Dog hit by car, Reddit blames owner. Owner changes story and reposts, Reddit gets annoyed.

1  2018-11-27 by vavskjuta


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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dude wankrag lmao

Seriousposting story:

Some guy walking his dog started crossing the road without looking from behind a truck. He saw us and stopped just in time. The dog obviously didn't. Bonk.

This retard probably did the same thing and now is trying to blame everyone but himself.

pit mix

Should have double tapped

A good ole donut on it too just to make sure.


Dios mío! 👏

It's my fault she was off the lead. the drivers fault for going too fast and the dog is suffering because humans are stupid

This is how you recognize Hillary voter.

I made a mistake

There were consequences

We are all in it together


>hillary voter

Wonder how many times she voted 🤔🤔🤔

Voting for mommy is a state of mind.

Voting for Daddy is a lack of one 😁

Yes all those Hillary voters in the UK.

I believe the british term is "remain-er"

It's actually pretty interesting how similar the two votes played out and how close they were. Even after, talks of revoting tend to have the same arguments if you toss out America's being a regular exercise of the government.

Truly a Special Relationship.

peak white people nonsense

According to the boyfriend's latest comments the dog has died.

rip pupper, last living moments were being used for karma on Reddit.

A dead dog is a good dog.

vvvvvvv good boy doggo

Hi Graaphs! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Rule #1: Please don't post "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss) or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster).

  • Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc. You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section.

Imagine being this fragile

If they don't do that then the subreddit would just be sob stories

So, /r/pics?

Imagine defending reddit tier sob stories and attention whoring

Imagine imagining

imagine aaaalllllll the ppl

They're just trying to prevent people from karma farming with "my doggo died" trash

Just to make it clear every one. If you hit a dog you have to stop and make a reasonable effort to help.

Says fucking who?

It's the same as hitting a squirrel really from a legal perspective

Says the UK, hun, maybe where they give a shit about eachother... according to her. tears down borders and everyone gets raped

t. amerimutt

go back to 4chan, normie

If you hit a dog you have to stop and make a reasonable effort to help.

If your pibble mauls someone you have to stop and make a reasonable effort to help.


No one is gonna buy that nonsense name. Pit bulls are killers.

The true radical centrist position is that these killers should still be raised by cholos to fight each other. It's part of their culture and you're a bigot if you try to take that from them.

I hit a dog once. Ran out into a road at night. Barely saw it before my jeep tire ran it over. Got out, fucker was gone, so i drove off. Wonder if someone posted that dog a dozen times on reddit in retaliation.

Jeep dudes are the horse girls of guys

Sorry that your shitty drama is so bad no one updooted it for 2 days

I hope y'all are expanding hidden comments because this thot is fucking nuts and it's hilarious. If there wasn't a picture of the dog I'd assume it was a 12 year old troll

Hit a dog with a car.


Gotta post on Reddit for dat dope reddit karma!