Chapo is still outraged at thots having to pay taxes and incels getting their revenge.

1  2018-11-26 by GodOfWineSky


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Actually, they targeted thots.

What the fuck? Why is that so upvoted? God damn online leftists suck ass.

You take two things that are unpopular to begin with, seriously barely anyone isn't beating off and even less people are reporting others to the IRS, and combine them into a bullshit point for retards to jerk themselves raw over. Literal children were tear gassed at the border but oh sorry protecting internet bird turds is more important.

The left will never get anywhere as long as they continue caring about white women.

Serious posting in r/drama lul

The solution to the thot problem is unironically bussy. The ancient Romans had the right idea. They said that men who had sex exclusively with women, like Emperor Claudius, were dominated by women (much like the white knights of today). The Romans in their ancient wisdom knew that taking the middle path of having sex with both bussy and gussy is not only the radical centrist way, but also the truly manly way to conduct oneself.

Hahaha, imagine being so fundamentally alienated from your own body and wracked with shame that you think your problems lie to being addicted to an utterly harmless and natural activity, rather than whatever's causing the pain, fear, sadness and anxiety you dose yourself with free endorphins to avoid (hint: starts with 'Capita', ends with 'lism'.)

People are masturbating because capitalism has destroyed their mental health.

How the fuck do they jump from "calling out Snapchat thots for breaking the law" to "being against all masturbation" anyways?

Imagine being such a cuck that you stan for literal prostitutes

Taxation is theft but only if you have a white gussy


White women truly are the most oppressed group in the world