Today Is International Holodomor Rememberance Day

1  2018-11-24 by GodOfWisdomWarfare

All Tankies, chapotards and other edgelord are on suicide watch today. Brace yourselves for "The Holodomor is Nazi propaganda".


kulaks deserved it for being white

Ukrainian slavs.


извиняюсь sweaty.

The imperative is "извинись" or "извиняйся".

Извинись сука.

Probably wanted to say "sorry" anyway.

Holodomor I hardly Knew Her

Ugh, not another holodohoax thread. The numbers are highly inflated by the nazis post-war to make Communism look evil. At most a few thousand people starve, the millions of alleged "dead" were actually just relocated east to work camps. But capitalists need this conspiracy to justify their continual genocide of pure blooded bolsheviks and their iron grip on global finance.

Why commies and nazis have so much in common?