Yandere Dev has decided to purchase the subreddit critical of himself. He proceeds to go on a banning spree, scrubbing all critical posts, banning users for posts made months back and obsessively deleting and banning content and users.

1  2018-11-24 by quityourbullshit777

[Here is the proof that he bought the subreddit using real money. Surely this is not allowed? The admins should get involved, how can it be allowed that you can just pay money to buy a subreddit critical of yourself and then ban all the users and scrub posts.](www.imgur.com/a/mAhgRFE)

Here is the post he made whining about the reasons for the "change in management". The drama fallout is big and you can see many comments bitching at him about this and all his comments downvoted to negatives.](www.imgur.com/a/Fd8QXUb)





leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. www.imgur.com/a/mAhgRFE - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. www.imgur.com/a/Fd8QXUb - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  4. https://i.redd.it/2vpin1xis6021.png - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  5. https://i.redd.it/i2m5hz3ks6021.png - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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Its over Yanderecels.

Jokes aside, I've never seen someone respond to criticism this poorly.

Check out all these deleted comments: https://snew.notabug.io/r/yandere_simulator/comments/9zjxeg/under_new_management/

I wish I could find the link to the archive where he finally snaps on 4chan. He got most of his inspiration from there until he said, "Fuck it, you know what? You could've had a game tailored around yourselves, but fuck you, I'm out."

Its was 8chan and that thread was great. I still remember all of us laughing at him https://preview.redd.it/4y7omwir8d8x.png?width=955&auto=webp&s=6160f46d3649d0d5dd0eab687e9490bf77914fb7

Go to reddit Everyone behaves in a civil manner

Because reddit's voting system discourages dissent or radical opinions. If you need a voting system to hide all the mean and useless meme posts (which can be easily ignored) from you, you should probably stick to reddit anyways. The good thing about the chan boards is that opinioms don't get filtered and you can get real feedback as long as you focus on the good posts and don't retreat to your hugbox the moment you see something critical or skeptical of your shitty meme game.

Jesus christ yandev is such a fucking baby. He has brought on all the hate on himself by being a fucking idiot.

Come on, you know he is.

Best part of that thread we were actually giving him good advice. All the criticism was stop adding stupid extra shit and just focus on the main game. This was after he added a fucking meme mode where you dress up as Venom Snake, One punch man and have a stand.

Thank you, that's great.

This place really is the anus of the internet.

He wasn't lying.

You know that anus is necessary for the release of the byproducts of your intestines? Without your anus, you'd die a horrible death from toxins getting into your bloodstream but not before the impaction and subsequent tear of your lower intestines

Think appendicitis is bad? This will let you feel like a WWI soldier having his guts blown out on barbed wire.

Anuses are important.

You know that anus is necessary

Yes. But point still stands. 1st amendment at work, doesn't mean it'll all pass the smell test.

whining about assholes on 8chan

I'll just never understand some people.

Was that the one on /v/? People kept posting his face and mocking him

Balkan nationalists react worse tbh

shhut fuck of analbanian

Bosnia is for Bosnians

Northern Macedonia for the Northern Macedonians

I reckon it's automatic because I've never heard of this guy before today

Yup I was just banned a couple days ago for saying he destroyed his own game. I replied by letting him know that he can delete stuff all he wants, won't change the fact he's a piece of shit who killed his own game. I'm so glad someone is mentioning this.

Weird the 30 year old making a waifu murder simulator doesn’t respond to criticism well.

Dude managed to top Dobson. Quite the achievement.

Say what you want about gaymers, but its clear their communities produce the highest amount of spergouts per capita

And thats a good thing


exacerbate the drama

exacerbate drama

'bate drama

I love this one.

Please don’t mention my God Nick Bate in vain.

thx you 👏

The guy is a nutcase.

If only there was some indication this nerd was unstable.

Lol. All somebody has to do is make another subredditw critical of him.

Easy money, really

True, too bad I am not jewish enough.

Basically r/wheresosana

"Compensation" could refer to handjobs. It could refer to early access to all builds. We don't know.

If they settled for anything less than a thousand dollars they are suckers.

It's janitorial duties for an online forum about a niche fetish beta video game.
Anything about a cheese sandwich is massive profit.

Tis true but why settle for a massive profit when you can get an even larger profit?

Mate I'd sell it for a pack of cream crackers

Maybe instead of doing this he should have tried not being a pedo. It seems like a lot less work.

Who cares about some nerd buying a subreddit for his shit anime game?

not linking the subreddit in question

unless you’re a weeb it’s honestly not worth the effort

Drama is always worth my time!

It's r/yandere_simulator


he doesnt look creepy. cute (but not like attractive) in an awkward way.

like the guy who looks like your little brother that no one can envision as a man

but not like attractive

You'd still smash, right?

if i did i would become his muse for the game or something

no thanks 🤢

Fuck he aged rapidly in 10 years

I can see the mcdonalds grease seeping out of his forehead

Seriously wtf. That dude went from 16 to 45 in only 9 years.

Now I just feel kinda bad

He looks like a young David Gahan on puberty blockers

I can only fix it with surgery that costs thousands of dollars What a lunatic. He doesn't even look that weird, maybe get a real haircut and go to the gym. Reading the things he wrote sounds like reading the rants and raves of an actual madman.


Really? I mean, this is drama, not Normieville. He isn't repulsive but he is quite weird/good looking.

He kinda looks like a more autistic version of that ugly dude who plays Ben Swolo in Star Wars.

He's a Jew, his actions all makes sense now.

Every fucking time.

He looks like the Jewish, gay version of Shia LeBeouf

Shia LeBoufe is the gay Jewish version of Shia LeBoufe.

Shia 2: even Jewier and Gayer. Coming next friday on uhhhhhh what are the typical burger channels? Let's say HBO.

Christ, just go to an escort. Yeah she is going to act unrealistically interested in you, but as long as he's clean he will be amazed to find pretty much zero signs of disgust or scorn. Just an attractive girl that acts like your super attractive, sits on your dick, and is fairly friendly otherwise. Then maybe he'll realize that he probably could have had a gf if he put even the most marginal amount of effort into building a relationship with a human being. The reason you never fucked was never because you were physically disgusting to the girls!

an attractive girl

You go to a lot more expensive boomers than I do

A cute one is probably going to set you back by quite a bit, but the point is to prove that a girl that we'll exceeds your looksmatch is actually capable of sitting on your dick without involuntarily vomiting at having to simulate breeding with a non-Chad as in these guys self loathing delusional fantasies.

So the choices are wash and not be a desgusting weeb, or complain about being lonely on the internet


Washing your asshole is actually the most important thing because otherwise they smell shit when they go down to blow you. They'll probably still look the other way and do their best, but like if you wash your asshole you're probably in the top quartile of men that visit her. She would much rather have a gangly weeb with a washed asshole than an Adonis with shit dried shit crusting out their ass.

wow that was 10 years ago

I wonder if it's typical for Ashkenazim to be overconcious of your facial features that in actuallity aren't even that or at all ugly.

what in particular makes him look like a sloth?

A lot of people I know say I look like one, and I want to improve.

I dunno, that was my first thought and I'm not sure it was correct anymore.

Get a fucking haircut. Work out for the stronger chin line. Grow out a non-patchey bears. Don't be Jewish.

I have a haircut, no beard, I work out but what work outs grow your chin line?

Chin-ups, duh.

The ones that reduce your body fat %. I'm talkingg about bodybuilding.

"I'm a nice friendly guy"


Oy vey that nose

Seems more nice guy to me. That lack of hatred towards "femoids" kinda leads me that way

I’m shocked, I can’t even...

That fucking snout.

dude is unbelievable. the MINUTE his "heat" cools down, he makes his stupid gremlin videos and does this. he's a cow who sets himself up for failure. Utter loser!

Thanks Daddy

More like udder loser get it? Cuz you said he was a cow? Get it?

I love that cow it's so cute

If you haven't already, watch the documentary on YandereDev

You'll get a real hoot out of it.


!Some sad piece of shit has so little going on in their life that making a 2 hour "documentary" on a weeb lolcow was somehow worth their time.!<

Obsessed over lolcows so much that they became the lolcow.

What a terrible fate.

A moment for self reflection, here.


The moment has passed.

Is it possible to learn this power?

Spend enough time on r/drama and that could be you!

Like those weirdos who stalk Chris-Chan?

Dude you are in a drama subbreddit, you hardly have room to talk about people being weirdly obsessed with documenting weirdos.

Oh boy, this is a good one. I'll put it at minute mark 53 next to a photo of Obama. If you want to expand upon this statement I will include it in "Watermark03 - behind the scenes".

I know the guy is a USDA-certified Grade A lolcow but is he worth a 2-hour documentary? I usually save that kind of treatment for Chris Chan and Elliot Rodger.

If you have even so much as a basic understanding of any programming syntax, his spaghetti code alone will have you hollering.

Just looked in to this and thought people must just be shitting on him to be mean because they hate him


he even got his hero game dev to shit on his programming ability

There's spaghetticode and then there's whatever the fuck this shit is. Yeah sure, C++ is a jumbled botched mess of pointless complexity, but the fact he's been programming for years (I think?) and still programs like a 1st year computer science student learns to make a battleship game during their first week is just ridiculous.

2 whole fucking hours. What a legend.



whoops he did it again

Can that sub pull what KIA did when David-me when nuts?

What would that be?

They rose up.

Following the development of this game has been a guilty pleasure. It's not something I ever weigh in on, though, because it legit seems like this dude is on the cusp of a mental breakdown at any given moment.

I thought he had the pointless drama under control until he posted a 30 minute video about hate and shame. Dude needs a serious PR overhaul if he wants to keep his sanity.

I'd use that money to hire someone to handle all contact with his lunatic fanbase. Bonus point if they're Asian, cute, a trap, and psychotic beyond all measure. Nothing quite like getting a cow-heart packed in dry ice along with a smiling kawaii photo for your trolling efforts.

It was never about the game, was it? 🤔🤔🤔

That art is quite good. I was thinking he should drop the game and just do commissions from now on... until I read the description to find he commissioned another artist for the vid. If only he was self aware enough to commission someone to finish his game for him.

This is actually kind of awesome.

Here is the proof that he bought the subreddit using real money. Surely this is not allowed? The admins should get involved, how can it be allowed that you can just pay money to buy a subreddit critical of yourself and then ban all the users and scrub posts

Hahahaha??? You serious???

This is gonna be how reddit finally turns a profit. They sell subreddits to the people who hate them.

Oh god yes real-time bidding pls

The_donald owned by the Clinton Foundation?

I am kind of surprised that this is allowed. Seems like it would be against some TOS somewhere

it is

but as if admins actively enforce tos

Look, yandev deserves a lot of criticism for how he's handling his game, but I think that we can all agree that a man's internet history, especially dating back to our teenage years, wouldn't be very flattering, would it come to be brought to light now. And for this reason, I think that people shpuldn't be giving yandev shit for his cringy posts or spergouts from when he was just a wee lad. He may be different now for all we know.

HOWEVER, the reason I say this is because of things like this that are happening in the present that are much more relevant and suitable grounds to call him out on being a dumbass. Like, I don't give a shit if you show me someone's weird fanfic from 10 years ago they wrote when they were a fucking nobody recluse just looking for shit to do, but show me this, and I'll actually take it seriously.

I say this because criticising yandev for old shit, and putting so much emphasis on that old, irrelevant stuff, just gives grounds for this manchild to easily defend himself and dedlect real criticism.

Honestly, I would never have known about this bullshit if he just stuck to regular dev updates instead of creating 20 minute videos criticizing 12yo's for emailing him too much.

I don't care what yandev posted in his past and I think that is a silly thing to criticize. But present yandev has not held or presented himself well. There is a lot of evidence he has treated his fans poorly and that's sad because people giving him money is the reason he's able to attempt to pursue his dream.

I care


I knew about his history and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He's turned on every single fan forum, one-by-one, and told them to shove their suggestions and critiques. He's just demonstrated that he hasn't changed and he's still the same lolcow. Yandere Simulator was a chance to put it all behind him and to get people to ignore it and he just made all those stories relevant again.

Imagine making a game that had the attention of all of the biggest Youtubers for a decent few months, and then imagine fucking that up entirely because you can’t finish anything.

I thought it was against the Reddit TOS for people to buy subreddits or for a owner of something to control the subreddit for it?

I remember when I looked up to Yandere dev. How naive I was.

He had a lot going for him but he ruined it and he blames everyone but himself.

To think that I once watched his videos and looked forward to the game being released.

Why would they waste the money on that when the people who hate them will just make another uncensored sub? Is it just to feel like they've won?


Is this sub is getting a ban hammer?

How long has this lame ass game been in development? I remember markiplier and jack made videos on it like 5 years ago.

I can't imagine ever caring enough about what anyone thinks to pay money just to delete their comments.

Imagine paying money for a subreddit

Maybe I’m out of the loop but I’ve only seen yandere dev’s weird incel pics. Other than that and this idk what he’s done.

This game still relevant?

I don't see the words "money" or "pay" anywhere in those posts. Did I miss it or does it overtly say they were paid?

So you're telling me a guy who's making a game about a psychotic stalker obsessed with the one thing she loves also happens to be a psychotic stalker obsessed with the one thing he loves?

I swear to god the jokes write themselves.


Time to contact reddit admins then.


Tehee hee hee ! Enjoy

Imagine having such a paper thin ego that you have to buy a subreddit to silence criticism.


Brb buying r/roblox because they said "my mom geh".