The Chess World Championship just ended with 12 draws after the reigning champ randomly offered a draw because chess is too boring even for him. Get ready for a meltdown.

1  2018-11-26 by Snowayne2


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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I mean, technically.

No. Chess are sport so basically chess players are chads.

It's totally not a sport, but the nerds wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, so they had to allow it.

What ever happened to the bullies that were supposed to stuff these nerds in lockers smh

They were playing cs

It is known that Carlsen plays like a pussy, and as the de facto trendsetter for chess, now everyone plays like pussies.

Gone are the 16th century high tempo openings and the 18th century creative pawn structures. This is no longer a game of creativity, just a contest to see who is more robotic than the other.

After Deepblue beat Kasparov it was inevitable.

"Players are too good now. They should play objectively worse just to please the fans."

"WTF How dare he play to his strengths, what a fucking pussy."

I don't deny that it's good for Carlsen. It just makes for shitty chess.

If playing the game effectively is shitty, maybe the game is shitty.

That's basically what everyone is saying, the format of the tournament is shitty, means players don't take risks and this sort of thing can happen

Chess was always shitty.



Oh. Then lmao.

Only if you didn't preorder retard

you're saying he's the Floyd Mayweather of chess?

Unironically yes.

Creativity in a game we've been studying for hundreds of years is gonna bring you nothing but a loss

Untrue, but you'd need to actually know a little about the history of chess in the last century to realize this.

The world championship is not the time for "creative", why put yourself in a risky situation in a high stakes tourney when you can play it safe

The world championship is not the time for "creative",

That must be why Fischer, two games down in a match against a player he'd never beaten before, did so badly when he started opening 1. d4 or playing the Benoni as Black. Oh, wait, Fischer hosed Spassky. My bad.

Just think of how hard he would have won if he played it smart

If Fischer had played against the same caliber of players Magnus plays against he would have had to do exactly what Magnus does or lose.

TIL that the so-called grand masters of the 1970s were all patzers.

They are compard to losers that just have to alt-tab away from BLACKED.COM to study all the moves

Eat shit, nerd

Username/post combo FTW!

I was offering to shit in your mouth.

Just because you like to munch scat, don't assume other people do.

In these days, creativity is made obsolete due to players prepping with engines.

How so? As someone who doesn't know shit about Chess, won't we eventually reach a point where the best human players are essentially flawless and will get draw games every time? It'd be like if you had competitive tic-tac-toe.

Well, except that tic-tac-toe is provably drawn and the strategy can be learned by a smart ten-year-old in a few minutes, whereas the total number of possible chess games far exceeds the number of atoms in the universe. No-one yet knows what "flawless" looks like, and there was something quite amazing that happened in the last couple of years: a neural network was taught to teach itself to play chess, which it did by playing against itself billions of times, and it then performed extremely impressively against existing chess engines while playing some very strange moves.

The "draw death" was predicted years ago, and by the 1920s it was looking as though Capablanca had solved chess. And then along came Alekhine and a bunch of others and showed it wasn't solved after all. It's like that rhyme about science:

Nature and Nature's laws lay robed in night;
God said "Let Newton be", and all was light.
It did not last: the devil, crying "Ho!
"Let Einstein be!" restored the status quo.


They had gamer tags in the caveman ages?

they should patch the game then

Needs more downloadable content and skin packs tbh.

definitely needs dlc and lootboxes, but they already have skins

Kill me where I stand please

The Simpsons chess set has existed for at least 15 years and is great fun, don't hate.

We need Chess 2.

... Wouldn't double bishop just be another Queen?

I guess it would be also able to move 1 space in any direction then along the diagonals. Pawn with a Gun would be able to capture up to two spaces ahead of it.

I think Capablanca once recommended a 10 x 8 rectangular board with two new pieces, a Rook/Knight combo and a Bishop/Knight combo. But then it turned out that there was still life in the old game yet.

i forgot about this video. its hilarious

What chess really needs is microtransactions.

This is no longer a game of creativity,

Because it's literally solved.

It literally isn't tho.

I thought deep blue or whatever can now see literally every possible move and play the mathematically correct one every time

Hell no, the only reason engines are as good as they are, even with the strongest hardware, is that they severely restrict the number of moves they even look at.
For all we know, "solving" chess, i.e. looking at all possible moves seems to be impossible if our understanding of physics isn't completely revolutionized.

No it's literally not.

I didn't know Bobby Fischer posted on /r/chess

This dude sounds like a salty Kasparov after he lost to 14 year old Magnus.

Kasparov never lost to Carlsen, only won a rapid match 1½-½ when everyone expected 2-0.

If I was Bobby Fischer, I would have mentioned the Jews at least once.

Or how much you hate women.

If Bobby Fischer was still alive he'd be listening to Infowars and tweeting lots of words surrounded by tripple parentheses

That is not at all Carlsen fault. If he wants to be the best he has to play like a computer, if it isn't him it will just be someone else.


TL;DR: It's the last game in a 12 game match. Magnus Carlsen, the champion, offered a draw in a better position and while his opponent, Fabiano Caruana, was low on time. All 11 games before this were also draws.

He did it because if the match is draw after 12 games, they enter the tie-breaks, where they play matches with shorter time controls (rapid chess, where the game lasts ~1 hour instead of classical chess, where it lasts ~5-6 hours), and if those are drawn too they'll play even shorter games (blitz, around 10 minutes). This is a problem because the championship is supposed to be about classical chess, but lately most championship titles are decided in shorter time controls.

Also there's the fact that Carlsen is probably the best rapid chess player in the world, so the tiebreakers are his bread and butter.

Yeah but Garry Kasparov made a tweet bashing carlsen for offering the draw saying he lost his nerve. Personally Magnus certainly has the edge but fabiano caruana still has a decent chance, some of these draws were actually pretty entertaining games tbh.

Kasparov is just salty lmao

True he's probably just eternally salty after losing a few games to judit polgar, the prime chess thot, and 14 year old Magnus after all these years.

judit polgar, the prime chess thot

/r/drama needs to be burned

You're saying that like it's news

t. apprentice chess thot

I think the Twitch users saying that Carlsen offered a draw because he had to go pee are right tbh

In case you are serious, the players get up, walk around and go to the toilet during the game all the time.


carlsen will ass rape caruana in blitz games

Professional chess matches take 5-6 hours? Fuck me that sounds like torture

"Chess is mental torture"
-Garry Kasparov

Here's one that was finally cancelled after 48 matches because of continuous draws (before they changed the rules to switch to rapid games after game 12)

5 fucking months are you kidding me

The chad chess the virgin videogames

Holy fuck one game at 6 hours? Lel

i'm not sure if I'm too stupid or too smart to watch chess championship

It’s for people who think rote memorization is the epitome of intelligence

That was the point in my life I got bored with chess. I was 12.

lol at the 12-year-old who thinks he knows everything there is to know about chess.

I didn't, but getting better was boring. I didn't want to study opening moves or so and sos technique. I just wanted to play a game.

Try Rating system means you can play social chess against other people who also don't want to work at getting better, and you'll gravitate towards a fair match pretty soon.

I love that site tbh

I knew you autists were my type of (people)

Blitz chess is pretty fun to watch. These matches can last 5+ hours tho best to just watch a recap

Honestly Blitz chess sounds way more interesting. Classical chess looks like it's basically just people trying to be computers, even if it means a "win" takes dozens of games and each game takes several hours.

The time constraint is what makes it challenging. Many more oppurtunities to fuck up and it forces you to think on the fly.

Chess boxing is way better.

Chess is actually really fun cmv

Classical Chess is basically a Tour de France in the amount of time it takes. Rapids is pretty fun though, at least something happens.

I like blitz because it just looks like 2 people beating up the clock.

That's fair

basically a Tour de France

Man u got fucked by your phone if you think 45 minutes is a long time

virgin board game vs chad card game

Vs Thad marble game

explain thad

Thads the dude who sweeps up all the Gussy Chad and virgin don't even notice

So the fatties.

A few Beckys too

Canasta forever, bridge never.

Are you talking that variant played in History of the World, Part I?

chess , like many games/sports, is only fun when both people are bad at it

The Chess world champ says otherwise.

If you have to be massivly autistic to be good at something, it's bad.

But you have to be massively autistic to be good at anything.

Good point everything is bad.

you really quickly hit the ceiling where the only way to get better is to memorise more combinations from books

oh yeah? what's your tactics rating?

wtf lmao just do the tactics online, it’s all muscle memory what’s the point of straight up memorising combinations.


play go instead don't be a cuck

You're only mostly wrong. It's occasionally fun to play, but definitely boring as all hell to watch.

The OG roguelike

U r gay lmao XD

magnus is such a daddy-tier name

Magnus Karlssen literally means a great son of a king, pretty dope.

In Old Norse, karl just meant "man." As a loan word in Anglo-Saxon, carl originally meant "freeman," ie someone of middling social rank, but later came to connote "rude, rustic" ("churl").

Oh, that's interesting. Apparently the kingship connotation in Slavic languages (and a bit in others too) is because of Charlemagne who conquered them among other things:ь

OK, then Magnuss Carlsen literally means The Great Son of Man.

A bit like how Caesar ("a fine head of hair") came to mean "emperor" in a bunch of languages.

I've always hung on to the etymology of karl bc of the Viking myth that explains class divisions. The father of mankind, Rigr, sires three half-brothers of different estates: Jarl, Karl, and Thrall.

One day, when Konr the young was riding through the forest hunting and snaring birds, a crow spoke to him and suggested he would win more if he stopped hunting mere birds and rode to battle against foemen, that he should seek the halls of Dan and Danp, who were wealthier than he. At that point the poem abruptly cuts off.


Caesar ("a fine head of hair")

Seriously? I'm laughing right now because IIRC old Gaius Julius had as fine a head of hair as a hard-boiled egg.

His ancestors went pretty far back in Roman history. I'm sure he was aware of the irony.

Just think about it, at some point it would have meant pincushion instead.

Gimme etymology on chud next

Or post hog. Ur choice.

Magnus is so daddy-tier. He manages to be world champion without sperging about the Jews.

He manages to be world champion without sperging about the Jews.

Fischer was totally daddy tier you filthy commie.

By the way: The numbers you see thrown around in chess threads are engine evaluations. +/-1 means that white/black is ahead by roughly the equivalent of one pawn. Since humans aren't engines, these evaluations are often meaningless and mostly retards bring them up, so be sure to laugh at everyone talking about those.

One of the greatest chess players of all time can't see a win and knows his much better in a rapids tiebreak.

r/chesscels: "WTF How can he draw, SeSSe tells me it's +1, it's an obvious checkmate, unlike all those other times it's shown +1 and it's ended in remis."

Yeah I really can't understand why anyone thinks the guy makes mustakes.

One of the greatest chess players of all time can't see a win and knows his much better in a rapids tiebreak.

r/chesscels: "WTF How can he draw, SeSSe tells me it's +1, it's an obvious checkmate, unlike all those other times it's shown +1 and it's ended in remis."

jesus 12 draws

Til people actually watch chess


Fkn nerds.


no u

I don't understand how time works in competitive chess.

U got a clock that runs when its ur turn

Each player gets a certain amount of time on his clock, and every time it's one guy's move, his time is running down.

OK, that makes some sense.

Finally, drama more boring than Thot drama.

Why are so many Cress experts subscribed to /r/Drama ?

Because autistic people are usually good at chess

Finally realized that the only winning move is not to play

Magnus is such a fucking heel. This is like the Chess equivalent of using a weapon to keep your title from a DQ

He's the Ric Flair of chess?

I love chess but have no clue how to play it well.

Nah, Fabiano is worse on time management. Magnus is pushing forward into blitz time controls. By drawing this game, he can try for a decisive victory because the consequence is blitz time controls.

The games are fantastic.

Doesn't seem like a very diverse matchup to me. Can you really call yourself a chess champion if you're not even female?