Wewlads... the SnapThot IRS Drama continues in /r/ReactionGifs...

1  2018-11-25 by Tralan


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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There are three diamonds in the black box and three pearls in the bronze box. Both Tom and Dave know this. Dave goes out to drink some coffee.

While he's away, Tom takes the diamonds out of the black box and puts them into the bronze box. Dave returns, and decides to look at the diamonds. Does he open the black box or the bronze box?


Uh, the black box because that's where he thinks they are?

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

Oh damn... I didn't expect things to get so heavy in an autistic circlejerk sub.


Because the tortoise is the mother and she can’t perform surgery on her own son.

the surgeon was the boy's mother!


I hate jealous incel virgins lol.

one "lmao bet you pay for Snapchat porn" reply later

I never have before but I understand that that black and white worldview makes you feel like the protagonist of reality so go off.


the thing that's astounding to me is that obviously everyone who's mad about this is likely very progressive, but when it comes to twitch thots preying on vulnerable, lonely young men, everyone turns libertarian, basically saying "you have no right to criticize a consensual transaction!'.

They're males getting preyed on by females, there's no contradiction here.

Honestly kind of hard to respect someone who doesn't see themselves as the protagonist in their own reality.

They say a liberal is someone too retarded to pick their own side, though.

A friend of mine got double taxed one year to the tune of around 100k and has been fighting the IRS for years because of it.

Uh huh. Sure.

Im guessing incel is reddit's new favorite buzzword?

Yeah incel and alt right are like cuck or npc. You can safely ignore any one who uses them unironically.

Redpilled, woke...anyone that unironically sweetieposts...

Sweaty pls

Oh honey no

Incel is the most annoying shit to me, man. Anything funny that someone would be fine with if it was done to a man is suddenly 12 miles over the fucking line if it's a woman. I can't fucking stand these retarded white knights looking to get a drop of ethot attention. They're so fucking self righteous in their virginity crusade against comedy, too. The absolute fucking state of white women, the absolute fucking state of beta orbiters. I hate serious posting but I can't fucking stand these people. Imagine not only hating someone else's fun, but actively seeking to destroy it because you think women are as pathetic as you.

Incels out out out

Sounds like something an angry incel would say

Based and redpilled

Incel and Nazi.

Never underestimate one group of virgins' ability to make fun of another group of virgins.

What's with all those cretins wanting ASMR from vidskanks?

They desperately want intimate female contact and it's the closest equivalence the can realistically attain.