Opinion on immigration.
1 2018-11-25 by unfrosted-
I certainly wish the will of our current establishment would seek to permanently curtail the promiscuous, devastating immigration into our increasingly-apathetic America. Heaven knows enough cultural dissolution has been achieved by the ignorant, unyielding, and biologically-inferior scum of the third world.
1 Blinwar 2018-11-25
1 soulshots 2018-11-25
I am behind this 100%.
Mayo women are like stale saltine crackers 🤮.
1 Blinwar 2018-11-25
Preach, brother
1 soulshots 2018-11-25
1 RyuunDragon 2018-11-25
Hot d a m n
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-11-25
Every one of those would be a 6 at best if they were white.
1 soulshots 2018-11-25
Yeah--6 out of 5!
1 RyuunDragon 2018-11-25
God I want to know how many boomers shit themselves in fear when they see this image
1 SaIvadora 2018-11-25
Let's just let 100% of the population of India into London and provide free housing and healthcare, what could possibly ever go wrong with this?