Thot successfully dupes GC into supporting sex workers (Gussy audit)

1  2018-11-26 by Andarial2016


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Incels + government VS thots + blue mark soybys. Who wins?

r/drama 😎

That would be my answer. But taxman all ways goes over.

Taxman does a heel-face turn and goes after the incels

There’s no way incels make over 10k a year so they’re good.

"but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and thots"

  • Benjamin Franklin

obviously the side with the incels. nothing drives men quite like sexual frustration. see: every war

What makes you think GC doesn't support sex workers?

GC is pretty uniformly for the Nordic model: prison for johns, exit support for prostitutes.

What a shock. Man hating feminazis love nordic things and hate men.

hate men.

Men who buy prostitutes, sure.

Lol @ the gc shill

Femcel Successfully Dupes Drama Into Supporting GC.

So, most

Not male sex workers. I thought that too, but they call male prostitutes rapists too so I am not sure...

A woman (30 year old virgin lmao) on there said that she almost considered hiring a male prostitute but then realised she was being shamed by society into getting raped. I replied saying being shamed by friends for being a virgin doesn't make the male prostitute you hire a rapist, you're still a rapist if you use a prostitute and I got banned for it.

I mean their ideology at its core makes sense, the people on that sub are genuinely retarded who'd excuse anything as long as it's women doing it.

she almost considered hiring a male prostitute but then realised she was being shamed by society into getting raped

TIL that literally paying someone to have sex with you does not count as consenting to sex with them.

their ideology at its core makes sense

you, at your core, are retarded

Thats not supporting sex workers or sex work, thats just blaming men for women making an easy buck.

Thats not supporting sex workers or sex work

Those aren't the same thing... Like when your friends stage an intervention for your drug use and tell you they support you they don't mean they support you doing drugs.

That was implied I thought.

You said "that's not supporting A or B" and I was explaining that it actually means supporting A but not B. What was implied?

I meant it was pretty obvious. It doesn't matter, its GC.

Stolen from /biz/

  • The thot-com bubble

  • Whoremeggedon

  • Ragnathot

  • Thotli yuga

  • Thotpocalypse

  • The brapture

  • Thotlocaust

  • The hoah

  • The whorelodomor

  • The Great leap whoreward

  • The sinking of the tit-anic

  • Hericane thotrina

  • The whorenado

  • FukaSHEma

  • World whore 2

  • Bitchkrieg

The whorelodomor


You weren’t content with just finding that funny, you also felt the need to share that fact with other people. Why?

I am like that ok sweetie 💅

This is only drama if you think that gc radfems dislike prostitutes. They don't dislike them any more than someone opposed to child labor dislikes children. They (we? I got permabanned from gc lol) just see prostitution as exploitation.

I'm not surprised to see people strawmanning feminists. the top comment ITT is some guy calling feminists incels.

They (we? I got permabanned from gc lol) just see prostitution as exploitation.

as a radical non-feminist (mde but worse) honestly this

Strawmanning feminism is a tale as old as owning the libs.

I thought that too, but they call male prostitutes rapists too so I am not sure...

A woman (30 year old virgin) on there said that she almost considered hiring a male prostitute but then realised she was being shamed by society into getting raped. I replied saying being shamed by friends for being a virgin doesn't make the male prostitute you hire a rapist, you're still a rapist if you use a prostitute and I got banned for it.

I mean their ideology at its core makes sense, the people on that sub are genuinely retarded who'd excuse anything as long as it's women doing it.

This is only drama if you think that gc radfems dislike prostitutes. They don't dislike them any more than someone opposed to child labor dislikes children. They (we? I got permabanned from gc lol) just see prostitution as exploitation.

That's a really great way of explaining it. Why did you get banned?

They ban for literally anything. I got banned because I said that using male prostitutes makes you the rapist, not the male prostitute the rapist. Anything not defending women, even when they're clearly in the wrong gets you banned.

I got permad for making this post despite never breaking the rules there. Feminine fragility at it's finest

I'm not surprised to see people strawmanning feminists. the top comment ITT is some guy calling feminists incels

Stating facts ain't strawmanning, hunny.

This is only drama if you think that gc radfems dislike prostitutes. They don't dislike them any more than someone opposed to child labor dislikes children.

They hate prostitutes who say things like "sex work is work" though.

Daily reminder GC views sex work as rape

It’s actually about ethics in e-whore’s taxes

Weird. The sex workers on Twitter tell me that men respect them.

#NotAllMen respect women

Illusion 100

Why don't you start with all the tax havens around the world that are literally holding trillions of dollars for multinational companies and individuals taking part in mass tax evasion?

same reason we don't fight the patriarchy by protesting about women's right in Islamic countries probably? 🤔


Because the government is being bribed to look the other way?

I don't mind the idea of cam girls paying taxes on their income, if they want to argue it is just work, but at the same time I object to anyone - even the government - benefiting from women's sexual exploitation. I also object very, very strongly to groups of vigilantis trying to get women they don't like in trouble like this. Even if the women are breaking the law, this is not the solution.

"They are breaking the law, but punishing them for it is misogyny"...


How do women deal with gay men? if you cannot withold or control the flow of sex, what else can you really do with someone who has no sexual interest in you?

Smash patriarchy by outlawing men etc

Please use the better name for the event. The thaudit

'This is work that shouldn't even exist'.

Then stop fucking doing it you brainless femoids?

Are they even aware that there are loads of superior gender male sex workers too?