Creeps defending creeps... you know, the usual. Creepy private message 'white knight;' lol

1  2018-11-26 by LadyBadWolfBeauty


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This Post -,,

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You didn't even read it did you?

No one ever does.

The guys who get laid know how to properly gauge the situation, can tell when it's appropriate to proposition, and can tell accurately when a woman is showing sexual attraction to him. Sex pests who view courtship as a "numbers game" get laid if they're decently looking. They don't "gauge" anything.

You're talking about the ideology of guys who don't get laid. I was talking about why guys who get laid, get laid.

Ideology has nothing to do with why guys get laid or don't.

You're a sexist and a bully.

Get real. You probably don't even have sex.

You're projecting your own guilt over your behaviors onto me and that is not my fault. Considering your hostility towards women in general, it sounds like you're probably the one who is sexually frustrated. Also, do you see how fucking stupid the statement, "Ideology has nothing to do with why guys get laid or don't" is?? A man who goes around preaching that women should go back to being property because giving women equal rights made women "too powerful" because then they could wield sex like a weapon like the dirty sinners all women are. They talk about making rape legal so incels can force women to carry their incel genetics and stop "chads", or guys who get laid, from dominating the genetic gene pool. Some even encourage incest between parent and child. You're fucked up if you think that having that ideology is not responsible for a person being unable to get laid.

Also, you don't know a damn thing about me. I happen to be getting married very soon, and as we speak I'm laughing with my entire polycule (I have 3 partners in case you were wondering) at how assumptive and ridiculous you are. That is typical of close-minded conservatives who couldn't do anything progressive to save their life.

That degree finally paying off

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Go ahead, mark it for save. I don't care, I am not scared to admit that I happen to be a very progressive thinker and sexually free. I have the courage to stand by my beliefs, to everyone's face, in the public. I'm betting that's more than anyone can say for you.

You're talking to a bot, retard.

Well, I'm not progressive.

Nor am I conservative.

I was an atheist back when you were all going to Church, saying prayers, virtue signalling over your Christian virtues.

Now, you're virtue signalling over your progressive virtues.

The details changed, but it's still the same crap.


I have no hostility to women. But I certainly don't like women like you. Which, thankfully, is a small subset.

3 partners. Let me guess. 3 female partners.

Holy fuck, who hurt you? You're extremely defensive.

You take Reddit way too seriously, and you ruined your credibility with every crazy thing you have said, so good luck nutjob.

LOL - I doubt you have sex with anyone but yourself.

I appreciate your effort to make /r/drama more dramatic.

What's up with the uptick in insaneposting though?

Ever since we lost pinging we've had to escalate the turmoil within the sub, and this apparently is one of the few ways to do it.