Joe Rogan is a literal neo nazi sympathizer and doesnt practice 'real' journalism bc he is problematic!

1  2018-11-26 by PoopShowPass


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Unironically the most retarded sub on Reddit

Mayos need a safe space too, drama doesn't cut it for some purists.

thedonald is by far the most retarded. the most retarded leftist sub is inceltears

Tbf t_d has better retard drama and the memes are occasionally funny, though less so since the election.

memes are occasionally funny

Only the ones from Ben Garisson tho

The labels direct me when to laff, which I appreciate.

Ed I bet you unironically think Joe Rogan is a neo nazi. You're like a semi enlightened chapotard.



joe rogan


Radical centrism =/= Mayo liberalism


the memes are occasionally funny


Eh, in 2016 I remember chuckling at their antics.

But now that /pol/ has more or less disowned them they're basically regurgitating shit from 3 years ago and trying to re-live the glory days, even after it became apparent Trump was just an autist.

Perhaps you are retarded for laffing at /pol/ memes

Well yes obviously do you expect a mentally well adjusted person to post in r/drama

the most retarded leftist sub is inceltears


Maybe after 2 years of DDF I'm kind of normalized to it now. But these le epic ownages by FATR are just embarrassing.

Also, FATR is autistic enough to run a banning bot lmao.

If only klubmf saw that. Surely he would resign at once and fucking slit his stupid fat racist orange homophobic white Supremacist transphobic problematic privileged old cisgender male able bodied neurotypical throat open

able bodied

>forgetting about his life debilitating bones spurs

You really do get normalized to DDF retardation, when was the last time their retardation was even entertaining?

Probably when they got buttmad about people saying β€œno u” about NPCs

didnt see that but i thought it was pretty evident from the whole groupspeak using memes and slogans

Even /r/drama got mad which basically never happens, and over such a mediocre meme.

Beep boot boop πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ€–

A bunch are in the chapo hate thread and getting seething mad at people (ie me) who point out that Cuck as an insult was a scientifically verified projection.


Daily reminder that Devavrata17 is a pussy who couldn't handle the banter and is the prime reason we can't ping any more (the second being gallowboob is a simpering, sopping pussy).

How can you say that when Chapo exists

the most retarded leftist sub is inceltears

t. incel

r/dramacels are MAD!!

You misspelled LSC


Negareddit is pretty retarded, probably more so than inceltears

SRD. It's SRD.

who uses that sub nowadays? 5 people?

They're all banned.

Devavrata17 is everything wrong with

It has been months since I have heard some devav level spergery.

Lol no. r/conservative and chab take that Honor. It's almost like they received all the qfugees after r/thegreatawakening was put to sleep. Boomer retardation is possiblity the most potent of all brainlet ailments in that it includes the hatred of intellectuals and a heavy confirmation bias.

Rogan is a moron however

True, but that a far cry from being a neo nazi sympathizer.

Also yes.

Didn’t he believe the moon landing was fake??

Yes for quite a while

Yeah but in a cuddly fried out stoner way.

At least he knows it.

Yeah but he's open about it.

He admits that he isn't very smart and doesen't pretend to be smarter than he is, that's why he's likable. He's one of the most milquetoast hosts on the planet, he's not confrontational and is only there to help the guest make their talking points.

You could litterally replace joe with an AI programmed to nod and say "yeah" every 5 minutes and nobody would notice.

That's not a bad thing, when everything is partsian and politised it's nice to have a relaxed unconfrontational host that lets people speak.

I'd agree with that for the most part, it's more his fans that overinflate the intellect of the show that I find grating

Imagine not thinking joe rogan is a neo nazi. He interviews Gavin McGuiness ffs

rogan is a low iq juicehead who isn't even smart enough to have consistent views.

imagining anyone having consistent views

i saw a post on /r/joerogan where Joe supports UBI, then after a month he says it's completely moronic idea and people who support it are naive and then again after a week says he agrees and so on

there is inconsistency and then there is Rogan calling himself a retard for holding the opposite view the last month periodically

He also has times when he pretends to be fascinated by some fact, despite being told the exact same shit on a prior podcast

The dude either knows how to play dumb for entertainment, or the kush has gotten to his head

if he's dumb he's a weird kind of dumb, he's articulate and i would say his vocabulary and sentence structuring capability are way above average (the average is pretty lousy though), but at the same time his critical thinking skills are pretty law, he though that the US faked moon landing until recently and he legit thinks that democrats killed Seth Rich and other dumb shit

i am honestly baffled by him

Dumb or not, he's still chill, polite, and respectful (at least from what I've seen)

As far as I'm concerned that makes him a pretty good guy, albeit with a few screws loose

The first time someone told him about UBI he rejected it and thought it was nonsense. After that podcast he did more research into the idea and came to the conclusion that it could be a good idea. How is changing your mind after doing research a bad thing? Or should you stick to your first snap judgement on ever issue and never change your mind despite learning new information?

imagine having views about anything

lol small-minded lil consistency

I still like him though

How can you look at Rogan and see anything but a stoned dudebro who's nice to his guests to turn their fans into new listeners for his background noise podcast?

"becuz he invited nazeys to talk, THEY ARENT ALLOWED TO SPEAK"

Imagine being civil in [[Current Year]] + 2?

It's current year + 3, soon +4

That subreddit is so fucking retarded lol

All I see is someone on so many steroids and HGH that his testicles must be the size 7 year old peas that rolled under the refrigerator

there there just suck on your penis-shaped soypop

Imagine the type of people who have an issue with Joe rpfam

Lmao. Joe Rogan is a dude bro who smokes weed and chats shit with his brain half operational. The fact that they REEEEE is that is astounding.

They are upset that people they don't like get a big audience.

Its because other brainlets thing hes an intellectual giant. Someone in my family is one of them, its made them at least twice as stupid.

I bet everyone in your family likes that guy more than you, he’s probably a lot more relaxed and open to human interaction, unlike you, a drama poster.

never claimed to not be a drama poster, i think you are projecting your closeted drama posting onto others.

they tend to look a lot like that guy in the video πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

That subreddit still exists?

delusions don't go away so easily

When the actual /r/altright got banned they switched to...mainstream conservatism.

Whoa! Hey Jaime pull that up.

Dmt dude dmt

How do the people on that sub plan to 'fight the alt right'? They come across as barely able to fight their own inadequacy, never mind white supremacists.

matching each others’ donations to the DSA

Spam the admins till they ban all the subs they don't like. That should do it job done

You misresd it. They plan to FUCK the altright by transitioning to gussy and seducing them only to expose them as tranny touchers in a coup de grace

Joe Rogan could take them all on by himself lol

I hate everyone in the comments. Whiny, myopic faggots, all of them.

I’m in the same boat. I also like his stand up though.

But you can randomly pull any 5 minutes of his show and there’s a damn good chance that someone is bitching about β€œpolitical correctness gone mad” because heaven forbid being nice in public settings is some first amendment infringement.

"Being nice" = agreeing with constantly shifting progressive sentiment 24/7. That is political correctness gone mad.

That they unironically call EVERY conservative/right-wing pundit or thinker a literal fascist is political correctness gone mad.

These people are insane and I hate them. They exist IRL, too. I know several. They're the types that keep a mental record of every "problematic" gaffe you make and then try to ruin your reputation behind your back because they're frightened of confrontation but enjoy punishing people who fail their purity tests.

Didn't you know? It's easy to win every argument when you set the goalposts at the start of any debate with your side being the moral correct and any amount of disagreement means you are a fucking NAZI

I've been getting these fucking fascist alt right commercials all the time.

Yo where these commercials at? They sound funny af

Apparently they're only targeted to the woke?

>tfw not woke enough to get fashy YouTube commercials

Would giving contra a rimjob bring my woke score high enough?

No, but it’ll definitely highten your chances of contracting HIV.

he might be talking about CRTV which is some web network run by gavin mcinnes, steven crowder, the creator of dilbert and the duck dynasty guy. I can’t find the ads but it’s just 30 seconds of them all saying hillary clinton is evil, liberals are cucks and then the duck dynasty guy chops a duck in half

I unironically want to see that lol

Just stare at a Benny G cartoon for 30 seconds. Close enough

You're in luck, I manage to snag this one from an ad I JUST got served with, probably one of their worst ones tho lol

Literally shaking rn i can hear the jackboots echoing in the background. This is drumpfs america.

You need to be retarded enough to not have adblock on.

I read like three comments and I’m almost certain that I’m 90% more autistic because of it.

Rogan just has a lot of dipshit guests

He has said before he purposely follows annoying over the top SJW's on twitter and then he always tries to claim they represent all of "the left" even though it's only a few idiots tweeting shit.

How can type that out un-ironically in that sub is beyond me.

Did Joe Rogan ever claim to be a journalist?

It's amazing how scared those peeps are of someone hearing neonazi talking points. As if they're just so goddamn convincing that any mayo who hears them will instantly be turned.

I think the problem is that he doesn't challenge their beliefs. He just lets them say whatever, no matter how blatantly false it is.

It's an interview, not a trial and he's not doing investigative journalism. He's just a guy interviewing people for their viewpoints.

That's fine. But people are allowed to take issue with him giving these nuts a platform to spew their bullshit.

But people are allowed to take issue with him

They are, but that's irrelevant

People would be more likely to agree with you in part but a lot of the time people act like JP and Gavin are the same person and have the same opinions.

Theres too much intellectual dishonestly for the average dude to be able to parse that comparison.

Their fans think there is enough of an overlap. Why else are people asking JP to address "the Jewish question"?

reposting an effortpost from some other subreddit

Do you really trust Joe Rogan to offer an appropriately eloquent rebuttal though? If he was openly combative while not actually having a similar level of understanding that these people have he runs the risk of coming off like an angry idiot like that British chick who kept "SO WHAT YOU MEAN IS!"-ing Jordan Peterson. She came from a position of 'wanting to challenge what he said' while not having a fundamental enough understanding to not come off like an idiot while doing so, and that event alone has probably been the single largest amount of exposure hes had.

I don't really have a solution to be honest, but operating from a position of "This person is bad, therefore we must oppose every word out of their mouths" at best gives them some counter-cultural cachet and at worst becomes an active recruitment call.

I think this is a great argument for why he shouldn't have these people on. If he can't fact check their bullshit it is little better than a recruitment call.

Boomers become racist when a black dude looks at them the wrong way.

Clicked on the video. Saw it was a Sam Seder video, immediately backed out. I've watched a couple of his vids and never got completely through any of them. Holy shit is this dude the smuggest, most self important cunt I've ever seen. Even if you agree with him, I don't know how you can get through a video without needing to take a few showers after. TL;DR: That dude sucks.

Reading these comments makes me glad that the last time I've seen a r/fuckthealtright post reach the front page was months ago.

Everyone in that thread who legitimately supports the video that was posted should be deported

Jamie pull up monkey balls. Do you smoke WeeDMT? My friend Eddie says he doesn't believe in the moon landing but I chase Elk in the forest and shoot them to the moon with my bow all the time. It's entirely possible to therefore send people


I really dislike Joe but these guys are really reaching.

There's nothing wrong with Joe Rogan, and if you don't like him, then you're probably a shit head.

His actual argument: "He shouldn't have on any people with right-wing opinions on.He should only have people with left-wing opinions on, not because they're left-wing opinions but because they're described that way." Peak leftist intellectualism?

Joe Rogan is what dipshits think is an intellectual.

everyone that watches his podcast thinks he's a dumbass lol