"David Wu (the guy who started the “report sex workers to the IRS) is currently being outed as a pedophile and multiple girls are coming forward with shit like this. Fuck reporting to the IRS, time to report this dude to the police."

1  2018-11-27 by westofthetracks


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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I'm 100% sure Ed creeps on underaged girls on instagram.


Isn't Ed a woman, or is she a trannie? Its hard to tell nowadays.

Ed is a pajeet.

Arguably not as bad as alternatives

Holy shit I'm sick of you transphobic lowlife scum. How is this subreddit even fucking alive?

Listen to me now, you racist scumlord.

If she decided that she is a trannie, then it's not "Paj-eet", but "Paj-she". You don't call her an "it" just because she has never pood in a loo, you got that? The nerve of some people...

Good premise but shit execution

Sorry I did not raise to the quality standards you're used to in drama.

Just talk about dinosaurs 🦖 lmao

India doesn't have loos anyways, we use the much more sophisticated streets.

Bring the toilet witch

i have multiple confirmations from discord sources that ed is in fact a foid.


porque no los dos?

Foreigners get out REEE


literally who?

imagine caring about the one random nobody who gets tied to the actions of a much larger scale (and successful) /pol/ raid

cope detected

no seriously for real, who the fuck is this guy?

I've been hearing about this thot patrol multiple times a day for two or three days now both on reddit, twitter, and 4chan, but I have never heard of this person.

Why are you cucks always Canadian? 😂

Hockey. It makes the strong stronger, at the cost of the weak. They get concussions.


This makes sense now

Common Table Expression?

It's odd though.

I mean the kekistans are one thing, about on par with the rainbow hair soyboys as far as physical fitness goes.

But then you get guys like thegloriouslion, and even some of the Proud Boys, who seem to be legit badasses. But I don't know of any extreme left wingers who look like they've ever set foot in a gym.

But I don't know of any extreme left wingers who look like they've ever set foot in a gym.

I do, but they wouldn't consider themselves "extreme left wingers" even tho they're very economically left

Yeah that's kind of my gist. One of the things that extreme rightoids value is peak physical fitness, and it shows when you see the Nordic Viking alt-right groups, but I have yet to hear about a group of extreme lefties who also value peak physical fitness. Like a Communist workers group who was used to doing heavy labor and had the build that comes with it. I'd figure there has to be at least some support for that kind of group identity.

It's like the soyboys with their open mouth teeth covered half smiles, like they're consciously avoiding anything that could be construed as aggressive. Working out, getting into shape, learning self defense all seem to be things they actively avoid because it reminds them of the jocks and bullies who used to push them around.

Except that one group that was doing jazzercise in the park and released a YT video about it.


boy what a thinker goys

I don't understand your hillbilly French, snowback.

never change, buddy



He was one of the people leading the charge

Also, please reconsider how you live your life

Also, please reconsider how you live your life

This preachy bs is what happens when you drive out everyone the SRDines don't like.

he posted the original facebook post detailing how to do it

David "ThotSlayer" Wu. He's just some autist on FB who helped popularize #ThotAudit while cranking out hilarious memes (famous IG thots were showing up to defend themselves in the comments n shit... was fucking wild).

His profile was blowing up and he was on the verge of creating a brand but now it's deleted, probably because he was trying to fuck underage girls and got found out.

I'm just sad his social media is gone. It was peak drama/trolling.

r/drama incels and their thot patrolling days are over lololol

It's all over for dramacels!

i got the pol patrol on the thot patrol

money cash hoes

The only people that think /pol/ raids work are the same people that are on it and not incidentally not allowed within a quarter mile of schools and public parks.

You lefties really are butthurt over hooker being forced to pay taxes. I thought you all liked taxes.

Yeah I'm sure they're all gonna get calls from the irs tomorrow. From a guy with a really thick Indian accent.

Nah, it was pretty funny. You incels are sure butt hurt about a possible pedo getting outed.

It's fake, and you ate the bait.

So now you are pushing fake news with false accusations. Congrats you're a shitty person.

Implying I give a shit.

now you're just an idiot. lol

lol you don't constantly think about cam whores what an idiot

lol who are you talking to?


no u



I've never seen "grooming" used for a 17 year old before

if you solicit nudes from someone who still uses the "o.o" emoticon youre 100% a pedophile, doesnt matter how old she is

What if she is furry? Cheakmate atheists.

bestiality tbh

I personally use OwO

I still think that counts. Any dudes you've fucked have retroactively become pedophiles.

What if you fuck someone who haven't yet used an OwO or o.o emoticon, who then later use it?

Rhetorical question, you go straight to jail.

you're pure scum if you breathe in the same direction, let alone date, someone that uses social media because that's taking advantage of disabled people.


Good take.


oWo what's this *notices badge*

if you're interested in anyone younger than you and pursue this you're a grooming paedophile. Facts.

Lolicon is pedophilia

I don't like the anime girls who are too young anyway, more like 12+ at least


Buddy, I you aren’t dating a sexually mature women in her mid to late 50’s or older you’re a pedo. If she’s still ovulating, she’s too young.

Also 16 year olds. I'm 20 and I'd never go after a 16 year old, that's fucking weird

user reports:
1: My dad is 4 years older than my Mom, it's sooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeird.

I know you're being sarcastic but yes, your folks are kind of twisted.

Indeed a 54 year old being with a 50 year old is exactly identical to a 20 and 16 year old

Exactly. Absolutely revolting. Some day a real rain is gonna come and wash all these tax dodging thots and incel pedos away.

well, you kind of need to take stock here and remember that for the rest of us, both our mom and dad measure their age in human years, so as time passes and they age, there is none of that 'catching up' that your parents have going on in whatever unique situation makes the above comparison so sarcastic for you.

(i am assuming some kind of ape in the mix?)

What the fuck are you talking about

sigh, I've thought I've left off commenting on reddit but..

dude, he implied that the reason that for you there is a reason to use sarcasm when comparing 20 with 16 year old and 54 with 50 year old, is that your mother fucked some ape whose life span is shorter and whose measure their age in 'shorter' years.

like you know when people say 'she is 40 in dog years' - it's that but with apes.

to clarify - for humans, there is no reason to see those 2 relationships differently because they are both going to be aging together and naturally at some point if they stay together, that 16 and 20 year olds couple are at some point going to become 50 and 54 year olds couple.

But if they were like a human woman and an ape with a shorter life span where the later counts in 'ape years', the original numerical difference would be bigger and than the difference would slowly diminish - like 1 earth year passes, and the woman ages 1 year, but the ape dude (who is in this scenario is your biological parent) ages like 1.2 ape years (idk how close to humans, apes are in lifespans).

anyway, that's the joke.

and don't worry, i'm gonna report that comment for you.

Thanks friend I understood that. It's just I was having my beliefs in intelligent design challenged by the challenged redditor I was replying to. How could an omniscient being create an individual whose IQ must be so low it has to be measured in kelvin seen as he thought my parents (whose ages I made up for the sake of argument) would have met in circumstances anything like messaging a random girl asking for nudes. What I mean all that is how the fuck are two people 16 and 20 meeting organically and entering a mutually beneficial relationship anything like a 20 year old messaging a 16 year o.old asking for pics of her tits lmao

tbf, if he was like 55 id call it grooming. its the huge age difference in that case, makes the 17 yr old look like shes 12

i wouldnt use 'grooming' in this case though

i remember when that 'divide by 2 and add X' rule was just bullshit pushed by college girls, pissed off that the older guys they wanted were picking highschool girls instead.

mfw when an entire generation was retarded enough to internalize it.

was just bullshit pushed by college girls, pissed off that the older guys they wanted were picking highschool girls instead.

lol what? How did you even come to believe that this is a thing? Both men and women in college who date high schoolers are social pariahs. They're usually really weird and nobody wants to hang out with them unless they're in an evangelical clique where it's normal. Did you even go to a real college?

welcome to another episode of 'Shit that was completely normal and routine 15 years ago, and which the new generation in NA throws fits over after decades of drinking retard brand of kool-aid'

Now you have young guys claiming that HS girls is just too young and creepy for them to date in their wizened age of '2 years later' and people nod along pretending these guys are not chemically lobotomized.

These bullshit new takes on sexual relations is yet another contributor to why our natural population growth rate keeps tanking, modern economies cannot fathom surviving without constantly importing from less retarded countries, and in general western humanity is looking like it will soon imitate those degenerate zoo animals that we can't save from extinction because the remaining specimens have forgotten their basic functionality like how to fuck.


Do you ever go outside? This has no grounding in reality; college kids don't even think about dating high schoolers, let alone wax poetic about how they can't date high school students. They go to college parties and meet-ups with their peers and associate with them. This post is just bizarre in general. You sound like an alien trying to piece together human relationships from third-hand sources.

what retard guilded this

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

6.0 inches ≈ 15.2 centimetres 1 inch = 2.54cm

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Edit: I can't believe my first gilded post was about pedophiles and thots!

My first gilded post was about how much toilet paper it takes to wipe my ass.

I got my one and only gild because "he wasn't that much if a fag"

This is peak you.


You will still get the gulag.

I guarantee it was Watermark3





Join my guild Thots and Preyers msg me Lvl 75 only

Tfw your are only a level 34 mage 😞

Are you in a guild now?

just this post

So I have been talkin' to this sweet gal and buying her nudes for around 6 months. Thursday I decided to finally invest in a lifetime subscription to her Premium Snapchat. Then the "THOT audit" happened and now she has deleted all her social media and I can't message her... I am now not only down $500 with rent coming up on the 1st but I have also lost a good friend. Fuck you Alt Right. Just... Fuck you.

Watch out for roasties on pedopatrol!

That chick is trying very hard to be Twitter famous, now I know why she didn't take down her post about the IRS even though it was pure misinformation lmao.

Oh shit I didn’t realize it was her again.

All her recent tweets are begging for money

Ima just leave this here

Girl is trying to get people to donate money to her; I'm suspect of her true intentions.

LOL at non-tax paying roasted femaloids thinking that attacking the messenger changes the fact that they're freeloading off society.


Lol imagine thinking that these people are freeloading off society and not tax exempt rich people. So cucked

incels think like this

It will pay the food stamps of one melanated individueal

Who are these tax-exempt rich people?

Effective tax rate starts dropping rapidly somewhere in the top half of the top percent. The richest Americans pay about half the tax rate of the average American.

It's kinda fucked.

Didn't know that, but i guess progressive taxation is evil socialism for the average american

It is progressive if you look at it backwards

Nah that’s from capital gains, not earned income.


Don’t think thots have the largest investment portfolios

Yes, thats the problem. Earned income is more important for poor people than rich people, but despite this, it is taxed more than capital gains, which is much more profitable for rich people. It should be the other way around, i.e. the form of income that is used more by rich people should be taxed harder.

Not disagreeing completely. Just pointing out that this case is probably only concerned with earned income

Income above 418k if single and 444k if married filing jointly is 39.6%

And that's the bottom half of the 1%. The people making $4 million per year are paying ~25% and the people making $40 million are paying ~20%.

Can you link info on that? I like reading law and other boring shit.

Thanks, not as boring as I wanted but up there.

It's almost as if our system incentivises them to invest and donate rather than hoard.

It's not either-or. Both can be freeloaders.

I look forward to all you retards taking action against billionaire free loaders.

This is peak centrism. You may not like it but this is what true centrality looks like.

How many refugees can my tax dollars personally kill ?

Seems I'm famous

a dimple thank you would be nice

people who are antisocial parasites are only capable of defending their actions by pointing to others who are worse than them. go be useful and stock up some grain chapotard

The only reason they think they is because they “have to be because they are obvious whores”. These mutants really have no clue how that works.

Chances are they are paying taxes.

Dude you don't have to post that a 16 year old rejected you. We all know it's true.

LOL at Pedo incels thinking that reporting cam girls to the IRS changes the fact that they will get the chair.


if wu (pbuh) gets taken down by this he will just become a martyr

You will still get the gulag.

idk who this is, but the definition of pedo seems to get looser by the year. A 20 year old hitting on a 17 year old qualifies now? That doesn't even violate half-your-age-plus-seven.

I need money before midnight

Imagine going after one person, because you’re a serial narcissist who literally has leeched off society for her entire life and has nothing else to show for it.

Yeah, fuck David Wu.

Imagine threatening to rape and kill a 16 year old and distribute porn you solicited from her, because she told you she has a boyfriend.

I mean we should all distrust anyone who starts drama on Twitter just to be safe.

Fuck reporting to the IRS

time to report this dude to the police.

How about doing both, sweaty?

This is not good for dramacoin, this is EXCELLENT for dramacoin!

A 20 year old with a 16 year old is fine in most of the world so...

Soliciting nudes is not.

This isn't real anyway but yeah. Like make her 13 or 12 or something, at least then the complaints are somewhat justified.

No, then everyone will agree that it's bad and the whole thing will quickly die out. Making it right on the edge of being acceptable so that half of the people argue that it is and half that it isn't is what generates maximum long playing drama.


If you’re 20 and trying to bang a 16 year old you’re a fucking loser in most of the world

When I was in high school and about 16, this one 21 year old dude was fucking all the girls in our friend group. He drove this 400hp Mitsubishi Eclipse and apparently had an enormous cock. I wanted to hate him at the time, but I thought he was cool because it looked like he was living the dream. Thinking back on it, the dude was obviously a complete loser. It's amazing nobody called the cops on him.

since when? either you're retarded or talking out of your ass.

yep... that's what all the cool nerds at my school were telling themselves as they watched all the hot girls in their year get picked up by Chads in shiny sport cars.

"What a loser that dude is. Driving away while our fanclub's crush is sucking him off, not even realizing how stupid he is for not making her stop and strap her seatbelt on."

the girls who weren't invited to that car ride were of same opinion. 'Total loser for wanting that whore over me - look at her, her blowjob technique isn't event that good'

What about threatening to rape someone for no reason...

>guy does something to piss off sex workers

>a bunch of angry femoids come forth with allegations of pedophilia, sexual misconduct, etc. against him immediately afterwards

What a coincidence. hmmm....

A bunch of pissed off sex workers to be more accurate. Like one of the "victims" is a hobo prostitute just trying get money to feed her dog

Like one of the "victims" is a hobo prostitute just trying get money to feed her dog

Allegedly. I happen to be extremely disadvantaged myself. Here, let me give you the link to my patreon..

I think we are onto something Goyim!🤔


The timing is pretty suspect for sure...

And here we find the magnificent yet pathetic virgin redpill troll in its natural habitat. Its shrill screeches and calls assure that it will never find a mate; the continuing survival of its species is a mystery to anthropologists to this very day. A curious species, its vocalizations seem to, on most occasions, be warning cries about an as-yet unobserved aggressive subspecies to which it is closely related. Why it seems so terrified of a threat that to all indications does not exist, none know, but all attempts to soothe the creatures fail, and in fact are often met with, ironically, the same sort of aggression it attributes to its phantom counterparts. Perhaps, as the rest of civilized society currently suspects, the virgin redpill troll as a species simply suffers from an incurable case of psychological projection. In any case, there seems to be only one hard and fast rule when it comes to virgin redpill trolls. Top minds everywhere are adamant that whatever one does, one should never, ever feed them.

Is this copypasta? Someone make snappy say this.

Is this copypasta?

Are we ever truly original?




Is Hollywood?

I don't know about holly but I have some wood for your bussy

Carpetbagger colorfully crosschecked northbound tablespoonfuls.

When do they not?


Its cute how its a coincidence, but only one way.

One of them already backed out and adnitted this was just a photoshopped post from r/niceguys

imagine my shock

So pedophilia was fine till he started promoting tax payment, lol. I thought sex workers were left, so why not pay the taxes like they ask corporations too (which they should).


ya'll a bunch of snitches for reporting thots to the IRS

somebody call the police on this guy because of screenshots

Pedos get beat in the street by the community not in jail smh

bet they don't report their weed dealer

I feel that Americans are a bit crazy this way. Being attracted to 16 or 17 year old as a 20 year old makes you a pedophile? There are grown men who date women that age openly. Seinfeld dated a 17 year old openly. Is he a pedophile? I don't see anyone wanting to put him in prison.

But according to this logic he is a pedophile.

sweaty, if you like someone younger than yourself you're a paedophile. It's perfectly simple.

Well yeah, you are a pedo for one thing.


Listen to this man, hes an expert when it comes to preying on underage girls

Even if you don't consider him a pedophile, he definitely has access to child pornography, which is worse. Lmao

the post that made me quit relationships was one where a 24yo woman was made to feel creepy for liking a 18yo guy who had been flirting with her.

Calling a jew a pedophile would be redundant.

Found the libertarian

I didn't say I agreed with this or were not disgusted by this. But I would say that you need to define your terms better or stop using them.

Jerry Seinfeld

If you're a rich Jew in show business, you don't go to jail for fucking kids

Are you a man? Then you are bad. We'll figure out why later.

Inb4 "this but unironically"

this but actually

still child porn

So this isn't David Wu of cracked dot com?

The Male Feminist?

Imagine my disappoint

That's David Wong

From the State?

Gr8 author


I thought that was the transwoman running for Congress against gamergate?

That's Brianna Wu

I thought that was the googly eyed man who was a fad on YTMND?

The wild thing is that David Wong isn't even an incel or a hapa. He actually has a Certified Asian Wife and took her last name.

thats pretty woke


* accused

its fake.

Lot of people itt taking this thing seriously.

How TF is this the one comment that made me understand that ITT means in this thread. I'm fucking retarded

weird how so many of these radical centrists get real "how dare you" when it's a pedo incel getting fucked with

really maeks u thonk

r/drama has too many pedo incels day of the chair when


Just looked at it again to see how many fakes I could spot. I found this one talking about David Wu's followers and how most of them are asking for nudes from underage girls. Basically this dude is a cult leader or something? How many followers does he have?

Before the make a campaign to accuse him of pedophilia years ago they should decide his age. The victims have him currently any where from 20 to 25

Someone who is very aware of snapsnatch girls and the pay to pre services turn out to be a terrible person also. Color me fucking shocked 🍵

It's almost like everyone is fucking terrible in their own way.

Sick of retarded amerifats REEEE fucking at age 15 and 16 means your a pedo REEEE. America, land of the cucks

Why do Europedos always comment on these threads?

Why do Europedos always comment on these threads?


why are people calling out my retard status

This is the Euro version of "it's not pedophilia, its ephsehpsifpeheshebophilia"

To educate you.

ps: not an e*ropean.

Found the pedo

slides into some 16 year olds messages demanding pics

fucking gets them

she wants to date him but he says no

The chad incel.

Actually the story goes.. she gets a bf and he decides to distribute the pics and threaten to rape & kill her.

Oof just an incel now

That happened afterward. He still partook of her nudes and denied her fruits.

It's over for hapacels

Why not both?


And you guys laughed when I said not to fuck with the sex workers

Oh you laughed

lol they're outing one dude who is completely irrelevant thing

suddenly "THE S E X W O R K E R S ARE STRIKING BACK!?!!?!?!!?"

honestly just as pathetic as mass reporting Twitter accounts to the fucking IRS lol

people going about "/Pol/ raid was a success!! as just as sad

I'm sure the Thot Audit is gonna stop now that an Asian has been accused of something on Twitter.

"stops" implies they're actually doing something other than mass spamming IRS reports no one will read, lol

Um excuse me, I was fucking talking here.

It’s funny bc his name is so generic it could be literally anyone who sent that. Or it could easily be faked lmaoo

Ya lmao. Change your name to david wu then send your roastie snapchat thot messages.

Literally just press F12 in chrome, ctrl f to find the text of any comment in here, and you can change the appearance of any text to whatever you want to make it look 100% authentic

You could spend a few seconds with code inspector in chrome to change the conversation to say whatever you want it to say. If the cops investigate him, they'll subpoena logs from Facebook or check from an actual Facebook account. Chances are, they're just trying to pin something on him and destroy his reputation now, because the messages from him seem a little fake and forced. Or he's soliciting minors. Either way, it's slightly entertaining.

oh absolutely. Dude's fine

Thot patrol drama is fun and all, but i can't take this chick seriously at all

What do you call someone who BEGS for money on the internet in exchange for revealing pictures? I mean come on.....

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

White women are the devil incarnate and have no problem destroying someone's life because s/he made fun of her. Eventually, they'll lose their rights while we marry family-oriented latina women.

If she's white, leave on sight.

Report the police to the IRS

fake news. Roasties out for revenge.

Aaaand PayPal plug in the replies. Fucking hell that's nasty.

Bad attempt by thot in question to nail Wu for pedophilia, successful attempt at making herself look like a retard

oh how the tables have turned


"Sex workers" are already giga pedos who know that a large portion of clients are underage but don't care or get off on it. Pot's calling the kettle black. 🙄

this is fake as fuck

I thought David Wu was gay

Sorry Wars : The Thot Strikes back

This is just like the NPC meme. Those stupid fucking camwhores could have just stayed quiet about this or at least not risen to all the baiting but no. They have to spread a fuckton of misinformation about tax law on twitter thus outing how stupid they are followed by attacking the person who started this whole mess with a really pathetic attempt to make him out to be a pedo.

I have no doubt the majority of these idiots were not paying taxes but if they hadn't sperged so hard responding to the incels it wouldn't be so bad. Literally everything they've done is made the situation worse for themselves.

Weird how as soon as you accuse a THOT of their crimes suddenly a mob grows against you


So many things in this.

1) people in glass houses and all that

2) how does one know that this comment chain is real?

Great dramacoin though

Things David Wu has been accused of in chronological order

Leaking nudes Blackmail Pedophilia organising a Murder human trafficking child human trafficking It seems they throw shit at the wall, see if it sticks and then move on to the next one

Im friends with some of his on facebook, so I knew about this shit sooner than ever. One of the accusations was literally just a post from r/niceguys that was shopped over. The person who released the facebook post of this particular post has retracted it and said it was from a friend and they apologize for it being fake.