Roastie explains why men should pay on the first date. This is why I never date femoids 😡

1  2018-11-24 by FmW-41


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Mayos. Not even once.

Anne believes issues like the gender pay gap should be taken into account

That's actually pretty funny

It's funny cause the primary dating ages, sub 30, women outearn men.

Don't tell feminists that, they're often very quick to cite factors like education, hours worked, job type, etc.

You know, all the things they conveniently ignore when citing the "real" pay gap.

Maybe women are just better than men lmao.

When the entire government is on your side then yeah you're gonna have an easier time

It's the government that push men to commit over 90% of all criminal offenses, moid.

What do you call the War on Drugs?

The war on drug is not responsible for all murders, moid. Deal with it, you are violent beasts barely constrained by womankind.

It's responsible for over 90% of them you bitch moid. Don't even pretend you're better than the rest of us pieces of trash.

It's responsible for over 90% of them you bitch moid

Imagine disagreeing with a law and commiting thousands of murders. Moids absolute state lmao.

Tbf, it's also the reason foids get locked up in the first place these days. Used to just blame everything they did on the man.

Yet moids still commit 90% of all crimes. Really make you think.

That's cause the foids are obviously conspiring with the government to keep beta males oppressed while they act as the real victims of society.

Strange how moids still commited 90% of crime a hundred year ago. It's almost as if moids are just violent beast barely leashed by foid society.

It's because it's a foid society that this has always been the case. The gaymers realized this and now they have to be targeted.


Also when you are seen as so incompetent that there are special quotas to help get you a job.


:) My future as a Sugar momma is looking up.

LeT mEe aPpLY fRAuDuLenT ResULTs aBOuT gRoUPS tO TwO iNDiViDuaLS!


Still interacting with gussy


🤔 makes u ponder 🤔🤔

🤔 activates the almonds 🤔🤔

Das gay

I'll save everyone the trouble of a terrible article.

It's a feminist pulling off some extreme mental gymnastics to justify keeping female privileges in place while at the same time claiming she supports equality.

Why do people have to rationalize their decisions? Just say you want the dude to pay on the first date and be done with it.

Because there's this delusion that feminism = equality, so when there are obvious inequalities that get promoted by self identified feminists, there's a bit of dissonance.

a bit of dissonance

glimmers of rationality and intellectual self respect

Because she's a good caring woman that needs to virtue signal to anyone atound!

It's like rationalizing why you feel thirst. Because men are are working so much that they produce heat which causes me to feel thirst.

There are just some things you do because you do them. You can't explain them via some long theory about society.

Because she is asking for more than that. She wants the dude to pay, but she still wants to be seen as an equal and in fact, to be worse off thanks to International Rape Culture Enforcement. She wants all the advantages with none of the payments, typical woman...

And this comment right here illustrates why you and all the other raging bull faggots in this thread can’t get your dicks wet. Women don’t want to waste their time on a low testosterone menslib faggot who can’t pay the tab! They also sure as hell don’t want you to be some kind of unfuckable incel and pay the bill thinking that you did them a favour or something. That’s why when the bill comes, be a fucking man and do the only right thing: scream out RAT while pointing at the floor, and while the waiter is distracted, grab your date’s hand and run for the door. Then take her back to your place and fuck her while she’s still panting with excitement. This is how men get laid.

Not if she's fat tho.

date’s hand and run for the door

You think she's going to run if she's fat?

Why would you date a fat woman? That’s insane.

Prosecutors had argued that Gonzales would take his dates out for dinner at different restaurants around the Los Angeles area. He would then eat and drink before leaving without paying.

Eight of the women said they had been forced to foot the bill, while in two other cases the restaurants had borne the cost, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said.


In those two cases, name the restaurant so both can dine and dash as a team.

If I wanted to pay to get laid I'd just buy a hooker at least they don't complain when I choke them

a c c u r a t e t a k e

I have significantly less respect for women that pull out this kind of shifty eyed reasoning on me than women that are open about wanting me to adhere to some traditional male dating role when we first go out.

Alternatively, splitting bills and the like is totally cool as well, I have no issue when dating a woman that prefers this setup.

But the death grip on these traditional dating benefits by women that simultaneously pretend to me they’re also super progressive is as transparent as it is motivating to move on to the next one.

I have no problem paying for the meal, just pretend that you were gonna split it and we are good.

Feminism isn't about not paying on the first date. I'm a feminist and fuck this woman.

A real feminist would want to fix the gender gap and not ignore it.

She just can't come out and say the truth, which is "Unless you're Chad, my pussy has more value than your dick, therefore to even have a chance to lubricate it you must pay for everything"

According to her logic about different levels of income and lifestyle costs we should all get out our tax returns and monthly bills to decide who has to pay.

Men should pay because they're tryna get their dick wet and the woman should at least get something out of it.

It's not equality sweaty, it's equity.

Actually, there's a different reason.

If men pay for the date, the woman will feel like she's being paid for. But since the tab will probably be an insultingly low amount (e.g. the "$5 beer" in the article, when the woman would price herself at a somewhat higher amount) then it's just going to cause the woman to subconsciously avoid putting out at too low a price.

Whereas if you get the woman to pay, she'll subconsciously be more likely (not likely, just more likely, sorry manlets) to want sleep with you just to get value for money.

Getting the guy to pay is basically society's way of cock-blocking guys, because quite frankly we don't need them all passing on their genes.

Cue Richard Feynman's nuclear redpill:

“OK,” he says. “The whole principle is this: The guy wants to be a gentleman. He doesn’t want to be thought of as impolite, crude, or especially a cheapskate. As long as the girl knows the guy’s motives so well, it’s easy to steer him in the direction she wants him to go.

“Therefore,” he continued, “under no circumstances be a gentleman! You must disrespect the girls. Furthermore, the very first rule is, don’t buy a girl anything –– not even a package of cigarettes — until you’ve asked her if she’ll sleep with you, and you’re convinced that she will, and that she’s not lying.”

“Uh… you mean… you don’t… uh… you just ask them?”

“OK,” he says, “I know this is your first lesson, and it may be hard for you to be so blunt. So you might buy her one thing — just one little something — before you ask. But on the other hand, it will only make it more difficult.”

Well, someone only has to give me the principle, and I get the idea. All during the next day I built up my psychology differently: I adopted the attitude that those bar girls are all bitches, that they aren’t worth anything, and all they’re in there for is to get you to buy them a drink, and they’re not going to give you a goddamn thing; I’m not going to be a gentleman to such worthless bitches, and so on. I learned it till it was automatic.

Then that night I was ready to try it out. I go into the bar as usual, and right away my friend says, “Hey, Dick! Wait’ll you see the girl I got tonight! She had to go change her clothes, but she’s coming right back.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I say, unimpressed, and I sit at another table to watch the show. My friend’s girl comes in just as the show starts, and I’m thinking, “I don’t give a damn how pretty she is; all she’s doing is getting him to buy her drinks, and she’s going to give him nothing!”

After the first act my friend says, “Hey, Dick! I want you to meet Ann. Ann, this is a good friend of mine, Dick Feynman.”

I say “Hi” and keep looking at the show.

A few moments later Ann says to me, “Why don’t you come and sit at the table here with us?”

I think to myself, “Typical bitch: he’s buying her drinks, and she’s inviting somebody else to the table.” I say, “I can see fine from here.”

A little while later a lieutenant from the military base nearby comes in, dressed in a nice uniform. It isn’t long, before we notice that Ann is sitting over on the other side of the bar with the lieutenant!

Later that evening I’m sitting at the bar, Ann is dancing with the lieutenant, and when the lieutenant’s back is toward me and she’s facing me, she smiles very pleasantly to me. I think again, “Some bitch! Now she’s doing this trick on the lieutenant even!”

Then I get a good idea: I don’t look at her until the lieutenant can also see me, and then I smile back at her, so the lieutenant will know what’s going on. So her trick didn’t work for long.

A few minutes later she’s not with the lieutenant any more, but asking the bartender for her coat and handbag, saying in a loud, obvious voice, “I’d like to go for a walk. Does anybody want to go for a walk with me?”

I think to myself, “You can keep saying no and pushing them off, but you can’t do it permanently, or you won’t get anywhere. There comes a time when you have to go along.” So I say coolly, “I’ll walk with you.” So we go out. We walk down the street a few blocks and see a cafe, and she says, “I’ve got an idea — let’s get some coffee and sandwiches, and go over to my place and eat them.”

The idea sounds pretty good, so we go into the cafe and she orders three coffees and three sandwiches and I pay for them. As we’re going out of the cafe, I think to myself, “Something’s wrong: too many sandwiches!”

On the way to her motel she says, “You know, I won’t have time to eat these sandwiches with you, because a lieutenant is coming over…” I think to myself, “See, I flunked. The master gave me a lesson on what to do, and I flunked. I bought her $1.10 worth of sandwiches, and hadn’t asked her anything, and now I know I’m gonna get nothing! I have to recover, if only for the pride of my teacher.”

I stop suddenly and I say to her, “You… are worse than a WHORE!”

“Whaddya mean?”

“”You got me to buy these sandwiches, and what am I going to get for it? Nothing!”

“Well, you cheapskate!” she says. “If that’s the way you feel, I’ll pay you back for the sandwiches!”

I called her bluff: “Pay me back, then.”

She was astonished. She reached into her pocketbook, took out the little bit of money that she had and gave it to me. I took my sandwich and coffee and went off.

After I was through eating, I went back to the bar to report to the master. I explained everything, and told him I was sorry that I flunked, but I tried to recover.

He said very calmly, “It’s OK, Dick; it’s all right. Since you ended up not buying her anything, she’s gonna sleep with you tonight.”


“That’s right,” he said confidently; “she’s gonna sleep with you. I know that.”

“But she isn’t even here! She’s at her place with the lieu —”

“It’s all right.”

Two o’clock comes around, the bar closes, and Ann hasn’t appeared. I ask the master and his wife if I can come over to their place again. They say sure. Just as we’re coming out of the bar, here comes Ann, running across Route 66 toward me. She puts her arm in mine, and says, “Come on, let’s go over to my place.”

The master was right. So the lesson was terrific!

When I was back at Cornell in the fall, I was dancing with the sister of a grad student, who was visiting from Virginia. She was very nice, and suddenly I got this idea: “Let’s go to a bar and have a drink,” I said.

On the way to the bar I was working up nerve to try the master’s lesson on an ordinary girl. After all, you don’t feel so bad disrespecting a bar girl who’s trying to get you to buy her drinks — but a nice, ordinary, Southern girl?

We went into the bar, and before I sat down, I said, “Listen, before I buy you a drink, I want to know one thing: Will you sleep with me tonight?”


So it worked even with an ordinary girl! But no matter how effective the lesson was, I never really used it after that. I didn’t enjoy doing it that way. But it was interesting to know that things worked much differently from how I was brought up.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Yes, if you learn from Dick you might end up doing a heroine.

The perfect ending to that story.

I stop suddenly and I say to her, “You… are worse than a WHORE!”

This story reminds me of the time I was bitten by a radioactive spider and subsequently developed super powers. Still did help me get laid though, so I resorted to telling women I was really rich to get sex. Worked like a charm.

I think women never pay because they suck ass at keeping petty cash.

That's because they have no pockets!

Which is a conspiracy by the patriarchy to keep them in those [tight fittin' jeans] or leggings.

If shes willing to suck ass im fine with buying dinner.

You pay on the first date for the same reason companies buy you lunch when they are trying to sell you something, or you get a "free gift" for applying or whatever.

Its using human nature against them and in your favor.

There are layers to how wrong this is.

Go on...

“If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.”

― Louis Armstrong

When you can't explain something, quote something unrelated.

This article was payed for by British taxpayers lol

Paying the TV license is the ultimate cuckery

Then i'm a major cuck. Just got hit by about 100$ tax for TV.

Then you don't have to pay it big retard

They recently changed it so everybody needs to pay it.

Holy fuck you guys got cucked big fucking time, I live in commie France and even here they didn't do that

What they also did was change the tax from per household to per person.

That would never happen here in Australia. We proudly subsidise middle class breeders.

I know they're planning to but they didn't dare do it yet. Something like 2020 surely.

No they did not you gobshite. I haven't paid in about 10 years and no where does it say that you need to pay regardless if you use the BBC. You are talking shit.

Maybe because BBC is not my state propaganda outlet?

Complete bullshit

Why are you talking about Swedish licence fees when everyone else is talking about the BBC and UK?

Maybe because somebody talked about cuck tv licence.

lol the uk is so cucked

BBC News online used to be great, now it’sclickbait trash like any other. Also, this article was part of their 100 Women series they do every year so white middle class gussy can feel like victims...except articles like this appear every fucking day on the website.

I used to check it every morning during breakfast. Around 2014/2015 I noticed a massive change in the way their articles were being written. By 2016 during brexit they had gone full Buzzfeed. Now the only reason I go on there is to laugh at it.

Same. Used to be a great news site, even Magazine. Now it’s just a Buzzfeed clone. Wonder who’s in charge of this shit.

An army of interns, probably.

dating since 14

Why is this whore even breathing still

and people here claim that 14 yos are too young. shows what they know

In general men still automatically pay on the first date because they want to get laid and most don't want to take any chances to save a few bucks.

Bird brain women lol

If i was on a date and the woman started prattling on about such hogwash ideology, I would politely excuse myself to "take a call from my dear ill mother" and subsequently not return.

Men need to do this more often. It’s not as classy as the dine and dash, but it will do in a pinch.

"The Gentleman's Retreat"

Even if she was hot? Most men would stay.

Most men would stay.

There's an epidemic of soybeta cucks.

Imagine dealing with that in 20 years. She ain't gonna stay hot forever.

Doesn't matter. If you have been married for 20 years she gets half in the divorce? It's not like you can just walk away with all your wealth.

Why put yourself in that situation in the first place? Stop thinking with your dick.

Stop thinking with your dick.

It's like telling people to stop thinking with their stomach when they eat food. Of course you can refrain from eating way too much food. But you will still want to eat fats and sugars and will enjoy eating it.

You're posting on r/drama. We're clearly not the metric of self control one should measure others with.

As I said to my mates when they said they didn’t like smokers “It won’t last long enough to be an issue.”

I would make a woman pay for the first date if she was fat tho.

Who pays on a first date doesn't define the terms of the relationship. As bonds develop, the people involved can work to find terms that suit them.

If this is the extent of what you believe, then why the previous several paragraphs of nonsense?

Anyway, my take is that I don't mind paying at all, but it's a red flag from anyone expecting me too.

Also, 100% certain here that the "terms that suit" this particular couple are her not paying for fuck all.

I pay on the first date because it allows me to assert dominance over gussy by providing when she can’t provide for herself.

Fuck I have the word “tradwife” in my reddit name and even I pay for myself on the first date for the sake of fairness

I see you also have some other words in your reddit name

Those words aren’t relevant though

Especially the word 'girl'


You’re never getting bussy at this rate

Rad wife?

Lol Anglo women are funny. I've virtually never meet a girl in Germany that expected me to pay

What a cunt

What on earth is "gender diverse"?

More women than men.

No, here's the context:


> I have dated both men and women, and funnily enough, anytime I've dated a woman, or gender-diverse person we've ended up competing to pay the bill.

Context is a patriarchal concept.


Whether or not men believe women's labour is underpaid, it is.

Actually it's not, because that's against the law. It's underpaid only in the sense that everyone's labour is underpaid.

whether or not men agree with women being underpaid, they directly benefit from it.

How do I directly benefit from you being underpaid? That's really not how it works. It's your boss who benefits. It's got nothing to do with me.

Anne believes that all men should be required to amputate several limbs so that women can be of equal physical strength.

Jesus, this woman must be stopped.

Even so the gender wage gap difference is not 100%. So why would you demand men to pay for the food? You should just demand them to pay 23% of your part as the gender wage gap is 77% - or however the math works. But then we should take hours worked taken into account or not? Because I we don't compare year by year but instead hour to hour the gender wage gap shrinks 50% as men in general work much more per week. So now men have to pay even less. But then there is also the factor or what jobs they work. Men typically work at more dangerous jobs that have high wages. So the gender wage gap suddenly shrinks down to nearly nothing if you take that into account too. But then there is also how long you have worked at the job. That's taken into account too?

Men and women who work the same number of hours and years, in the same industry, with the same job description, get paid the same.

But they often won't date each other as women want to date men with a higher wage than themselves. So they will still ask for the man to pay for the dinner.

she can ask you to BETA BUX, just like you can ask her to EASY LAY.

but only an idiot would oblige.

Women know that giving it up on the first date is bad for women's collective bargaining power. That's why women invented slut shaming.

Men apparently don't know that paying her bill on the first date is bad for men's collective bargaining power.

Men need to start shaming pay piggies.

That's why women invented slut shaming.

No one invented this. It's culturally universal.

Don't be a pay piggy. If her affection is conditional on you giving her money, she may respect you as an ATM but not as a person.

If her affection is conditional on you buying her stuff ...

That's like saying that if a man's affection for a woman is based on looks she should not be with him. It makes little sense. Affection is what it is.

That's an incorrect comparison and it shows that you missed the point. Compare the following:

  • "Being pretty" vs "having sex with strangers on day one in the hope they will like you for it"

  • "Being successful/wealthy" vs "buying stuff for strangers on day one in the hope they will like you for it"

That doesn't deny the existence of a gender gap.

If you work less, you get paid less.


Even in a unionized environment where work tasks are similar, hourly wages are identical, and tenure dictates promotions, female workers earn $0.89 on the male-worker dollar (weekly earnings).

How is this even possible?

  • Women take more unpaid time off using the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and work fewer overtime hours than men.

  • When overtime hours are scheduled three months in advance, men and women work a similar number of hours; but when those hours are offered at the last minute, men work nearly twice as many overtime hours.

  • When selecting work schedules, women try to avoid weekend, holiday, and split shifts more than men.

  • To avoid unfavorable work times, women prioritize their schedules over route safety and select routes with a higher probability of accidents.

tl;dr: women work fewer hours, fewer overtime, avoid shifts that are stressful, avoid inconvenient work times, avoid dangerous routes.

This woman is a typical millennial "a la carte" feminist, she wants to be able to pick and choose which aspects of equality she wants while still being able to impose traditional gender roles and hierarchies. So essentially, rules for thee and not for me unless those specific rules benefit me, so be it.

I bet her friends laugh at her behind her back, because her boyfriend's called 'Zac'.


No surprise there.

I used to embrace the logic that for women to be treated as equal to men,

About five years ago my friends and teachers introduced me to ideas that made me question that approach.

Imagine my shock.

For everyone worried about the "thot just trying to get free dinner and drinks" thing:

Don't go on a date with someone whose time is worth less than the cost of the dinner / drinks.

I.e., only date doctors, lawyers, bankers, scientists, consultants, etc. lmao@u if you're trying to date art hoes or "medical estheticians" whatever that is.

This is unironically good advice.


That place deserves to be nuked to Oblivion. Day of the rake can't come soon enough.

Man could pay, for being wealthier in most cases, just because of that, like for social equality, helping poorer person. But if female is roastie, she must pay for that