Cat fight in r/vegan when the teabags point out that Fluffy isn’t any more interested in your fucking tofu diet than anyone else is

1  2018-11-24 by Death_Trolley


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Vegans are the most insufferable,pompous, fart sniffing dickwipes ever to walk this gay earth. No offense to the Jews, but Hitler should have gassed these cumguzzlers instead.

But Hitler was a vegetarian. I think that tells you all you need to know about people who don’t eat meat.

He should have taken one for the team and entered the chamber along side the vegans,like the pied Piper leading the rats.

No he wasn't. I hate people like you who read something somewhere once, do zero research about it, and then spread it like fact.

Towards the end of his life, Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) followed a vegetarian diet


Sorry I hurt your veggie feels

Did you not read the entire wiki article? There are many conflicting opinions on it. Also, guess what? He was also a white male. So I guess that means we can assume that all white males are like that. Stalin was also an atheist so I guess that means all atheists are like that as well. That you even made an argument that one person's personality can represent an entire population is stupid as fuck.

So I guess that means we can assume that all white males are like that.

Unironically, yes.

Wait, did you read the article? It’s pretty clear.

All accounts by people familiar with Hitler's diet from 1942 onwards are in agreement that Hitler adhered to a vegetarian diet

You seem cranky. Very cranky. That’s a good reason to keep vegetarians out of positions of power, so they don’t commit mass genocide due to a bad mood swing.

u need some vitamin b

She needs some milk

I just want to say thank you for finding your way into this thread. We dont get any lolcows anymore because spez is a nazi and took away our ping privieges.

Spez is a vegetarian?

Oh my beautiful, beautiful lolcow, where did you come from and why did you choose this sub?

William Shatner is a vegan and William Shatner is a cunt.

End of conversation.




So people that are against torturing billions of animals from the day they're born until the day they die so some fat fucks can pleasure their tastebuds for few seconds even when they have thousands of alternative and easily accessible options to pick from are the bad guys?


Explains whats wrong with the world. Still find it funny how most people who think like you consider themselves to be good people.

I’ll be sure to take that to heart, nameless faceless internet person.

You should write an epic poem about punishments meted out in the afterlife to sinning carnivores. You could call it The Green Inferno.

Write an article about how great men's asses are, and how they're superior to women's vaginas, and maybe we'll think you're cool

Go back to your veggie box

Nobody who posts here considers themselves a good person lmfao

This without a hint of irony

I'm a good person though!

I'd do the same with quite a lot of people if it was legal. I don't discriminate.

But really tho how's that different from the fate of most things not at the top of the food chain?

fat fucks can pleasure their tastebuds for few seconds

I take offense at this. I’m a skinny fuck, and I take my time, savoring every morsel.

Men screaming pretending to be lions. Chasing hens, killing cows, poaching elephants. They're our nightmare everywhere. Don't know when this madness ganna be over!

—Vegan Taytay

Cry moar


God damn. Sorry I don’t like hurting animals. Didn’t realize it was so fucking horrible for you.

Cry moar

The person I’m responding to is so upset that they want hitler to come back and kill all of the people they disagree with... I hardly think I’m among the most dramatic posters in this thread.

Read the side bar you broccoli-bothering bitch.

I’m on mobile

More proof vegans don't know jokes

Thank you for the apology. It really means a lot.

There is a difference between hurting animals and killing them humanely for food consumption.If every living animal were herbivores and humans were the only omnivores, I would have agreed with you.You are asking us to against the natural order.

But still,I don't give two shits if you want to practice veganism,all the power to you.But, when you start to hurt other people and animals because of your practice then I have to condemn your idiotic ways.

Give me your diamonds before you leave the server.

The solution is suggested in the problem statement: Can cats thrive on a vegan diet?

Feed cats a vegan diet. Problem solved.

(that is, a diet primarily comprised of vegans).

Mmm tender vegans...

Just give the cat Red Bull. It's got taurine in it.

I like the person in there arguing in favor mass extinction.

Quite radical centrist when you think about it. Actively arguing that not only does the environment not matter but should be destroyed, only to make the entire world vegan.

Reminder that there is no such thing as vegan baby formula.

I get what you're saying but my friends' baby had to use a vegan baby formula because of an allergy.

You sure they didnt just use a lactose free formula? At least in the us there are no Vegan formulas approved by the FDA. Baby and the FDA require Vitamin D3 added to formula which is non vegan

They call it vegan cause it's the closest to vegan as you can get.

I think the best ways to reduce wild animal suffering are habitat reduction and opposing preservationist ideals in society and politics.

Said without a hint of irony.

Pain can't exist without life. Checkmate.

"How do we stop suffering and death?"

"Kill everything."

probably a dictator in training

TL;DR vegan advocates for animal extinction

So which one of you is the "vegan" arguing for exterminating wild animals?

Wow, rude

I assure you there is nothing wrong with me. It's a natural conclusion when you accept that the average life of a wild animal is horrific.

this nigga got that robo brain logic

When feels>reals you get that kind of retard.

Technically isn't that the exact opposite?

Nah they "feel" animals would suffer too much, so it trumps the reality of natural selection

If he were a hyper-intelligent AI built for the sole purpose of protecting the planet and preventing suffering, his solution would be to nuke all of it.

I'm the animal arguing for the exterminating wild vegans.

people who try to make their cats vegans should commit to a life of blood loss.

Dogs are better than cats anyway.

Yeah dog tongues are much gentler on the balls. Cats have those rough sandpapery tongues that can be really irritating after prolonged licking. Also most domestic cats are relatively small when compared to many dog breeds which translates to tongue size. I mean who would choose a tiny rough tongue over a big sloppy wet tongue on their balls?

Plus cats have barbed penises. And as such their sex is rather rapey. Total turn off. On the other hand dogs get stuck together though for about half and hour and have an obligatory look of shame the whole time. So cute.

I'll start giving a fuck about the animals when they start giving a fuck about me.

What about cats tho 😺

My cats are loyal creatures. We battle the Uruk-hai under the flag of Gondor and they have never faltered.

You must have the same opinion on people then 😏

no just u

They should just fall over from whatever vitamins they're lacking so the cat can get some actual food

Do you think carnivores should be brought to extinction?

That might help somewhat, but other forms of death are not much more peaceful. I think the best ways to reduce wild animal suffering are habitat reduction and opposing preservationist ideals in society and politics. S









You just know how big money industrialists still put SOME (expensive) meat even in the trashiest low-quality cat food, only for the sake of being cruel to animals. They would LOVE replacing that meat with cheaper cereals or soy, but their cruelty knows no bounds.

On a side note, a vegan diet for a dog would be slightly less retarded, they can partially digest most cereals after living with us 5000 years.

I think the best ways to reduce wild animal suffering are habitat reduction and opposing preservationist ideals in society and politics.

TL;DR Vegans advocate for animal extinction

I was at a bar once and a girl was talking about how her ex boyfriend had a barbeque and invited people over, someone brought wings not realizing it was vegan dish only and the boyfriend threw him out.

This story gets better...

So after she told the story, another guy said he would punch someone in the face if they brought meat to his vegan barbeque.

Imagine assaulting someone because of their food choices?