Prince_Kropotkin coups r/Enough_Chapo_Spam 3 days after its inception.

1  2018-11-26 by shitpost953

This situation came to my attention when I saw this stickypost in my travels. It's been destickied now but there was also a mod-stickied comment and the post was locked when I found it. At some point after making this post the top mod and creator left the sub. [A new era was upon us]([ The mod list was cleared and several minutes later this top mod left as well, leaving P_K as the owner of the sub.

Tea time.


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. this stickypost -,,

  3. mod-stickied comment -,,

  4. A new era was upon us -,,,

  5. several minutes later this top mod ... -,,,

  6. r/stupidpol -,,*

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original post didnt archive: this stickypost -

nice, snappy :)

original post didnt archive though: this stickypost -

nice pick, snappy :)

original post didnt archive though: this stickypost -

Prince Kropotkin is evidence that there is no upper bound to autism.

does that make calling him a sperg comedy punching up

It's fun seeing how spergy he's got over in CTH compared to his posts in other subs a while ago. He's really making the effort to fit in and not be shunned from that sub Reddit this time.

You know, I considered myself to be a progressive. I had a couple of black friends, was going to vote for Bernie, fought for the gays, etc. But whenever I went onto Reddit after a hard day's work (OMG a job! I bet none of you know what that's like) to talk about Hearthstone or laugh about Harambe, there would be that little noise...

Bleep, bloop

A note from TotesMessenger stating that Chapo had linked to a harmless comment. I tried to ignore it, but it kept happening and happening. Fucking hell! They're just words on a screen people, get the fuck over it. So someone made fun of an otherkin who thinks they're an attack helicopter, or laughs about BLM chimping out. Who gives a fuck? You could be fighting poverty or helping out with the election or something, but instead you choose to bitch about people on Reddit instead. And for what? Does it give you power? Does it fill a void in your life that stuffing your fat fucking face with Cheetos can't fill?

If you fuckers just stuck to your corner of Reddit, I would be fine, but no, you fucking assholes just keep on linking and linking to comments and vote brigading them! AND THE FUCKING ADMINS DO NOTHING! Oh, they can shut down parody subreddits and will ban anyone else that steps a fucking toe out of line, but fucking Chapo is exempt! It doesn't matter that they're a bunch of fucking peodphiles that worship Lena Durham and infect Voat with CP and try to ruin a man's life, oh no, gotta protect Chapo's fucking fee fees!

I can only imagine the fucking commies on this site reporting a post and F5ing constantly with one hand as their other hand slips into their baggy sweatpants, constantly fucking fingerbanging themselves until the admins finally swoop in and delete the post, causing them to finally climax so they can feel one fucking moment of bliss in their otherwise pathetic lives. It's absolutely disgusting, and so are you, Chapo.

The world is shit, GET OVER IT! Nothing you bitch about on this sub is going to change things. You can whine and cry all you want, but we live in a dark, depressing world, and Reddit is a reprieve...or would be if you stupid assholes didn't brigade and dox people over the most harmless shit. You're all racist fucking hypocrites cry about how dindus are getting jailed left and right, but want to fucking throw Brock Turner in jail for a life sentence because he made a mistake! HE WAS JUST A BOY YOU ASSHOLES. Unlike you, he can get help. He's not wasting his life on Reddit trying to shame people that just like some jokes.

Anyway, I think I've ranted for too long, but I'm fucking sick of Chapo swooping in everywhere and shitting all over the place. If I see just one more Bleep, bloop over a joke about some unicorn-kin Tumblrite, I swear to fucking God that Chapo is going to burn. Fuck you purple-haired fatass attack helicopter-kins, and fuck your fat baseball crank too.

EDIT: LOL top thread of the week, you losers really have no life. Goddamn, I used to think that reactionaries were annoying, but after seeing what you fucking shitbags have to say on this thread, progressives really are a bunch of fucking cunts. South Park really was right when it came down to Giant Douche VS Turd Sandwich, and enough_chapo_spam just as full of shit as its name implies.

I bet if any of you dumb fucks had a friend other than your throbbing purple dildo (And you want to claim "post your hog" isn't gross? Someone really needs to punch you people in the face already), you'd see the humor in a site like Reddit. But instead, you want to bitch about Reddit while staying hidden in your little corner, saying, "Tee hee, look at the neckbeards!" like a fucking landwhale.

You all remind me of that obligatory girl in each gaming group who expects the group to say "TEE HEE A FEMALE LET'S ALL BE NICE TO HER" and expect to worship the fucking ground she walks on just because she has a gross, smelly vagina. When it turns out that no one likes her because she's a fucking annoying asshole, she starts screaming "OMG MISOGONY!!!" That's pretty much the equivalent of what ChapoTrapHouse is - that annoying fake geek girl who wants to think she's oh so special and awesome and unique, but the moment she gets a whiff of criticism, she starts screaming like her fucking house is burning down.

IT'S THE INTERNET YOU STUPID FUCKS. People get mad, that's life. But no, people are too fucking sensitive, and now we have goddamn Pepe labeled as a hate symbol by the ADL. FUCKING PEPE. It's because of you overzealous assholes and the butthurt Jews that we're in this situation in the first place. I grew up as a shy, quiet kid in a suburban Southern school district. I was bullied, made fun of, guess what? I GOT OVER IT. Now I take the piss out of kids online, because they need to toughen up and realize it's not generation snowflake. Like, I know that reporting posts online is the only way you gross ass legbeards can come to orgasm these days, but you really need to get a fucking grip. We have sites like Stormfront, Daily Stormer, and some parts of Voat, but you choose to make fun of a bunch of harmless teenagers? While you all crack jokes about white and cis (AKA normal) people?

If there was any justice in the world, the admins would quarantine or fucking ban this sub, but I know that spez is too much of a fucking pussy to court any controversy. May your "cushbomb" or whatever autistic name you have for that fat fuck in the banner burn in hell.


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nigger word


we at cth have been lacking in fresh pasta quite some time. you my friend are a thunderstorm in the desert. thank you

I've literally never seen a defense of Brock Turner before today. Legendary.

we at cth have been lacking in fresh pasta  Tyler_lie.png.

Being a commie, you're simply too dumb to realise you're starving at a fully table.

Also, you have to go back!

They're just words on a screen people, get the fuck over it. .... Who gives a fuck? You could be fighting poverty or helping out with the election or something, but instead you choose to bitch about people on Reddit instead.

Lmfaoooo it would appear that you're the one offended my good bitch

Stop stalking me, creep. I'll report you. Blocked.

Haha ok I responded to two comments, now I'm stalking. Right on bucko

Yeah, you clearly went through my post history to try to dox me and keep posting in threads where I posted. Fuck off before I contact the admins.

I've posted in two threads. Four comments. The threads were linked to each other. You're an idiot.

Hey /u/spez this fuck wants to tattle on me

/u/spez ban this fuckface cuck he is clearly stalking me!

She* and yeah. Totally stalking.

EXCUSE ME, but I'll use whatever fucking pronoun I fucking feel like to refer to you. /u/spez stop jerking off to /r/bcwd and ban HIS creepy stalking commie ass.

Alright sweetie time for bed

Why don't you come and try tuck me in cunt face? Stop harrassing people Reddit and go do something better with your life.

Show me your hog and your address and I'll be right over honey

Weren't you gonna dox me? Why are commies so lazy they even want you to do your own harrassing for them. I know your soyboy hubby can't get it up and those 8 doggos you saved from the vet to cope with not having sexual life, but try to get it through your mind that I have no interest in your aids-ridden, yeast-infected scrotch wound. Now leave me alone.

No I was literally never gonna dox you, and you seem to have a lot of interest because you keep answering me.

Also I'm more the crazy cat lady type tbh

You're the one who followed me here. Why would I leave a thread where I posted first? I told you to fuck off a thousand time.

Did you name your cats after funny pop-culture references or the children you will never have?

I named my children after funny pop culture references and my cats after famous dogs

And I figured since you said you were gonna block and report me maybe you'd just ignore me, but you can't bring yourself to do it which I find hilarious

Give my condolences to those poor bastards.

I am reporting you and I blocked you already.

😘 I'll miss you!


Hahahahahahahaha oh my fucking god lmao you are too funny


Hey, how do I join this "Antifa" of which you speak? I've always wanted to join a terrorist organization and "Al Qaeda" just doesn't flow off the tongue very easily. Antifa sounds way nicer! Is there perhaps some sort of sign up page so I can start receiving my so-called "Soros check".

Report me next! I have some antifa friends and I'm joining them next time they go out!

Maybe we'll get some bike locks and finally get you to post hog ;)


Welcome to my world. I have 30 to 40 communists following me everywhere. Im only safe in subs they're too scared to comment in.

Awww you poor baby

They might leave you alone if you post your hog

Plz dontvblock me 😭


No. Unblock me now . I have declared it.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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It ain't harassing you enough, you keep posting




Post hog

This is unfair and a gross and problematic post.

Chapo does not like Lena Dunham.

Ok, post your hog


this is actually a surprisingly chad move from P_K

mods got gulag'd 😲😲😲 when does r/drama get its own uprising? 🤗

They've already tried it once about 1.5 years ago.

Is there an audiobook for this?

Awesome, I know what I'll be listening to while painting my r/drama-themed tabletop figurines tonight!

r/drama-themed tabletop figurines

😮 you have them too??

I've been looking for the super rare Snally model.


Do you ship international???

They stopped putting those in Happy meals when a thot choked on one. Good luck finding them.


😠 first they ruined Twitch, now they ruin this too!????

i mean a real one by us the workers not the mod aristocracy 😠😠😠

I'm too 😴😴😴 to revolt

Can you guys do it for me?

Haha imagine being a prole unironically. Work yourself safe.


God that was so fucking spergy.

It started out super funny but then it became clear these fat fucks were actually taking this shit really seriously and it slowly evolved into annoying.

heya bud missed u 😘😘😘

I'm suffering from low T lately, and by T I mean 'Tism, so it's hard for me to wrap my head around all this. Did PK make a fake anti-CTH subreddit as part of some bizarre power struggle within CTH? He's the kind of guy who would actually put in that much work because he believes we're thiiiiiiis close to global revolution if he just gets enough influence on reddit.

That guy is probably an fbi spook.

the fbi isn’t real lmao that’s just a meme. you’ve been using the Internet too dang much you goober.

No, someone made an anti-CTH sub, and CTH brigaded. Then, a CTH user got themselves named as a mod, modded all his buddies, and declared the sub to be a pro-CTH sub.

Imagine spending literally any of your time doing any of these things

Why would they mod PK unless it was created by one of PK’s alts?

No, the creator probably got duped into modding one of Pk's alts.

Something like that lol the head mod had Nazi shit in his history and then resigned(?) Or whatever. I really don't care, it's just too fucking rich that this had PK all over it

Who's have guessed that an ex-Nazi would be stupid enough to hand over the anti-CTH sub to CHT?

You mean that overly verbose admission of guilt? Yeah PK definitely wrote that.

Is there any evidence other than "it seems like he did it so he did do it even though there's no evidence"? I really don't care but this would be way funnier if there was proof he did this

No it’s just my hunch

I made a r/FuckChapo if anybody cares

No one does, but thanks.

CTH didn’t brigade. It’s just obvious that the people don’t think there’s enough Chapo out there.

why were the original mods such faggots if they weren't chapofags though? i would have pinned so much gore if that happened.

I would like to say how much i thoroughly trigger communists.

Idk I feel pretty owned by this guy, if left untreated I could even be triggered. And I don’t have healthcare. 🤕

Joy on reddit?

The communists follow me around i can't go anywhere accept places they're banned. They brigade and down vote me constantly. They're playing opsec and muh revolution.

get out of my inbox

My mans is being gangstalked by the totally-dangerous-not-likely-skinny-fat-college-sophomore internet commies. have some goddamn sympathy.

Snakes started physically manifesting in my house

lol yes the "communists" are constantly "brigading" you, thats definitely why no one likes your posts

Shut up and post your hog you fucking coward.

Tbf e-commies are probably the most autistic meme ideology followers on Reddit. But agree with ur post

Spooky scary socialists are looking for your hog!

Post it and we won't follow you!

You fucking fascist dog!

Are you mad? You ok you gonna rape another baby for the lolz like your rick and morty god did?

Post your hog, cuck

Post your hog NPC CHUD

Na, it doesn't work when you do it. Best leave this one alone fam.


I too am urban and woke like my other homies on the street. It's good for praxis my comrade

You could at least make these replies slightly interesting to read. Bye fam.


Wow. How do people do this. I'm literally in a flame war with this piece of shit in PMs, should I be worried about him doxing me or something?

Dox him right back ya greeb

sadly commies get +10 to dox, since antifas dont get jailed while proud boys and all their protestant shards get SC*L right on their asses

ethics man, doxxing is just wrong dude.

Doxxing the unemployable isn't even really doxxing anymore.

Show him your hog

reddit almost definitely hires communists

PK? Nah, he's a kitten. He might talk you to death tho.

I immediately feel a disgust when someone participates and mods enoughxspam because it's literally against the ethos of Reddit and then when he gets so butthurt he doxxes people or somehow gets an edge so big that he coupes other such subreddits I cant but assume that he is a colossal piece of shit.

I see prince krockpot maintains his extreme skill at triggering the shit out of everyone on every part of the political spectrum lmfao

He's not triggering. Dude is doing some dark shit when he plows through peoples histories and accuses them of being a nazi but fine, that's cool, it's out there. He must have done something far more disgusting to get the cuck to drop his subreddit though.

Also one could probably say I triggered him, since he was the one that starting blowing up like a putterfish in our conversation first.

He can't handle the heat basically.

Also one could probably say I triggered him, since he was the one that starting blowing up like a putterfish in our conversation first.

Yeah, sure sounds like it bro. You totally got em. You don't sound like a pathetic autist that cares way to much about reddit at all.

This is honestly amazing and I want to thank you for bringing this pasta into my life.

Wow is this fresh or al dente? Stealing this


Also he couldn't really debate anything, as long as it was basic he could fling his shit around, as soon as some facts came up he was like "I dont read shit you write".

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Why did /r/enough_chapo_spam trigger Commies that much?

commies get triggered by anyone not following their religion existing.

Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog Post hog

Because creating subs that focus on whoever booty blasting them this week is PK's domain and no one elses.

Moms basement gets cold this time of year. Also the soros caravan had to set up another communist rape camp after they didn't get to import more hillary votes for their devolution. Open borders no usa at all is there chant.

Commies hate fascists and for good reason.

this weird alliance between drama centrists and legitimate communists against rose twitter rejects is pinging on my autism sonar

we’re succdem strasserites. legit communism is for people not hot enough to already get free stuff. ew.

seems legit

When did PK become this much of a total butthurt faggot?

Can't believe I used to think he was okay.

Should help you understand just what a horde of spergos /r/anarchism is

Oh I know how deranged that spasmfest is.

But didn't he rage quit from that sub and try to get them banned eventually? Lmfao. That whole r/leftwithoutedge drama was some funny shit, I think somebody made a song about eating PK

He was never not a total spergfest. It just seemed like he was less crazy than the screaming tardbags at /r/leftwithsharpedge that were making posts about him none stop.

There is something disgusting about his autism.

How do you take a sub over? Just beg to be mod?

literally read the post you fuck

Post bussy = 1 respect

10 respect = head mod

Post a big RAGING #HOG

No..... they took over a circlejerk sub.... we're doomed....

Omega level autism

Seems like there must be an interesting story behind the scenes here.

Shouldn’t someone just make a new ECS variant and start the rage cycle anew?

/r/fuckchapo seems to exist now.
Go there and upvote, hopefully this beautiful sprout matures into a mature drama tree in the coming weeks.

why is it that every time you start making fun of chapos they end up sperging even harder and making more shit to make fun of

they think theyre being funny too lol