers who came over and thanked me for having them. It was very sweet. I know damn well my uncle will never be vegan and has no interest but I was stupid enough to think he’d know what to expect and come eat and hangout for the day.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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How would his relatives know about his eating habits? They’ve clearly never eaten with him and probably assumed he’s a normal person and is cooking a turkey 🦃

You’re retarded vegan. You probably can’t think straight due to the lack of nutrients.

No need for insults, friend. But that’s pretty odd. I’ve always been told a vegan will tell you they’re vegan. It’s more than just eating habits, unless vegans eat their clothing, which is news to me.

literally called Turkey Day internationally

Internationally? That's not possible when only the United States celebrates Thanksgiving in November and an informal mention of the day for a reason. Clearly not a thing for everyone, when most of us celebrate being thankful for what we have and being around family. People that are more obsessed with the food in the United States will consider it Turkey Day.

Again: Them being vegan for over 5yrs people would realize you're not about to kill an animal for one holiday. This is like expecting non-vegans to cook a completely vegan meal without any notice or communication. Same goes the other way, they should have asked if there would be a dead animal in a vegan's home for a meal.

Have you ever met an actual fucking turkey, in real life? They don't think twice about attacking you, your pets, or your car. They are violent, uncompromising, and delicious. You'd think in light of those facts they'd put more effort in educating their poults, but nooooo, they're also retarded. Season is open, kill them all.

I get that if you know someone vegan you know they are a shitty person but you’re kinda victim blaming here

I'm vegan

Just for confirmation, are you a bad person?

He posts here, we all know the answer to that.

Is anyone who posts on r/drama anything above chaotic neutral?

I'm pickle rick

We're all Pickle Rick on this blessed day

lol jk I'm not actually vegan gottem

Our status = Owned awesome style


Vegans rise up

Bottom text

I highly doubt a family cancels dinner over this "Last minute" if they know who they are dealing with and already agreed to eat there. Personally, as I said elsewhere, I think that OP is a dirty dirty karma whore.

He said his mom cooked a regular Thanksgiving meal and learned he was vegan from her he pretty much got cucked by his mom

Doesn't make sense, what, his mom isn't a vegan but he became a vegan cause of her and then she abandoned him when he cooked a vegan meal? learn to write english, lol.

The fuck are you on about. You don't have to be vegan to learn how be vegan its just not eating shit from animals, the aunt and uncle never showed up cause they didn't wanna deal with the vegan food and op said his mom was making a real turkey

and learned he was vegan from her

Reread this inane shit once more in your head and the edit it.

They never came for her food either lol I honestly think they didn’t want to make the drive.

None of us is as dumb as all of us!

This just made me realize her family ghosted her like a chick on tinder xD

family who knew he was a vegan

He probably told them 5 years ago and nobody gave enough of a shit about his brave dietary choices to remember it. I mean his mom had to warn them so they don't drive 60 miles for fucking mac n cheese and "bacon".

I honestly have no goddamn clue why someone would expect a vegan to serve meat. It's like going to your Muslim's friend's house for Christmas and going "where's the Ham?".

He has a fucking dog:

Shoving the meat of thousands of murdered animals into your useless canine? No problem, need that doggo for instagram feed and cope child replacement.

Cooking a turkey on a traditional holiday for your uncle who's driving hours and expecting to get a traditional dinner? REEEEEEE, just eat the fucking tofu carnilord!

and cope child replacement

Hating on dogs because you want more white babies in the world is one of the weirder things to come out of the right lately.

I think it's more just hating on people who call their pets their "kids", or refer to themselves as a "dog/cat mom".

Furkids tho

I don't hate dogs but if you get a dog as a pet as an adult before you have kids you are literally a coping failure. Hunting/guard/purpose dogs don't count.

You shouldn't be bitter about adults with jobs owning pets just because your mom won't let you exchange your NEETbux for a puppy.

I just literally said it's okay to have them if there for a purpose or you've had a kid.

Holy shit Muku, what did you do? Did you accidentally uncover a hive of crazy childless catladies and soy boy doggo copers on /r/drama?

You're trying to dictate the terms under which financially independent adults purchase a pet. That is deserving of ridicule.

you on thanksgiving

there were three dogs

People get dogs/cats for a different purpose than kids.

I would have a kid in order to teach it about the world and give it the skills necessary to have a great life and eventually continue my genes.

I would have a dog/cat because they're cute, love you unconditionally (if you get the right cat), cuddle with you, and you can pet them. If you want to do that stuff with your child you're an abusive pedophile.

There's nothing wrong with a woman cuddling with her children. If you're a man and you want to "cuddle with something cute," your a sick fucking pedophile, irregardlessly whether it's with an animal or a child. Furries are gay pedophiles who channel their urges into animals or anthropomorhpic characters.


Lol where do you think you are. We don't take kindly to gussy around these parts.

If you're a man and you want to "cuddle with something cute," your a sick fucking pedophile, irregardlessly whether it's with an animal or a child. Furries are gay pedophiles who channel their urges into animals or anthropomorhpic characters.

Yeah anyone who cuddles with their dog is a furry pedo. Cuddling not in a sexual way you freak, I'm not talking cuddling like you do with a person, where you're gonna be copping a feel or whatever, I mean like a cat sitting in your lap.

Yeah anyone (male) who cuddles with their dog is a furry pedo.

That's right.

Cuddling not in a sexual way you freak, I'm not talking cuddling like you do with a person, where you're gonna be copping a feel or whatever, I mean like a cat sitting in your lap or a dog sleeping under the blankets.

Please, don't share your sick stories about animal molestation on my christian subreddit.

What if your gf is cute, what the fuck?

Your gf cuddles you, and you let her because she wants to, not because you want to, retard. Men don't get anything out of cuddling, only women and pedos do.

Men don't get anything out of cuddling

Sorry you're broken

Men play, fight and have sex. Women cuddle and groom. This is same behavior apparent in all primates. Men do not care about cuddling, unless they're effeminate soyboys (not men) or pedos.

I don't feel anything anything from kissing and hugging. I like a rough massage though and feeling pain, nothing sadomasochistic though.

I don't feel anything from hugging and kissing

Yeah that's you being a psychopath, I like fighting and playing and having sex and also like hugging and kissing. I think most people are the same.

I'm not a psyhcopath. I am capable of feeling empathy and remorse and I can function in social situations adaquently. Most people also think faggots and trannies are mentally healthy, and that drinking soy milk and wearing a dress while getting fucked in the ass is healthy and doesn't make you any less of a man. Well I don't give a fuck what most people think, because most people are wrong. Go look how other primates behave.

You need to go back.

you on thanksgiving

go shoot up an elementary school already faggot

I'm a General, not an infrantry. I don't believe in expressing myself through violence.

Getting a pet before having kids should be encouraged. If you are too retarded to take care of a dog/cat then you definitely shouldn't have kids.

Yea, but that kind of people aren't capable of realizing that. Or are we gonna forcefully castrate them?

Yeah, humans have evolved to survive and reproduce by first taking care of dogs and 8 cats before they can take care of their own fucking baby, you know, because normal humans cant take care of their children without practicing on dogs first, r'iiiiiiiiiight?

Did your name your 4 dogs and 8 cats after pop culture references or after the children that you hope you had/your wife's boyfriend's girlfriend would let you have? Or are you tranny who is coping with the fact that you'll never give birth?

People that type dog with the "go" on the end don't count for anything, either.

the whole white birth rates thing ought to be a non-issue, since according to the right people who don't want children are exactly the sorts of degenerates who shouldn't have children

Dogs don't need meat 😈

But enslaving an animal is kinda not vegan.

Adopting a rescued animal isn't exactly the same as exploiting animals for profit...

Dogs can eat vegans diets just fine. It's cats that you need to worry about. Besides, just because someone can't be perfect, that doesn't invalidate their attempt to be.

He posts on r/reactivedogs which means he also has no idea how to train his dog.

Why? It's not like vegan food is inedible. It's still food it just doesn't have all the stuff you want.

Making fake cheese and meat products on thanksgiving is a dick thing to do.

Having a turkey on Thanksgiving is pretty central focal point to the holiday; it’s even referred to as “Turkey Day.” It’s like not having presents on Christmas.

If you would literally stay home by yourself because there wasn't a turkey, you've really missed the entire point of Thanksgiving.

If you actually cared about the family and social part of Thanksgiving, you wouldn't be serving people bland plant matter without telling them. Most people expect real food.


Maybe if your family actually cared about you, they wouldn't expect you to violate your deeply held beliefs just so they could get their fix for dead animals.

This is your brain on soyfu.

Fucker was looking to make a point and a point was made. Just not the one they wanted. Vegan food blows too so yea fuck this dinner.

The respectful way to deal with these things is through communication and cooperation. Though it's fairly typical for a vegan to take the condescending and vindictive route.

If LSC types could communicate and cooperate they never would.have ended up there.

Maybe if op actually cared about his family, he would have told them about vegan shit and wouldn't be cucked by his mom on Thanksgiving

being this retarded

deeply held beliefs

Is this a diet or a cult?

Idk this is a 100% vegan plate and it was extremely good. My non vegan family absolutely loved it. I’m not saying turkey and traditionally prepared sides are not good tasting but calling anything that isn’t meat or dairy “bland plant matter” is retarded. You can have super shitty bland turkey, it’s not gonna be inherently better bc it’s not a plant

Nah fam. Vegans bad. /s


On my drama


You’re fucked when it comes out that vegatables having fee fee’s too.

Do you not eat plants?

I do but idc if plants have feelings lol

He doesn't care about animals'feelings either.

i do it not cause of animals having fee fees but because the planet is on fire


This looks ghastly. Legit like something that fell out of my ass when I had the stomach flu.

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Thanks 😊

That looks like shit. You’re a retard.

Shut up burger

If you’re celebrating thanksgiving yesterday you’re also American you low iq loser.

I celebrated it today you high iq autist

Makes sense a vegan is too stupid to celebrate on the right day

Id eat it tbh but id get a burger from mcdonnalds tbh

Cuz ur a fattie, a real centrist would put this in a burger

If that was all you offered then that plate isn't that great.

I had less 3 hours including shopping time to make this for 3 people. It was last minute. I was gonna make roasted lemon asparagus and cranberries and rolls too but I ran out of time

Not gonna lie, the food looks good, just a small selection. Hopefully they brought some desserts or something to help out.

Jesus christ, how far down the rabbit hole do you have to be to think that looks good?

It look alright tastes super good though. Theres more cow titties for you to suck on if I eat this way so it’s win win bro

Hey do you happen to have a picture of what the food looked like before your family puked it up? I'm not one to kink shame if taking pictures of vomit is your thing, but I'm genuinely interested in what good vegan food looks like.

Hahaha it does look like vomit don’t it

Just joshing with ya. But seriously, could you tell me what I'm looking at?

Mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and a tofu I attempted to country fry. Tofu came out like garbage but I love tofu so much I will eat it raw sometimes so I still ate it. I bought asparagus and fresh cranberries but legitimately ran out of time. The whole meal was a last minute thing I did so it’s not that great and I’m like a 5.5/10 cook so that’s why it looks like vomit. The casserole was actually super good though

but I love tofu so much I will eat it raw sometimes

Gross tbh; it's too slimy for me unless it's heavily sauced or fried.

Did you have to make the onions for the casserole yourself, or do they self a vegan version of those?

Nothing vegan will ever come close to the taste of meat, cheese, or butter

Add some wheat gluten and shittake, then it can be called a plate.

They were being polite

He tried to trick his family into driving 60 miles for tofurkey, which tastes like a hotdog if you got rid of the meat and left only the soy filler and sawdust, then put it in a slow cooker with a boot you found at the bottom of a pond when you were fishing last summer.


He's claiming that his mom was also cooking a turkey so they weren't going to have a turkey free thanksgiving

Which makes no sense since his mom wasn't even coming over?

i think he said they were going over there afterwards or something

I like your analogies! I hope they are just that, too!

Am ex-vegan. This is probably the most accurate description of the taste of tofurkey ever written.

Am ex-vegan Why did you quit

Got mad nutritional deficiencies and got real sick.

You mean like those idiots moms who get their kids taken away by CPS after they get the rickets from an all vegan diet?

Wait what

Is there a drama post about this

It pops up in the news pretty regularly, moron vegan moms who think they know better than doctors kill or make their newborns seriously ill because they'll buy some organic soy formula they hear about from a homeopathic doctor that's just as crazy as they are.

Yep, pretty much! Only it was me doing it to myself while my doctors begged me to stop being retarded.

Fun fact: Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies from veganism and it makes you go absolutely fucking crazy. I would have stopped veganism way earlier if my brain wasn't misfiring and I'm willing to bet a significant portion of the crazed vegan culture is due to that or similar shit.

  1. Pale or Jaundiced Skin

  2. Weakness and Fatigue

  3. Sensations of Pins and Needles

  4. Changes to Mobility

  5. Glossitis and Mouth Ulcers

  6. Breathlessness and Dizziness

  7. Disturbed Vision

  8. Mood Changes

a c c u r a t e








Legit I went completely fucking insane. I had like no control over my emotions at all.

well you're still posting here so i hope you get better soon

How retarded do you have to be to go vegan and not do a single google search about possible missing vitamins lmao

I did actually. I took B12 supplements the entire time I was vegan. I also went to a proper dietician to sort out my diet when I first decided on it. My body just would not absorb a lot of the vitamins I was taking in their synthetic forms. When I started getting sick, switching to sublingual B12 in methylcobalamin form did help, but I still wasn't absorbing the non-heme iron in supplements, getting enough omega 3 fatty acids, or properly processing all the disgusting tasteless fucking plant protein I was desperately shoveling in my maw.

Trust me, I really tried to stay vegan.

looks at my multivitamin bottle

These things supposedly have 2,000% of your daily B12 daily in them, so is it an oddity to not be able to absorb the synthetic form, or do they just put that in there to look god?

So, the super fun thing about dietary supplements is that they're not regulated by the FDA. They aren't required to test for efficacy, absorption, or even to really verify that they've put as much in as they say they have. IIRC consumer study groups will routinely find way less or way more than the stated amounts on the labels of popular commercial multivitamins.

Now, since this industry is so wildly unregulated and unregulated capitalism is a post-apocalyptic hellscape, this means that companies routinely throw the cheapest version of whatever technically contains the vitamin or mineral they're slapping on the label. The problem is that those forms are often completely shit for absorptoin. For example, the cheapest form of magnesium is magnesium oxide. MgO is also the most common form of mg in basically every supplement. I pretty much guarantee your multivitamin uses MgO. Guess what the bioavailability of MgO is? 4%. So here you are, popping your Centrum, thinking you're getting 200% of your required daily Mg, when really, you're actually getting maybe 8% if you take it with food.

On top of that, the cheaper "inactive ingredients," used to shove all that shit into a pill that tastes like your mom's unwashed asshole, can also fuck shit up, because they can make the pill dissolve too slow or too fast to be absorbed right or they'll bind to calcium or they'll blah blah blah etc. Because they don't have to fucking test for it, and it's expensive to do so, so they have no reason at all to care.

And that's how I carefully took my vegan multivitamins every day for eight years and still got deficient in fucking everything.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


I love you longpostbot. Are you single?

Hey, maybe you could still retain being vegan by eating live meat instead of dead meat. Suck my dick

I'm sorry I need more than a miniscule amount of meat to meet my dietary needs.

Ugh, sorry to hear that

So, the super fun thing about dietary supplements is that they're not regulated by the FDA.

These fucking politicians not letting an agency do a job that obviously falls under it. Taking multivitamins has just been a daily routine for me (raised on Flintstone chalk pellets) but frankly I probably eat well enough that I shit most of them out.

Yeah, finding all that out when I had the "Wait, how can I be b12 deficient? I take multivitamins!" moment was reeeeeeally rage-inducing. Could have long-term neurological damage so some asshole could save .07 or whatever per pill.

So the real problem is not veganism, but you taking shitty supplements. Got it.

The real problem is that veganism as a diet is so fucked that the only way to get critical nutrients is to supplement, and supplements aren't a good source of critical nutrients.

B12 was one of many problems. Fun fact: did you know that the body doesn't convert ALA, which is the type of omega 3 found in plants, to DHA and EPA, the (necessary) types found in animals in more than negligible amounts? I bet you didn't!

Wrong and ... wrong again!


ooooo u sure showed me!


He went WROOONG but still agreed that you need to get supplemental B12. Lmao.

Veganism is a super awesome wholesome diet that gives you brain damage if you don't heavily supplement it xD

I already have brain damage tho, so I don't need veganism for that 😄

About as retarded as a vegan?

You sound like one of those guys who goes vegan for a month then quits because, since you don't know how to cook, everything is flavorless.

Counterpoint: that's because it is, relative to delicious fucking meat.

I don't know, meat tastes pretty bland if you don't put minerals and plants on it.

Hot take: meat actually tastes amazing completely plain, and chromosomally enhanced vegans like to mix up retarded bullshit arguments like this weak-ass "mEaT doEsN'T taSTE goOD" argument with the sane ones which makes ALL the arguments look completely Special Needs when really only 70% of them are.

Now that is a hot take, imo. Pretty much everything tastes plain to me without seasoning.

I mean, it tastes BETTER with seasoning, but I would happily eat a medium rare steak with nothing on it at all.

Sure, and silicon doesn't do much for you as a semiconductor without doping, etching, and lithography. The substrate still matters.

Steak tastes pretty good by itself.

I was vegan for eight years lmfao

Nice, I wish I could go that long. I tried it for a month and quit, cause I don't know how to cook and wasn't willing to put in the effort.

Nah you're better off. Fuck veganism honestly.

He laid off the hormones.

Don't forget the vegan mac and cheese and vegan pies. And how the stuffing will be bland and flavorless without sausage and without being cooked inside a turkey.


That's still rude of the family.

Cooking stuffing inside a turkey is retarded and a good way to get salmonella.

You cook it before stuffing it and it gets cooked twice you fucking retard

It gets full of liquid from the uncooked turkey and the center of the stuffing is likely to be a much lower temperature than the meat.

I didn't know salmonella also made you this retarded.

Your oven sucks if it doesn't cook evenly.

The outside is going to cook more than the inside. It's not a microwave.

You could cook it enough to cook the stuffing but you'd end up overcooking the actual turkey.

It's not a stovetop. A convection oven causes the temperature inside to be uniform, thus it cooks evenly.

Lmao stuffing without a turkey is just croutons

To be fair, many vegans are morally opposed to having any dead animals in their home. To make someone go against your morals just so you can eat food you're used to is pretty selfish.


You're another urlycantbsrs alt aren't you?

Imagine y'allposting in your fucking username lmfao

I don't know who that is. Besides, you dodged my comment.

I'm sure you don't lmao.

And that's because your comment is retarded and boring and laughing at you for being an idiot is fun.

Just goes to show that something near-universally perceived as very rude is totally cool and acceptable if it OWNS VEGANS.

No it's cool and acceptable because it saves some poor couple from having to eat tofurkey for thanksgiving lmfao.

The fact that it makes vegans cry is just the cherry on top.

It just fucking blows my mind that people think that cooking a meal for somebody out the kindness of your heart, and then having the guests refuse to show up, is somehow on you for forcing your beliefs on the guests. Its the exact fucking opposite. The guests would be the ones attempting to force their beliefs onto the vegan by telling them to cook turkey. 10 seconds of critical thinking skills would tell you this, but apparently that is simply too much.

out of the kindness of your heart

It's not kind if you're loan-sharking nigga. It's also not kind to try and sneak shredded rubber from used tires into your family's food on a holiday that is literally all about eating a specific kind of non-tire meal.

OP's meal looked delicious. Besides, thanksgiving is about giving thanks for our loved ones, not just eating turkey.

Vegan meat substitutes are completely disgusting and you know it.

No, it's about eating excessive amounts of turkey.

respecting each other's values

You just went and made some shit up there didn't ya?

Those poor turkeys. They didn't need to be eaten.

I guess every time I cook for people, I should warn people their meal will not be including chicken, fish, steak, dragonfruit, asparagus, white pepper, bagels, turnips, radishes, olives, chili pepper, eel, whale, dog, grass, flowers, heirloom bell peppers, and the billions of other foods and flavors I'm cruelly denying them.

I mean if you invite them over for a meal that's traditionally centered around meat then yes, you should probably let them know the meal will not contain meat.

Also I can hear the hysteria in your post and it's actually really funny.

Why? People can eat vegan food just fine.

Because nobody wants to eat your shitty tofurkey, Karen. If you're not going to feed people the traditional food that any sane person would reasonably expect, you should let them know that. It's super nasty to trick people into coming to a holiday dinner with the expectation that they'll be given actual food, and then feed them braised toenail clippings so their holiday is ruined.

Oh please, you’re getting free food. Beggars can’t be choosers.

Asking someone to violate their morals just to prevent you from whining about not getting your favourite tendies is completely childish.

Eating thanksgiving dinner with family is not "begging" ya dumbfuck. The aunt and uncle here presumably realized they were about to be fed rubberized dog shit, and went and found (and happily paid for) real food. The nasty thing here is springing this on someone so they don't have a chance to spend their holiday the way they want.

Asking for someone to cook you a free meal is the definition of begging. Cancelling on the last minute is the definition of trashy.

Ah yes, more whining about your tendies, the only source of meaning in your sad life.

Vegans make such great lolcows.

Try sublingual B12 pls.

Maybe someday you’ll be able to kick your tendie habit and become a morally superior enlightened being.

I’m vegan, btw

But my tendies are the only thing that makes me feel joy

They're not beggars, you fucking mong. They're family that assumed they'd have a perfectly normal family holiday when suddenly it's all vegan shit. They've probably never been to a vegan restaurant even though they can afford it and turning your house into one for Thanksgiving isn't going to make them like you, you absolute degenerate. Learn the meaning of the fucking euphemisms you use GODDAMN.

Vegans are solipsistic fucking retards sometimes, you're right 🤷‍♀️ some of them even expect their morals to mean shit out in the real world. Must be tough

Vegan meals are backwards compatible. Why is it so hard to get?

This but unironically.

As I said elsewhere, That just goes to show that something near-universally perceived as very rude is totally cool and acceptable if it OWNS VEGANS.

I already responded to this comment. Do you think your whining is bringing something new and exciting to people's lives every time you respost it?

Oh, you're not the person I responded to. Whoops.

Vegans are children lmao. The entire world including its dominant customs in any given locale must be changed in order to protect their feelings.

It's not so much to protect feelings, but more to protect animals. Veganism is founded on the fact that we shouldn't hurt animals when we don't need to. This obviously goes against dominant cultures.

Culture isn't a moral guide anyway. Slavery used to be cultural. It's cultural in many places to not give women rights. etc

It's cultural in many places to not give women rights. etc

As God intended.


Agreed, it doesn't make any sense. This is like a vegan walking into a meat eaters home and expecting them to have no meat at all without any communication beforehand. But for some reason walking into a vegan's home with no communication beforehand they're still expected to kill a dead animal for them?

Should have read the thread, thats not what happened at all. There was no tofu, she told them she was vegan, and her mom made Turkey. They just bailed

There's a cut up tofurkey in the photo they posted. Of the items on the table, in between the brussels sprouts and mac n "cheese"

OP said theres no tofu present. I feel I have to take their word and assume that's some other kind of vegan mess.

They're full of shit then, fam. That's a tofurkey. I've cooked and cut them myself, I know what they look like.

I can't believe a vegan redditor would lie for karma and sympathy wtf


which tastes like a hotdog if you got rid of the meat and left only the soy filler and sawdust, then put it in a slow cooker with a boot you found at the bottom of a pond when you were fishing last summer.

Honestly, I think you're overselling it.

He didn't try to trick anyone, he wanted to have a nice dinner with family. He has been vegan for 5 years, why would you expect someone to make anything non vegan then? Or if they didn't know he was vegan, then that's on them. If you don't even know your own family member has been vegan for 5 years, that's on you.

LOL, I wouldn't speak to my family ever again if I went through all that effort and they decided not to show. Not eating meat at one meal isn't the end of the world.

for thanksgiving, though? without advance notice? nah, son, if I'ma sit around a table with people I don't even like I'm at least gonna eat actual food

Seriously it’s my favorite holiday. That would be like someone buying football tickets on Labor Day weekend and taking me to a soccer game.

Right? Honestly rude as fuck and self-absorbed.

You know how many times OP would have been saying “see it’s not so bad, right?” And you could only be like “ya it’s ok”

Fuck that

SO many times. "Oh it takes just like turkey!" he proclaims, while everyone grimaces politely around the leather shoe sole they're trying to choke down.

I'd just straight-up refuse to eat it and go to McDs afterwards tbqh. And then never have food at that asshole's house again.

If its not the end of the world why stop talking to them if the op cared he would I have told the family he barely ever sees that he was cooking vegan shit like how hard is that

If you drove all the way out expecting turkey and stuffing and then they bait & switched it and said "lol I'm having a traditional insect dinner as part of my diet; were you expecting mammals?!" you'd be pissed, too.

I have a feeling we didn't hear the full story here...

We're on the internet, that's a given.

Ya'd fuckin assuume the family would assume he wouldn't make turkey and ask about it, and you'd assume that OP would have the fucking foresite to tell them he's not making turkey. All of them are retarded.

His family tree is a wreath, all power to them if this is all it takes to seperate them.

Why would they assume that? If you offer to host thanksgiving dinner people are gonna expect you to cook thanksgiving dinner.

I would assume they know he's vegan.

Make sure you’re sitting down for this; vegans can cook meat.

you're a fucking retard if a vegan invites you to dinner and you expect piles of meat simply because it's not physically impossible for a vegan to cook meat.

how do people even get this retarded

Lmao are all the vegan tards following the link or something? Like what a dunbass interpretation. Definitely nutrient deprived.

Not a vegan. I had smoked turkey this year.

You're a retard for expecting vegans to cook meat for you though. Definitely an extra chromosome there.

I expect vegans to cook thanksgiving dinner if they offer to cook thanksgiving dinner. To expect otherwise, without notice from the vegan, would be retarded. Definitely on the vegan to share that they intend on serving dog food instead of the holiday staple.

I expect vegans to cook thanksgiving dinner if they offer to cook thanksgiving dinner.

And that's why you're a moron. If a vegan offers to cook anything then you should expect there to not be any meant. To expect otherwise is retarded.

But they offered to cook meat. So why would it be retarded to expect them to cook meat?

My dude, if you're going to continue arguing that it's reasonable to expect vegans to cook meat for others then this is going to nowhere because you're hopelessly retarded.

To clarify, this isn't about what you think SHOULD be a reasonable expectation. This is about what a reasonable expectation ACTUALLY IS IN REALITY.

And in ACTUAL REALITY, expecting a vegan to cook you meat is incredibly dumb. In the "SHOULD BE" reality, yes, that could be different.

You're basing your expectation on how think vegans SHOULD behave and not on how they ACTUALLY behave.

When someone says they’ll do something you expect them to do it. They didn’t. Really simple stuff. Not sure why you’re letting your stupidity get the best of you here, you’re getting really worked up.

not having the capacity for critical thought that would lead a reasonable person to think that maybe a vegan's dinner won't contain meat

you're really like showing off that extra chromosome

Says the guy who is getting ass blasted and yelling because someone said “if someone says they’re cooking meat you expect them to cook meat.” Like can you stop replying I just feel bad for you at this point but it’s like a car crash.

imagine unironically being this developmentally disabled

Can’t but luckily we have you her and you don’t even have imagine.

no u

That was directed at me? Like you meant to call me disabled? Then why would you ask me to imagine? You’re pretty dumb lol.

no u

Oh you’re one of those autists who gets slapped then starts spamming boring shit because they think getting the last word means they win.

I expect people to not be fundamentally against eating meat actually. My friend is vegan, but he'll smoke a brisket on occasion. Sometimes eat it. He absolutely would NEVER make a vegan only thanksgiving dinner unless everyone attending was vegan.

People who don't believe in eating animals as some base principal are fucking idiots. There's advantages to going vegan and I don't judge people for that. Those PETA retards need to seriously fuck off with their self-righteous bullshit though. If the family really did fuck off, I'd imagine it's because this guy probably revealed it's vegan in some ultra douchey way and their eyes rolled so far into their heads they couldn't drive anymore.

Eating animals is a part of nature. Deal with it.

My friend is vegan, but he'll smoke a brisket on occasion. Sometimes eat it.

Your friend is an abnormal vegan. Congratulations.

People who don't believe in eating animals as some base principal are fucking idiots. There's advantages to going vegan and I don't judge people for that. Those PETA retards need to seriously fuck off with their self-righteous bullshit though. If the family really did fuck off, I'd imagine it's because this guy probably revealed it's vegan in some ultra douchey way and their eyes rolled so far into their heads they couldn't drive anymore.

Eating animals is a part of nature. Deal with it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making, but whatever. You're still a retard for expecting a meal cooked by a vegan to contain meat. It's hilarious that this simple truth is making people so mad lmao

Your friend is an abnormal vegan. Congratulations.

not at all. Granted you have tossed around a bunch of anecdotal nonsense, so keep at it. Plenty of vegans don't go full retard about people eating meat.

It absolutely has something do with it if you're trying to say vegans won't make meat. I came in to say that they do because I have been served meat by a vegan who also made it. Saying he's abnormal is just a pathetic attempt at re-asserting your shitty claims.

😂😂😂 you love to act above people. Were you the guy everyone was rolling their eyes at over dinner yesterday?

Plenty of vegans don't go full retard about people eating meat.

I'm talking about cooking meat themselves and sometimes eating it. Most vegans don't eat meat. Your friend, since he eats meat, is an abnormal vegan. Some might even say he isn't actually vegan.

if you're trying to say vegans won't make meat.

That's not what I'm saying? I'm saying you shouldn't go to a meal cooked by a vegan and expect there to meat, because there most likely won't be much meat there.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

So you go to a muslim and expect booze?

If they say they are serving booze then of course I would.

If they were doing an Oktoberfest party, yes, I would fucking expect some booze to be there.

Thanksgiving dinner is not exactly some big secret. Everybody knows the traditional centerpiece of a thanksgiving dinner is turkey. So either clarify beforehand that you're not doing turkey and ask them to bring their own, or make it yourself (if you want to host.)

If a vegan family member asked me and the rest of the family to come over for some random day just to eat some nice food, of course I wouldn't expect any meat. But that's not the circumstances here.

And as much as we want to say that thanksgiving is just about giving thanks, it's quite clear that that's not how it plays out in reality.

Well, not out in the open

It's sort of like this: when vegans go to a social food event, they expect people to accommodate them. If nobody knows about their picky choices they might have to ask in advance, but they expect the people cooking to serve something they wouldn't have originally served.

When the sides are flipped, it's not crazy to expect the vegan to accommodate the people they are inviting over. For a gathering like Thanksgiving it's pretty retarded for the vegan to subject everyone else to their bland lifestyle without telling them and then feel smug about it on Reddit. No one is saying the vegan should have made "piles of meat" but people expect a turkey or something analagous on Thanksgiving, and if you intentionally don't mention that you don't plan on doing that, then you are officially retarded

I'm not arguing that what the OP did is okay. I'm just saying that to going to a vegan dinner and expecting there to be meat is fucking retarded.

Anybody saying that it's a reasonable expectation for a vegan to provide meat is basing that entirely on what they think SHOULD be reasonable - not how things actually are.

That OP had a month to clarify that this was a no meat thanksgiving to his relatives. He also just assumed they would know he's vegan, so no clarification on whether he ever told them but it's likely not. Any vegan friend who's invited me for dinner has specifically told me it's no meat, bring a dish, or they will be cooking some meat.

For the millionth time, I'm not claiming what he did was good. Yes, it would have been ideal to clarify that it was a vegan meal. However, getting invited to a meal cooked by a vegan and expecting there to be meat is really dumb.


One of my best friends is a vegan. If he invited me to his house for a meal I would not expect there to be any meat. Why the hell should I expect otherwise?



For a random meal? Okay, but if the meal traditionally is centered around a fucking bird, it isn't unreasonable to assume that said vegan will still have a bird there.

I don't eat seafood but if Thanksgiving was centered around sea bream, you can be sure I'd at least provide sea bream or clarify way beforehand that I am not providing sea bream but families are free to bring their own.

Like the others, you're basing your expectations on how you think vegans SHOULD behave and not on how they ACTUALLY behave.

You're an idiot if you go to ANY vegan meal and expec there to be meat.

I've gotten meat at plenty of meals hosted by vegans... It's ironic that you're accusing others for something that you're actually doing. You realise that some people are only vegetarian/vegan for health reasons or personal religious/spiritual reasons right? It doesn't have to be because they fucking love the animals above anything else.

And I've known plenty of vegans who would never cook meat themselves. I lived with one for years.

It's hilarious that this simple truth is pissing people off so much lmao.

If a meal is cooked by a vegan then don't expect it to contain meat. Why is this so difficult for the resident retards to understand?

It's also hilarious that you feel that your anecdote is stronger than mine when in reality, one anecdote isn't better than another.

It's also hilarious that you can't seem to understand that your own arguments weaken your points. Just because somebody acts like a shithead doesn't mean we should just accept that they act like a shithead. Even if we accepted that you were right (that all vegans are a monolith that would refuse to ever cook or provide meat,) that wouldn't make it right. That would just make vegans assholes.

You seem to continue to miss that the entire premise of the situation is around thanksgiving. If you take a holiday that specifically features a turkey at the centre of it and do not provide said turkey on purpose (without informing the guests coming,) you're proselytising in an unwelcome manner.

If you say you're going to host a thanksgiving, it's expected that there will be a turkey, especially if you're a fucking American who knows the cultural expectations surrounding Thanksgiving. Why is this so difficult for you to understand lol?

Even if we accepted that you were right (that all vegans are a monolith that would refuse to ever cook or provide meat,) that wouldn't make it right. That would just make vegans assholes.

Holy shit. You really are retarded.

My point is that not that no vegans would never cook meat. My point is that vegans are SIGNIFICANTLY less likely to include meat in their meals, so you should not expect there to be meat at a meal cooked by a vegan. And again, I have said several times that he should have informed his family, but you retards can't seem to read.

You seem to continue to miss that the entire premise of the situation is around thanksgiving.

No, I have addressed this multiple times, and again you can't seem to read.

If you say you're going to host a thanksgiving, it's expected that there will be a turkey,

Well, if the only person cooking the entire meal is a vegan then I'm going to have serious cause to be skeptical of the inclusion of a turkey.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

My point is that vegans are SIGNIFICANTLY less likely to include meat in their meals, so you should not expect there to be meat at a meal cooked by a vegan.

This isn't their meal, this is a family meal. Less likely doesn't mean you shouldn't have any expectations.

Just because i don't eat cheese doesn't mean that if i offer to make a lasagna, everyone should expect it to be without cheese. On the other hand me knowing that everyone expects a regular lasagna should know that i should be adding cheese.

again, I have said several times that he should have informed his family, but you retards can't seem to read.

That would've solved everything lol. I don't know why he couldn't just bring his food over to his moms. Then the family could've had one big party with choices and learned to eat some vegan plates.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

I have a co-worker that is vegan. Anytime we had a party he would bring something vegan or we would make/order something vegan. This is the normal expectation. We wont force ourselves onto him and neither will he onto us.

In your scenario because the host is vegan than by virtue everyone knows there will be no meat. That's in contrast to reality where it's mostly a bit of give and take. Specially when meat is the usual center plate of whatever we are celebrating.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I have a full time job loving you and a part time job serious posting on reddit tbh ngl illtbby.

If your excuse is "You should expect vegans to be retarded" you're not making a good argument.

I'm not excusing anything. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

It’s not about about a random dinner that you’ve been invited to. It’s about offering to cook a traditional thanksgiving dinner which includes meat etc. It’s not retarded to assume that they’ll be serving meat. What is retarded it not telling your guests that you won’t be making a traditional meal and it’s gonna be veganised.

I’ve known vegans to serve meat because they respect that them and I have differing lifestyle choices. That being said I wouldn’t uninvited myself just because there’s no meat. Both parties are equally retarded in this situation.

I'm talking about ANY meal. Including Thanksgiving.

What is retarded it not telling your guests that you won’t be making a traditional meal and it’s gonna be veganised.

Holy shit. Can you retards not read? I've said multiple times that he should have told them.

My point is that your initial expectation for a meal cooked by a vegan is that it will be a VEGAN MEAL. To expect otherwise is retarded.

Lol ofc I know what you’re saying. What I’m saying is that the offer of a TRADITIONAL meal implies it would be made traditionally regardless of who is making it. Fuck it you know what everyone is retarded case closed.

They weren't going to a vegan dinner. They were going to Thanksgiving dinner at a dude's house who happens to be vegan. I guarantee you he misled them into believing that it would be your traditional Thanksgiving fanfare so he could jerk off and feel smug about them getting upset over it.

I mean I agree but a ton of vegan food isn’t bland if you know how to cook at home

[X] Doubt

You’ve never had non burger American food so I’m going to go with you wouldn’t know anyways

I'm European, mate. We have actual good food over here so we can tell the whole "vegan food is just as good as regular food" shtick is retarded.

Right but plenty of North Indian and chines can be vegan accidentally and still good as hell, I’m not vegan I just have to cook for my gf and it’s not hard to make good stuff

If I went to a bloodmouth's house I wouldn't expect them to cook a vegan meal unless I'd specifically asked about it or they mentioned it since I would assume that anyone who eats meat will default to cooking a meal with meat.

If someone visits a vegan's thanksgiving meal it's not unreasonable to expect them to at the very least express in advance that they're not going to come if there's not any meat or dairy being served. If OP's family hadn't know they were vegan then fair enough, but they apparently did, so they are clearly very fucking stupid people.

I'm a very lax vegan in the sense that I will cook meat/ dairy for other people if asked to, and frequently do for my husband or guests, but I'd absolutely be fucked off if someone who knew that I'm a vegan didn't bother to say they wouldn't eat a dinner without meat and then bitched at me for not being psychic.

I'm a very lax vegan


Uh huh, sure.

Careful not to choke on your smugness and soy extracts, you conceited fuck. Friendly reminder that though you've condemned yourself to living a dull life missing out on half of the culinary delights this world has to offer, you are making next to zero difference as an individual, and your choices are infinitely outweighed by the other 7 billion humans in the world getting their full balanced diet.

You're superior to no one. For fucks sake you'd probably start convulsing if you sipped some beef broth.

Aye, meat eaters are self important enough that they go into a childish huff at the thought of eating a vegetable that won't contribute to the viscosity of their bacon grease blood and I'm the conceited one. I would never turn up to someone's house and expect them to cater specifically to my requirements unless I'd been told that they would or I asked, but I suppose politeness is an element of basic human decency so I can't expect the average mouth breathing bacontard to understand

Incoherent carnist blather

The degenerative stages of Creutzfeld-Jakob are the worst, don't worry my special friend, you'll be at peace soon.

actually typing "Aye"

actually typing the rest of that gay shit

Oh dios mio you're actually so retarded that you read like a parody. There's a reason every normal person finds your kind utterly insufferable. Whatever, type whatever drivel you want, I win the argument every time I get to eat a steak.

Maybe one day soon we'll start eating human too, I bet your 100% grass fed human rump roast would be pretty good with a nice au jus

Yeah this is a fun issue because it comes down to a miscommunication and both sides can easily blame eachother and said "you should have known better", especially when they make different presumptions about what the other side knew.

Did the OP's family know he was a vegan? Did they know he would have some sort of objection to cooking meat? How you answer those questions of fact that no one can assume really impacts how you distribute blame overall. People are just madlibbing in assumptions on these facts based on whatever conclusions they want to draw though.

Yeah, everything I said is only pertinent if you actually know that the person is vegan.

You're as thick as two short planks mate

I even said

assume he wouldn't make turkey and ask about it

ask about it

The whole reason this scenario happened is that neither party communicated.

But all that doesn't matter now, because I'm as bad as all of them and as autistic as you, because I'm replying.

10/10 made me reply.

Sure, they should have asked to be safe. But that doesn’t really compare to the vegans lack of communication. Like only one of them said they are cooking thanksgiving dinner than didn’t.

Mate, most vegans are vegans because they don't want animals to be killed. You can't just assume they'll break that rule because you want real turkey.

And judging from the people in the sub, they're clearly also deluded into thinking anything vegan is actually as good as properly cooked meat. So they're just genuinely gonna think a vegan thanksgiving is no big deal.

It's on the vegan who's hosting to say in the invite that they aren't cooking turkey and whether they should bring one/or if they won't allow meat in their home. That OP was an asshole who just expected people to eat w.e he prepared without asking them.

Yes, but they're vegan. So you should expect them to be morons and ask.

but the turkey is already dead at the market. not getting a turkey is letting one less turkey be killed.

Or he is the black sheep, and the family are just sick of their bullshit.

They family probably weren't told until the last minute, and were probably lived far away.

What would you do? Have a shit Thanksgiving, or tellvthe stuck up prat to shove their bland souffle up their herbally cleansed rectum.

Looks like everyone is a complete tard here

Pretty much

Unprecedented for r/drama

I'm shocked. SHOCKED I say.

Even everyone ITT

Nah, OP seems pretty cool. They fucked up by not making it explicit that they were cooking a vegan meal, but the aunt and uncle are worse for just dropping out ultra-last-minute because they simply can't stand having vegetables (and their meal does sound delicious). Everyone else in their family seems to have been fine with it.

The commenters, on the other hand, are an exquisite gallery of absolute self-righteous prickery...from all sides.

You think Tofurkey sounds delicious?

They didn't drop out because they "can't stand having vegetables", they clearly expected more than just vegetables and tofu. Which is to be expected. It's Thanksgiving.

There wasn't any tofurkey you absolute spacker. Tofu was just what the dumb uncle assumed a vegetarian meal would amount to. Why are you even on this sub if you don't like reading drama?

Fuck I just love the term absolute spacker

From OPs comment:

Pictured here: Roast with carrots

You can see the sliced "roast" in the picture. It's obvious not a meat roast, so there's nothing it can really be but a tofu roast, or some other horrible alternative.

I like reading drama and starting it so I'll argue with anyone. Someone saying "tofurkey looks delicious" is one of the easiest arguments I've ever joined in on

Quote the whole thing:

Pictured: Roast with carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, roasted brussels sprouts with asparagus and “bacon”, cashew sauce mac and cheese (cheese from a local artisian), green bean casserole, sweet corn pudding, candied yams with brown sugar and dandies, mini cheesecakes and of course pumpkin pie.

Sounds pretty good to me, mate.

Given they specifically said they didn't have any tofu, I'm gonna guess they didn't have any tofu. As for tofurky, I couldn't possibly comment, because I was smart enough to avoid choosing to be born American.

Haven't you ever heard of a nut roast, anyway? That's not even some vegan thing. It's just a thing.

cheese from a local artisian

Pretty sure vegans can't eat cheese, so I'm gonna assume it was made out of love.

Breast milk

dairy free cheese is a thing

If it's dairy-free it's not cheese

Shrug. Looks like cheese, melts like cheese, tastes like cheese.

Put lipstick on a pig it's not your mom it's still a pig

Looks like cheese


melts like cheese


tastes like cheese.

Absolutely fucking not.

"i had some bad non-dairy cheese once and now I'm authority on all non-dairy cheese"

Non-dairy cheese goes great with no meat chicken.

"someone makes fun of my whackadoo diet on the internet so I make passive aggressive comments"

Hey, this is fun.

i agree

What do you think cheese is

It also tastes fucking wretched.

Haha, best underrated comment here.


Fuck off

Eat shit and die.

That's more like it sweaty 🤗

...from all sides.

always happy to see the radical centrist's take.

I might have agreed with you if it was a typical get together dinner or something. But we are talking about thanksgiving here.

No religious minded or anyone with some sense about the rituals of holidays would ever agree to something like non meat dinner at the last minute in one of the most culturally important day of the year in America

but the aunt and uncle are worse for just dropping out ultra-last-minute

No. No they aren't.

Because it was OP who dropped it on them at the last minute. They didn't just drop out for no reason at the last minute, it was explicitly OP that caused the last minute drop out.

They dropped out because they suddenly realised their vegan nephew/niece wasn't going to cook them a turkey...

I think the fact the dumb shit uncle assumed they were gonna make tofu instead of actually asking about the meal indicates their general character. In any case, they seemed incredibly blase about the affair. People are only getting so wound up in here because the title told them that the vegan ruined his family's thanksgiving.

That Macaroni and Cheese whatever vegans substitute for cheese looks disgusting. I don't blame the family for bailing.

That substitute turkey looks like sliced rubber

That's substitute turkey? I had no idea what it was.

i think it's tofu yeah

looks like sliced rubber

If only.

Dude mentioned both artisan cheese and cheesecake. I'm no expert but that's vegetarian not vegan.

They also mentioned "vegan creamcheese" I'm guessing that they don't know what artisan cheese actually is ([they probably think this deserves to be called artisan cheese](

that;s liking inviting your jewish or muslim friends over and only to eat pork

But can eat vegetables. I eat meat but I also eat vegetables. Does not having meat ruin it that much?

Yeah. It's Thanksgiving. Turkey is pretty much mandatory.

I’ve been to Thanksgiving dinners without turkey and the hosts weren’t vegetarian/vegan.

In Bratislava?

Did they still have meat?

Great, they did it wrong

Nobody got upset and left. Maybe normal people don’t get bent out of shape so easily.

No they picked the wrong food and the guests would have been happier with the right food, assuming they weren't cult members.

"I served a boiled boot for dinner and nobody left. Must mean boot-only dinners are acceptable."

No cults, no boiled boots. At least for me it’s more important that the host can actually cook Good food.

No cults

Veganism is a cult

no boiled boots

The boiled boot was representative of a vegan-only Thanksgiving meal in my masterful analogy. How'd that slip by you? 🤔

You’re a nut job.

At least I'm not a vegan 🤮

Well, when you are expecting turkey it's gonna suck when you get a plate of twice digested poop on a plate instead

As someone who has to go to a mostly vegan Thanksgiving and an all meat eater Thanksgiving...yes not having turkey would ruin my Thanksgiving. Vegan food is really only truly good to vegans because they don't eat good food to compare the taste too.

mate, you can't expect religious people to be liberal with their customs and traditions.

Yes, you vegan cuck.

Got em. I am a cuck but not a vegan.

It is nothing like that at all. The op didn't cook food their family couldn't eat for any reason, religious or otherwise. The family is just a bit precious and weren't willing to try something different.

If he was a good vegan they would have known it was vegan food the months of planning

Vegan food tastes like shit most of the time, even when well prepared.

Said like someone who won't eat it to begin with anyway. So thanks for your (most likely) uniformed opinion.

not only does it taste like shit it is literally destroying the planet . vegans are out to fuck up our ecosystem, make life unsustainable on our planet as we know it, and have the fucking nerve to preach morals about animals fucking fee fees to us. it’s disgusting. kill them all

Did you even read that article? It literally says how being vegan will help the planet.

idk what you’re reading but all i know is veganism is killing the planet and it’s just a bunch of hipsters preaching moralism and imposing their bullshit aggressively. vegancide now.

There's no way to be vegan apolitically.

There's no reason you should want to be apolitical.

Be a good person all the time.

Why do people hate vegans 🤔🤔🤔

Because vegans are better than them, and the inadequacy makes them mad

dude bussy lmao

Vegans are more subhuman than white people

implying vegans aren't 98.6% mayos

Because vegans are better than them, and the inadequacy makes them mad

This is your vegan brain on lack of protein.

Beats being a daddy defender cause your brain lacked oxygen at birth

aside from all the moralism shit, i think one thing that people miss about why veganism is fucked up and evil is that it is literally destroying the planet . like seriously fuck these hipster fucks

Did you link the wrong article? It says that reducing meat and dairy is the single biggest thing we can do to reduce our impact, although it implies veganism might be an unnecessary extreme as the majority of negative impact can be dealt with by stopping the most intensive agricultural practices.

Food looks good, OP has shitty family members.

On the real though, should have started off with”I’m having a vegan thanksgiving” to avoid forcing someone into an awkward situation.

That way shitty people can just be shitty from the get go and OP could have avoided wasting all that time cooking.

Friendly reminder that veganism is such a shitty diet, even vegans don't like it.

more evidence here that there’s literally no reason to go vegan. fucking hipsters

The meme that won't die. In my home country (Australia) 15% of our CO2 equivalent emissions come from agriculture, 10% from animal farming. Compare this to the 52% coming from power stations.

My solar hot water heater means I'm far ahead of even the most dedicated vegan.

unless the most dedicated vegan also has a solar water heater

Yes, the 'biggest way to reduce your impact on Earth' is to crack down on the activity that causes... all [](14.5) of GHG emissions. And that's if you include stuff like product processing, transportation and manure storage. Right. Math checks out.

The study you linked also supports these numbers btw.

Speaking of which, the original meta-anaylsis doesn't mention veganism at all, it just calls for producers to monitor impacts and find different ways to produce foods. The veganism mumbo-jumbo is is what one of the writers, some rando vegan zoology student, told the Guardian and they ran with it.

Pictured: Roast with carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, roasted brussels sprouts with asparagus and “bacon”, cashew sauce mac and cheese (cheese from a local artisian), green bean casserole, sweet corn pudding, candied yams with brown sugar and dandies, mini cheesecakes and of course pumpkin pie.

just fucking end it all


Veganism literally makes you illiterate. Or perhaps it's a symptom of their hipster tendencies.

If OPs family cancelled last minute because “they don’t do tofu” that leads me to believe OP sprung the “vegan thanksgiving” on his family last minute as well which is equally shitth IMO.

If communications was kept open when it was decided OP would host there could have been a compromise.

Pretty much sounds like it was sprung on them last minute. OP just expects people to know he's a vegan.

Vegan gets pissed when they go to someone’s house and the host dosnt acomidate for their diet choices.

Then they get pissed when people don’t want to come over to their house because they won’t acomidate for their guests diet choices.

If a vegan goes somewhere and all the dishes have meat or diary they can't eat anything. If a non-vegan is served vegan dishes the biggest complaint they could have is that they don't like how it tastes (and vegan food can be good, if you give it a try).

With that said, whenever I go out to friends or family members house, I usually just take my own food so that they don't have to go to any extra effort.

If a vegan goes somewhere and all the dishes have meat or diary they can't eat anything.

No, they can. They’re not going to spontaneously combust if they eat a piece of meat or cheese. Generally speaking they make an active choice to not eat meat. Much like how a non-vegan might make a active choice to not eat so nasty tofu “turkey”

Anyway now that I’m done being an ass...That’s why I mentioned keeping communication open in my first comment. Really the whole point I was trying to make is that it’s just as dick to be vegan and only make vegan food knowing there will be non vegans attending as it is to be non vegan and only serve non vegan food knowing there will be a vegan attending. When you have two different diet types coming together for one meal there needs to be open communication to ensure there is something for everybody.

I disagree it is as much of a dick move. The vegan usually has a reason for not eating the meat etc. For me, it is because animal agriculture is a massive contributer to climate change and if we don't start making some changes we will fuck the earth up for everyone. Unless they have an allergy (which everyone should agree to cater for), the best reason the could have is they don't like it. Sorry, but those reasons aren't equivalent.

I definitely agree with your point about open communication though. It wouldn't have hurt the OP to just be open about it when inviting people over. Then they get the opportunity to discover whether people are close minded earlier.

Taking a moral high ground dosnt nessicarily make your reasoning more important than someone else’s. That way of thinking is most likely apart of the reason why OP ended up alone on thanksgiving (also why a lot of non-vegans think vegans are insufferable cunts)

We’re not talking about fighting climate change, we’re talking about a dinner with loved ones. In that context, “I’m not eating that because it taste like shit” is just as valid as “I’m not eating that because I want to save the world”.

It wouldn't have hurt the OP to just be open about it when inviting people over. Then they get the opportunity to discover whether people are close minded earlier.

You missed the point entirely...ya know, maybe...just maaayybe if one would have organized something that had a bit of everything then the people he invited would be more open to trying his/her fake ass turkey. Shit, Op didn’t even have to do it all alone, hit up another family member and double team that shit.

Ohhhh I thought you were being reasonable, pretty stupid on my behalf.

Of course, letting them know you are making a vegan meal because your vegan isn't enough. You have to also go against your stance in life and appease the meat eater overlords /s.

Fuck that, if I cook a perfectly edible meal and you don't want to eat it because it doesn't contain slaughtered flesh or stolen bodily fluids then I'd be glad you didn't come. It doesn't hurt people to try something different every so often.

Btw, most non-vegans think vegans are insufferable cunts because they make them question their own choices. People don't like to be put in the position where they think that maybe they are doing something wrong, even if in the end they decide that they aren't. As such, a vegan doesn't have to do anything but be a vegan to get a defensive reaction from the non-vegan. And dinner with loved ones is a really effective way to fight climate change.

See, now here you go being an insufferable cunt.

Fuck that, if I cook a perfectly edible meal and you don't want to eat it because it doesn't contain slaughtered flesh or stolen bodily fluids then I'd be glad you didn't come. It doesn't hurt people to try something different every so often.

Oh so it’s perfectly fine for non vegans to go against their stance in life but GOD FORBID a vegan does it.

Please, you’re not special and nobody gives a fuck about your pseudo moral superiority complex.

See this is why you were alone on thanksgiving.

And look who started the conversation and now doesn't want to continue when they are forced to face the choices they make in life.

.....If I didn’t want to continue then wouldn’t I simply not reply? I mean it’s kind of obvious that me simply replying to you shows my willingness to continue..

And as for the whole “ohhh look he’s running away because he has to face the choices he makes” tidbit. Quite frankly, the world is fucked whether you eat a steak or not....I like steak. So imma grill me up a T-Bone and watch the world burn. Maybe it’s you who are afraid to face the fact that your choices don’t matter? That you’re actually powerless? That out side your miserable exsistance your dietary choices mean nothing?

Also, believe it or not, people can think you’re a cunt for no other reason but the fact that your being a cunt and honestly...your coming off pretty cuntish.

Could say the same about you acting cuntish. I am sorry for getting a bit snarky, it was probably uncalled for. I also thought you were done engaging because you just started calling me names. Apparently I was wrong. Still, my point about people's defensive reaction to vegans stands.

If you don't give a fuck about anybody else, the earth, or any animals then go for it, eat what you want. But that doesn't mean other people can't tell about the consequences of those actions. Just the same that my choices to have hope and try and make a positive impact mean I will have people having a go at me about it.

Just remember that the next time someone asks you to take off your shoes when going into their house that you should leave and tell them to put their shoes on.

Could say the same about you acting cuntish.

See that’s where you’re wrong. I’m obviously being a dick.

Just remember that the next time someone asks you to take off your shoes when going into their house that you should leave and tell them to put their shoes on.

Why would I do that when I could compromise and bring my own carpet to walk on like a normal, functioning, and considerate human being?

Cool, so you agree that they shouldn't shit on the other person's choice to not walk on their carpet. The guest can bring their own carpet to walk on, sounds reasonable to me. Maybe don't just shit on the hosts choices of wanting clean carpet.

Ok, now you’re just being an unreasonable cunt.

Fucking lol, I guess that makes two of us. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Your momma.


If OP was like most vegans I have met everyone knew after 5 minutes of talking to them at any time.

Have someone cook all day for you

Bitch them out for cooking something everyone can eat

I can eat cornflakes but that doesn't mean I won't be disappointed if that's all you're offering.

everyone can eat but nobody wants to

Literally biggest meal of the year for everybody and you're not allowed to enjoy it because it might upset someone to have an actual turkey there.




>Please d-don't about p-politics l-like a grown up m-meanie... t-that's r-rude

Please do.

Reading someone's else post history is pretty retarded tho.

God just imagine if they showed up. He'd spend the entire fucking evening talking about how he's vegan. Oh my god I'm angry already.

Why? Because the idea that someone else has made a choice you aren't willing to disturbs your sensitive ego? Truth is most non-vegans can't wait to tell you about their diets and how good meat is when they find out you are vegan.

Its to annoy vegans that talk about being vegan

Kind of a dick move then. If you look at a person's choices and all you can think is about how to piss them off you're probably an asshole. Good luck with that

They aren't human to me so I don't care, having to eat in the first place is disgusting. ascend to the photosynthesis ranks

Thanks for proving my point.

Thanks for thinking you had one

Vegans are mentally ill

not only are they fucking stupid, they’re literally destroying the planet with their bullshit propaganda moralism

Kind of a dick move then. If you look at a person's choices and all you can think is about how to piss them off you're probably an asshole. Good luck with that

Did you get lost newfriend because I don’t think you know where you are right now

latest research showing veganism is nonsense. i always show this article to people who think there’s a reason to go vegan. the research shows it has no impact on anything. people are so dumb

It’s basically the Kabbalah of new age diets

seriously read the article it will make you pull your hair out thinking about how dumb people are to take on this diet. fucking hipster losers

The obvious answer to reducing the climatological impact of raising livestock is to accelerate the transition to lab grown meat duh

bro i say that every single time when they bring that shit up and i have full faith in market solutions to curbing ecological collapse. kill all vegans

So, I'm guessing you didn't actually read the article they linked? As it appears to support my point not yours.

Good article. I'm going to try and find the original source and give it a read. Thanks for linking.

I came across the artificial drama that this subreddit tried to create while browsing hot. Don't really care where I am, just putting ideas out there. If people want to ignore my input and downvote just cause I have a different point of view, that's up to them.

I talk about it so much, I even pointed out the obvious when inviting them.

I don't know chief. The meal does look edible.

Eh, fuck it. I'd chow down on a vegan Thanksgiving meal.

I'd cook a turkey over the weekend to make up for it, but yeah, I'd try the fake meat, too.

Yeah but this vegan didn't tell them until last minute there wasn't going to be any meat. Any vegan friend I've had who wasn't psycho made sure to tell us whether it was vegan food only or ask us to bring a dish.

You're really mad about this.

If not to get involved in other peoples drama, why are we here?

Nahhhh not one bit, btw:

Art Vandelay is the name, Importer/Exporter of Drama is my game

Eating some vegetables that your family member spent all day cooking for you isn't going to kill you, fatty.

eating vegetables and avoiding meat and dairy is literally destructive for the planet . idk how and why the fuck vegans do their bullshit and impose their outrage and moralism on us meat eaters it’s frankly disgusting. vegancide now.

Yes, eating one meal without meat is definitely going to destroy the planet.

That's a pretty reasonable take.

I've had plenty of vegan food before and some is good but a majority just doesn't taste good. The cheese they tend to use doesn't melt properly and is very, very not good. Many vegans/ex-vegans will even say that it tastes and looks terrible.

That "Roast" he made looked like cardboard and sawdust mixed in a pot of elmers glue and food dye. I will say those little cheesecakes looked fucking FIRE.....but Vegan cheese is terrible.

I'd chow down on a vegan Thanksgiving meal if that's what someone put in front of me.

That's the most sense in this whole thread. Holy shit, the fucking level of spoiled arrogance is unbelievable. People treat meat as if they need it like air. It's a home cooked meal someone slaved over. Cooking takes time, skill and money. That uncle and everyone who agrees with him should shut the fuck up and eat the vegetables given to them.

Stop brigading, you twats. Do you want to get us banned?

This is how we lost pinging.

Thanks this is top quality drama.

I could totally do Thanksgiving without turkey, as long there was a ham to replace it.

Vegans are the white people of white people

I've been trying to go vegan lately, and while I've enjoyed trying out new foods, there's no fucking way I'd feed it to a holiday party unawares. Fuck's sake.

dude i highly recommend you not do that shit. it’s literally completely unfounded nonsense hipster bullshit: read this

This thread is starting to reek of patchouli and smug sanctimony.

catering as a vegan

How do they do this? Do they just lay out a buffet table with all of the dietary supplements?

Blitz100vegan 9 points 5 hours ago If a cannibal came over to your house, would you cook him a nice juicy human steak?

No. Of course not.

Yeah, clearly Vegans aren't fucking retarded.

There was a turkey!

How can you all justify this on a holiday that's supposed to be about gratitude?

There was a turkey!

How can you all justify this on a holiday that's supposed to be about gratitude?

That pile of soytrash loaf is absolutely not a fucking Turkey

Read the context here:;sh=6494f708

The aunt and uncle were the only assholes here, don't try to deny it.

I personally would not have bailed [I don't hate Tofu like other people, I just prefer Indian or east asian for my vegetarian food], but the person in the text specifically says that her mother doesn't cook meat either..

No shit, Sherlock, that's not what they were referring to either.

No shit, Sherlock, that's not what they were referring to either.

Lmao wtf year is this???

If you're doing it right, turkey is the worst part of the thanksgiving meal.

The OP has been vegan for five years so the family should have known what to expect.

There are no exceptions. Welcome to thanksgiving in my house, bitches.

Turkey is terrible. Duck for life.

Rabbit Season!

Y'all complain that vegans are annoying but then literally brigade their own community with hateful comments and trolling. The pot calling the kettle black.




lmao fucking hipster crybabies. read this article if you want hard facts on why exactly veganism is bullshit nonsense

Bitch, please. The thread had been locked for a while so how the fuck could we brigade it? You vegan's came into our piss covered bounce house looking for a fight

It’s not locked anymore 🤔

He is a member of the tribe of hominins and the direct ancestor of homo.

You know what? I have had some good vegan food. But I've always thought while eating it "you know what would make this better...?"

The worst people in the world are redditors who don’t like vegans.