Frenchie gets roasted back to his own post history by easily triggered Amerifats ironically on a thread about benefits of living in the USA

1  2018-11-23 by newcomer_ts


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. This Post -,,

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/r/ChapoTrapHouse...well that doesn’t help me. “Tankie moron who would be the first to die if they ever got the communist revolution they want” isn’t a nationality!


Heh, I am the "Frenchie", I suppose I just reached maximum trigger. Well done guys.

I suppose this is the reddit echo chamber at work.

You could also name it " Americans so triggered someone doesn't like their country they resort to slander and backpatting ".

Calm down bro here we laugh at everyone.

Well I hope you'll have as much fun with the triggerfest as I had. Because it was one hell of a wild ride.

Pretty lame actually, but if you could sperg out more that would be great, m'kay.


Calm down there chud and post your hog.

U fukken know it m8.

this isnt chapo we don't care aboutn hogs here LEAVEA

You’ll note I’m mocking him, bussy hater.

I'll do no such thing 😤

Dude, don't take this too seriously... you do have a point but, you must admit, it became beautiful the moment you realize the thread is about casual murder in the shopping mall over shoes.

You did good.


A Canadian

Well Canadian friend your title is misleading, that was less a roast than a real funny triggerfest, and I am not French, which makes the whole thing twice as funny since my post history was the best thing I could bring up.

They went apeshit to levels I had never experienced personally and honestly, I feel kinda like a star now.

I feel kinda like a star now

Just don't go full retard and you'll be fine

Well now since you're here, what makes you more upset- when the leader of the free world calls your home country a shithole or when the leader of the free world calls your current country a shithole?


>calling other people willfully ignorant

i don't have a big enough laf for this situation




Omg you had me so good, that sub literally is my whole opinions summed up.

Fuck off.

melt, bitch

Your country is an afterthought to the hegemony of this laughingstock. don't know who you're messing with...

Nothing personnel kid.

The French are in no position to call a nation arrogant, rude and acting like shits to tourists. You have a reputation for that shit in Europe.

I am not French...

You are now

Well if that lets you sleep at night.

Lives in a society where Paris is the capital

Complains about americans being rude to tourists

I'm sad that we saved your sad patch of dirt from Hitler, better to let it get burned to the ground tbh

Hello, I am a dual citizen American.

You are incorrect that America is a laughing stock worldwide. Perhaps among your relatively well educated and wealthy colleagues that left your home country to study in Europe it’s true that America is considered a laughing stock, but by and large Americans are seen as wealthy, strong and extroverted with a penchant for being loud and uncultured.

“Americans so triggered someone doesn't like their country they resort to slander and backpatting”.

People are upset because you’re engaging from essentially the same tier of ignorance as American rightwingers saying that Sweden is the rape capital of the world. It’s completely normal for people to the object when a group they identify with is mischaracterized - I’m sure you would object if I said something baseless like “Northern Africa has no real culture of its own and survives only on imported Arab culture”. Just because people are responding aggressively to you by no means is a guarantee that you’re onto anything especially accurate in your takes.

I agree. I fear I might be a victim of the same bullshit that makes rightwingers believe Europe is a rapefugee land.

But then, how come all the things that we make fun of in the U.S have been around long before all this left/right bs ?

School shootings ? Mass shootings ? Student debt for life ? The absence of affordable healthcare for all ? Black Friday turning into gladiatorial pits ? Are they true or not ? Even if they are made to be more than what they actually are , those can hardly be fake ? They are reported by American news outlets usually, and we don't have that anywhere in the places these guys are citing as shitholes.

So what ?

All the bullshit fake news we saw saying rape and knife attacks were rampant in Europe were either Breitbart or the likes. We have had terrorism and rape, knife attacks in London too, but on such a rare basis it can't be compared to all the appalling shit coming from the U.S on a monthly basis ...

I don't think you guys are idiots, I communicate with Americans on a daily basis on the internet. I relate to them, I am completely absorbed by their culture. But it's a country with 400 million people and more, so maybe, maybe there is a huge part of you guys that have a hard time coping with the fact that your country is a shame to all rich developped countries.

Such a rich, cultured place, turning into what it is now...

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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europeans who circlejerk about their superiority to Americans are just as ignorant as the rednecks they mock

they get all their info from reddit lmao

they are the complete opposite from the kind European tourists you meet when you travel

Frenchie mentions not caring about fake internet points for the 7th time, follows original roasting post to new roasting post to call americans ignorant after visiting once, gets re roasted

Hell ye bb

Shouldn't you be worrying about the religion of peace Frenchmen?

Weren't a bunch of people stabbed by a poor refugee native frenchy who just happened to yell Allah akbar?

Why don't the self hating Americans ever say they're going to move to Mexico? Why is it always Canada?