[Ongoing drama] A Chinese doctor made a HIV-immune baby, everyone is buttblasted

1  2018-11-26 by ksatriamelayu

First gene-edited babies claimed in China - The Mainichi

HONG KONG (AP) -- A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world's first genetically edited babies -- twin girls whose DNA he said he altered with a powerful new tool capable of rewriting the very blueprint of life.
The researcher, He Jiankui of Shenzhen, said he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one pregnancy resulting thus far. He said his goal was not to cure or prevent an inherited disease, but to try to bestow a trait that few people naturally have -- an ability to resist possible future infection with HIV, the AIDS virus.
He said he chose to try embryo gene editing for HIV because these infections are a big problem in China. He sought to disable a gene called CCR5 that forms a protein doorway that allows HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to enter a cell.

HIV Resistant Mutation | Viruses101 | Learn Science at Scitable

A genetic mutation known as CCR5-delta 32 is responsible for the two types of HIV resistance that exist. CCR5-delta 32 hampers HIV's ability to infiltrate immune cells. The mutation causes the CCR5 co-receptor on the outside of cells to develop smaller than usual and no longer sit outside of the cell. CCR5 co-receptor is like door that allows HIV entrance into the cell. The CCR5-delta 32 mutation in a sense locks "the door" which prevents HIV from entering into the cell. 1% of people descended from Northern Europeans, particularly Swedes, are immune to HIV infection. These lucky people are homozygous carriers of the mutated gene - meaning that they inherited a copy from both of their parents. Another 10 -15% (the number has even suggested to be 18%) of people with European heritage inherited one copy of the gene. Just one copy of the mutation does not prevent against infection. It does however reduce carrier's chances of infection and delays the progress of AIDS. Since the CCR5-delta 32 is tied primarily to the Eurasia region, the mutation has not been found in Africans, East Asians, or Amerindians.

Yes, this mean that Chinese have successfully appropriated a mayo mutation.

For the drama:


122 Chinese scientist from multiple countries issued a joint statement, condemning this experiment: Singapore to Standford to Texas South West to Wayne state to NIH to Germany

Might be premature, but fuck it. Let's congratulate China for making mayos obsolete!




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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

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10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ


  1. First gene-edited babies claimed in... - Outline

  2. HIV Resistant Mutation | Viruses101... - Outline

  3. <em>The mutation causes the CCR5 co-receptor on the outside of cells to develop smaller than usual and no longer sit outside of the cell</em> - Outline

  4. <em>10 -15%</em> - Outline

  5. <em>18%</em> - Outline

  6. <em>reduce carrier's chances of infection and delays the progress of AIDS.</em> - Outline

  7. https://news.sina.cn/gn/2018-11-26/... - Outline

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dont try to trick me Satan! I know how deletion works. I am going to need to become a mod in the next 6 months to delete this bot, but that's too much effort. Le sighs.

this bot is saying heretical things

Yes, I know. Those Sunni bastards need to be wiped out. Good to find a shi'a brother in this cursed world, praise allah.

Inshallah brother

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. First gene-edited babies claimed in... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. HIV Resistant Mutation | Viruses101... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  4. <em>The mutation causes the CCR5 co-receptor on the outside of cells to develop smaller than usual and no longer sit outside of the cell</em> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  5. <em>10 -15%</em> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  6. <em>18%</em> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  7. <em>reduce carrier's chances of infection and delays the progress of AIDS.</em> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  8. https://news.sina.cn/gn/2018-11-26/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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Mommy I'm scared


He opened the door and asked if I wanted to come in, I mean, who does that? so I killed him - Varg on the band breaking up.

Fucking on point, shilly!

Yeah but how do you match up to AIDS babies?



People's Daily Newspaper had retracted their article, and the Southern University of Science and Technology of China had disavowed the scientist.


I guess this makes them ... natural-born illegal babies


Was it retracted because it was false or because the general buttblasting? Don't wanna Google now, I'm pooping.

idk, the doctor is going to go to a gulag now in all likelihood.

But yeah, seems a pair of babies with edited genes got really born.

idk, the doctor is going to go to a gulag now in all likelihood.

Noooooo fucking commies crushing my dream of ancap-eugenics

Or the party just took him out of the limelight and now he's engineering the next generation of child soldiers in secret.

Probably both.

Because this is textbook victim-blaming. The responsibility should be on whoever fucks the baby.

I'm curious to see what a Chinese Übermensch looks like. Probably not very Chinese.

if current trend holds, (s)he/xer will look Swedish, act swedish, and cuck in swedish as well.

Cursed image.

I don't understand why everyone is mad.

because babies were genetically altered with CRISPR

this is, of course, a very dangerous trend in the sense that genetic alterations can just as well be devastating as they can be beneficial

Its going to happen, so we might as well embrace it. Khan will be born.

Ew, space capeshit? I am now firmly against human genetic modification

You are 130 years too early. That's when the war between the genetic master race vrs normies begins.

Spoiler alert: the normies won.

Thats what the secret master race wants you to think.

this doctor spoiled the story, China wants its new generation of Chinamen to be able to colonise post-apocalyptic AIDS-filled Subsaharan Africa without any trouble in 2040 or so

muh vague religious objections

Because this could manifest as a new genetic disease if we fuck it up, one that might not become apparent until a decade or more into someone's life.

Yeah, those things are all true, but thats where we are now. Third world countries can manufacture nerve gases, we dont limit our own chemistry industry because bad people can do scary things with it.

Sure, but we don't jump in head-first, either. China can't even keep its baby formula untainted, let alone it's gene pool.

If we don't, someone else will. I realise its a sensitive subject what with it involving babies and such, but genetic engineering is literally here, it is literally now, and the only way to git gud at it os to do it.

It's a sensitive subject because we can fuck up entire human populations without knowing it. Also, you don't seem to understand that that "doing it" properly does not mean complete abstinence. It means jurisprudence.

If anything, the Chinese government will be more likely to clamp down on this, considering they actually have more experience with human population manipulation than the U.S. does.


Genetic Engineering will be the death of humans. With the rise of AI it will lead to an inevitable transfer of gene selection to AI, and then the AI will engineer essentially "brainless worker-bee human slaves". This is the ultimate outcome of genetic engineering in humans. It will be the next phenotypic revolution. We need to form a global pact against it now and go to war with any nation who breaks the pact or refuses to join. Sounds crazy but it's that serious.

Hey buddy, mind sharing some of that whatever left you smoked?

Just some Ph. D. In neuroscience's opinion.

create super expensive genetic disease

send person to Russia

50 years and nothing happens

he was an incel the whole time

Russia wins again

create super expensive genetic disease

send person to Russia

person dies of alcoholism within 30 years

Russia wins again

But all he would have to do is donate sperm.

donating your mana to failed roasties

I'm lmaoing at the thought

That took me a while to get. Well done!

Don't forget possible speciation of the wealthy.

The Time Traveler perceives this, and suggests that the Eloi–Morlock relationship developed from a class distinction present in his own time: the Morlocks are the working class who were relegated to working and living underground so that the rich upper class could live in luxury on the surface. With time, the balance of power changed - the surface people no longer dominating the underground dwellers but instead becoming their livestock

H.G. Wells is my daddy

The implications are far more frightening.

How is that different from just letting retards breed

Like a Chinese guy could get laid in America anyway

If he has fuerdai "fuck you" money than he very likely would get laid.

or he can just rape around like what the JD CEO did https://www.scmp.com/tech/article/2174434/us-prosecutors-weigh-competing-accounts-deciding-whether-charge-jd-founder

On the night of August 30, a 21-year-old University of Minnesota student said she was in a chauffeured black car, trying to keep billionaire JD.com chief executive Richard Liu Qiangdong from pulling off her clothes.

Not to mention the fucked up things one could do if they intentionally created a genetic disease and then sent the person off to live in a rival country. It would be a multi-generational time-bomb.

There's like no way that would've eventually backfire

Maybe those just follow others’ view and too lazy to think

It's probably a fraud anyway.

Experimenting on humans is not too popular, the tech used is not safe either, and being China the claims are probably exxagerated.

They targeted gamers.

People are scared of new things.

People are going to badly fuck up genetic engineering of people at some point.

Yep. Medical innovation is a good thing. Fuck the luddites.

TL:DR human experimentation is bad.

Engineering HIV-immune Chinamen will come in extra handy as China moves forward with their plan to re-colonize Africa.

I see nothing wrong with this.

-10 minimum life rating

Imperialism 2: Electric Boogooloo (No White Mans Burden Edition)

It's the Chinkcel's Burden now

As a citizen of an African country I welcome our new yellow overlords

Japan got to do it 80 years ago, I think China believes its got its turn now.

You should be banned for making an electric boogooloo joke you fucking askreddit poster



You called?

complete lack of medical ethics and utter disregard for human life if why the chinks will win

Either that or they turn their country into the genetic equivalent of the Dead Sea.

I mean sounds pretty close to what crackers were doing in WWII lmao !

japs put us both to shame but they got their asses kicked

now is the age of the orc mongol

and they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky americans

Oh true we just secretly hired a bunch of nazi scientists involved and pardoned them !

With the difference that the German mayo scientists wasted their complete disregard of ethics on esoteric bullshit that produced no useful results, whereas China is going to colonize all major science journals with their crispr experiments on apes and embryos.

The US continued in to the Cold War too, but then Nixon got uppity

complete lack of medical ethics

Medical ethics are constraints the genetic inferiors put upon to prevent science from wiping them out. I eagerly await china throwing them in the bargain bin of history where they belongs.

bargain bin of history

I like this so much better than dustbin of history.

You can buy it for cheap.

Now I know where Black Friday gets its name from.

Jeez I wonder why humanity united and blasted you in the stone age when you last tried to kill everyone "genetically inferior"

You can sperg out all you want but look at Germany's population, it's so healthy and pure. They are still raking in the benefits of killing everyone who would have passed on defects to future generations.

Ah, no wonder they all smell like chlorine clean pool.

Because they were targeting the wrong populations. What we need is not to kill the jews for we are genetically superior, but the poors, for if they were not genetically inferior they wouldn't be poor.

I will not stand for this erasure of my culture

So when can we see an army of Super Chinese?

I'll still wait until they prove those kids are actually HIV resistant.

sick bastard, I like you!

I meant using cell cultures in a Petri dish. Just having a gene linked to resistance might not be enough.

Now if they want to test their HIV resistance the fun way, might as well film it.


For science you perv. If you have access to medical research papers, you'll find a lot of videos and pictures that would be illegal outside of that context.

The Emperor has gained the "Sea King" trait.

A#wesome, more PrEP for me!!!

I think that's the only commercial with gays and trannies that hasnt pissed off conservatives

Now when the kid comes of age he can get butt blasted as much as he wants and not have to worry about the consequences of his actions! YAY!

You can't get HIV if you already have it. Based Chinaman thinking ahead.

Fun fact. You actually can. Double AIDS is a real thing.

Damn, not even China can save us now.

So how are they going to test that it worked? Are they going to send thr babies to Africa?

fake and gay

maybe someday future generations will be able to enjoy HIV free bussy parties

A Chinese child that can be trafficked into the SAn Fran gay scene...GREAT!

A Chinese researcher claims

Yeah sure, I'm calling bluff on this one.

because [HIV] infections are a big problem in China.

I thought it's only the case in the south, where a lot of foreign workers are located.

The real shitstorm(and tons of popcorn for /r/Drama ) will begin when they'll start editing genes to prevent trans/homosexuality.

I mean it sounds like you want that to happen

Which goes against r/drama's core tenets: The love of man ass (bussy)

There are African countries where 25% of people have AIDS. This could save milions of lives every year. But watch both conservatives and left leaning people fight against this.

Even if this would work it wouldn't save anyone already infected. If your millions of lives every year comment is referring newer generations that won't be infected, well, new therapies and practices could lower that percentage outside of genetic immunity. It's also bad science as he's just sending them out in the wild, not exactly reproducible conditions.

There are always other options. But nothing has worked so far.

those aids keep the african population down which is a good thing

More like kept the population up. Since Africa is getting rid of virus and sickness their birth rate has dropped.

I want to use this medium to let every one know that HIV/AIDS has cure and that Dr Omolowa is the solution. am Amanda roy from california i was tested HIV/AIDS positive in july the year 2011, then ealy this month i read aticle about Dr Omolowa having Hiv cure,i decided to look for him and lastly i was able to contact him through his email and phone number he told me everything that he needed and i play along too and he now then told me that he has prepared some local medicine that i need to drink it and he send it to me i actually did as he directed, the later that night i was unable to sleep i urinate and toilet almost all the night i called him later that night to tell him how am feeling he told me that everything will be fine,few days later he called me and advice me that i should go to hospital to checked my status i actually did and i was now tested NEGATIVE i told everybody right there at the hospital and i called him and thank him for his good work he told me to tell you out there if you knew you have this disease that you should contact him through his email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or WhatsApp him on +2349039377739. God Bless you

Keeping it hidden from the world! Great idea!

Soon Muslim oilcels will be buying designer aryan babies to rape. It's unethical!

Cheapest solution to the aids / hiv problem : Genociding the afflicted. It's horrific , it's edgy, but if there are no carriers - then it cannot be spread.

We can take all this science we're wasting on making people immune to it and spend the money on what people really want.

Creating humans with dragon dicks and rainbow fur.

Gross. Furries get the wall first though, but your numbers would be decimated after the aids purge so it doesn't matter in what order you go.

You wish :3

Same thing applies to the juice as well.

Not gonna read it all. Do they have to harvest those genes out of irl mayos?

they just buy it by the tonnes from Somali dealers in Stockholm probably

Lol doesn't matter how much you re-write genes robots will still win.

Ship those babies to South Africa where they can cure HIV+ tribesmen of their illness.

There's only one way to find out if the baby really is HIV-immune

This Chinese researcher is a failed scientist and business man eager to find VC capital, his technology is quite old and unlikely to make money. However, it is a great small step toward right direction, the reward is too high to ignored.

“I’m an atheist” said the feminist

“So am I,” said the white male, “that’s why I believe in eugenics and wiping out inferior genes!”

i'm less surprised that they gene edited a baby to be HIV resistant than i am they found out the baby was going to be a girl and they didn't drop the mother down the stairs.

this, Mao is disappointed at them from his nice crisp spot in hell

That kid could fuck hookers all day and be fine

Pfhh ive never met an asian with aids. Make a black transgender gay drug addicted faggot aids-magnet immune and then ill be impressed China.

There's gay asians though

Cute ones too :3

Yeah but they have delicious aids-free bussy

I want to use this medium to let every one know that HIV/AIDS has cure and that Dr Omolowa is the solution. am Amanda roy from california i was tested HIV/AIDS positive in july the year 2011, then ealy this month i read aticle about Dr Omolowa having Hiv cure,i decided to look for him and lastly i was able to contact him through his email and phone number he told me everything that he needed and i play along too and he now then told me that he has prepared some local medicine that i need to drink it and he send it to me i actually did as he directed, the later that night i was unable to sleep i urinate and toilet almost all the night i called him later that night to tell him how am feeling he told me that everything will be fine,few days later he called me and advice me that i should go to hospital to checked my status i actually did and i was now tested NEGATIVE i told everybody right there at the hospital and i called him and thank him for his good work he told me to tell you out there if you knew you have this disease that you should contact him through his email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or WhatsApp him on +2349039377739. God Bless you

This is fucking amazing like holy shit.

Okay, where is the drama?

This is just regular news.

The doctor revealed that he currently has more than 400 3PN human embryos being subjected to various gene editing experiments, ranging from infertility treatment to GOD only knows


The number of stored embryos is unknown, He refused to say answer it.

The babies aren't HIV immune retard, only some of their cells bear the edits.

Wait until hapas find out Chinese doctors are literally modifying chinese babies to have north european genetic traits.