Trans woman on Twitter posts about her relationship with Dwight Howard including multiple texts from Dwight and calls from his pastor. Drama ensues.

1  2018-11-25 by NapoleonBonerpart5



Apparently it's a him. I wish I could go back and fix the title of this post.

Question that is literally and admittedly based in ignorance of a specific fact.

Your question wasn't ignorant

God fucking damnit.

Also your link is broken in RES.

Sure? It's working fine here. Odd.

Just the inline image viewer, expando-whatever. Works when ya click to go there.

Might be the :large

Odd. Fixed, hopefully.


Dude aren't you like, an nfl lawyer or some shit?

I literally copy/pasted from another comment, tbh, so I'm surprised it didn't work.

Works fine for me on RES

Ignorant has a different slang definition. Go outside.

You're being ignorant of how non-autistic people use the word ignorant.

I assume you meant to say 'autistic.'

I was ready to call fake because the whole thread reads like some white college girl's idea of what a black trans woman would sound like but it looks like the real deal lmao

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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ho damn this trap broke his butt and made him miss games lol

lol of course there are a bunch of fingerwaggers in the comments who are mad that people think this is funny.

I don't think people are just laughing at big D for chasing after feminine benis, I think its mostly that the original tweets will be funny to anyone who doesn't spend every second of their lives sighing and nagging their friends over the world's injustices. I don't want to live in a world where "6'11 Bottom" can't become a meme.

For someone who was outing an abuser that lady sure brought the bantz.

"6'11 Bottom."


He'll never live that down.

I'm curious as to the logistics of fucking someone that big, do you get a step ladder? Does he just kind if lay down on the bed?

The second.

Calls from his pastor?

Apparently his pastor was threatening the tranny's life if she didn't sign a NDA to keep it on the down low. She released the call logs on Twitter lmao

So his church gets him dick? Man, black people are weird.

At least they have better songs than mayo church

Yeah a white pastor would have just been next in line

The white pastor already took his fine prime bussy 15 years earlier. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Like, I get that people are just being polite when they use the word 'she' but this just looks like some guy:

If we're going to bother playing this game, maybe we could reward the ones that actually make an effort rather than giving the moniker to all of them

I didn't even really look at the pics originally but damn you are right. I just googled it and apparently he identifies as gay and not trans so Dwight is definitely gay.

Apparently things went south with the one currently outing Dwight because (s)he caught him with a trans woman

Gay guy, not trans

^(same thing tbqh)

You forgot translebcels

No, let them depreciate their own value. Either all of them get the "he" or none of them.

lmao of course there are a bunch of fingerwaggers in the comments who are mad that people think this is funny.

I don't think people are just laughing at big D for chasing after feminine benis, I think its mostly that the original tweets will be funny to anyone who doesn't spend every second of their lives sighing and nagging their friends over the world's injustices. I don't want to live in a world where "6'11 Bottom" can't become a meme.

For someone who was outing an abuser that lady sure brought the bantz.

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He's not even a tranny, he's just a gay dude

THIS. He aien't even making an effort. Check out this tranny.

What the fuck

Less than 10% of that is the original body. Id fuck it just to see what it felt lime

That's way more effort than I saw from some trannies. I joined a few SJW groups on FB a few years ago that were run by a crazy black bearded short haired deaf tranny who wore tshirts and jean. I'm pretty sure he was on reddit too. I saw a few men change their profile names to girl names without doing a damn thing too lol.

This whole genderfluid / gender is a social construct thing is just so sad.

Ewww, disgusting

Where are all the MtF trans people that want to look like every other dyke that drives a subaru? Bruce Jenner is walking around impersonating a 50s house wife but he can't wear tight skirts or his dick will show.

Holy shit it looks like the tranny from 40 year old virgin.

He has so much money and fame and he goes after her? I don't understand this world anymore

It's the forbidden penis fruit, my dude

Itโ€™s been well documented that this guy goes after anything that moves

at least get a passable trap if you're gonna do that.. a lot of dudes would bang traps on the DL as long as they look feminine but this dude isn't fooling anyone.

What's what with bussy?

Except he's just a gay guy lol,not trans which makes it even funnier

It was his first time trying to find a different way to not have to deal with child support.

No for real, this guy may have 8 kids.

Keeping it in the pants is apparently not an option.

its dwight howard. pants is not a thing he do

Gets up screams NOHOMO > gets to bang trannies , pretty sure thats how that works !

BASED tranny ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

You're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mods cant stop these ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช

This might be true, but enough reports can.

Weebs are still waiting for Yamete to come home so Iโ€™d stay on your toes.

โ€œYou smell like turtle nuts broโ€


It's a man. He's not a bitch except when his man is in his guts.

Imagine being a 6'11 bottom ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ It's over for tallcels.

What a weird fucking world we live in.

Jesus christ NBA players get more groupies than any other athletes and that is what he is sleeping with lol.

Literally like 30 9/10 real girls hang out in the hotels they stay in in every city and they get their choice and he is going to tranny gang bangs lol.

Maybe its a David Bowie thing where fucking so many women got boring

He has like 90 kids so its possible

Sometimes yiu just want some blagussy

I think he has like 7 kids so he's getting it in with anyone

That just looks like a man with a wig. IRL traps always seem either like thots or men with wigs. Are cute traps only in anime? The most recent supposed cute trap that got popular turned out to be a girl.(hit or miss).

turned out to be a girl.


>mfw gussy

Nah they're real, I live in NYC and have a thing for meeting them on grindr


Because people have been cowed into calling guys with wigs and lipstick 'women'. You can't figure that there are men who like to wear weaves and lipstick, gender is back to being binary again.

The guy said he was a guy. Unless you're fucking illiterate you have no excuse.

Right, but people may not be able or willing to pore through someone's social media account to find their preferred pronouns. I'm talking about when people notice an obviously male person wearing makeup and dresses. They're not allowed to assume it may be a self-identified male playing with androgyny or gender roles. Or else the woke literal harpies show up to shriek and shit all over everything. So, people force the man into the box of the gender binary, where he has to be referred to as a woman.

Improving the drama

Because this sub wants to be mad about trannies at all times?

No, trannies are men. U mad bro?

Trannies are good lolcows, this sub loves them.

Some people are just in it for the lulz here but way too many of them are unironically mad

The Call Of Bussy.

Also this accuser is a gay dude, not a tranny.

Ppl out here giving f a l s e i n f o

Is there anything worse and less passable than negro bussy making a vague pastiche of being negro gussy?

Damn dude, even if you think you found a way of going raw without worrying about child support and getting your prostate tickled at the same time - donโ€™t fuck with anyone who is literally writing books about their sex life and experiences

Hah I hope this is true

These tranny weirdos need to go live on an island and circle jerk each other to death

that's a lot to take in

Title of Dwightโ€™s sex tape

What if I told you one of the greatest rim protectors of all time, never actually protected the rim?

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: The Dwight Howard story.

This.. This is brilliant


Heโ€™s literally out with a glute injury too


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