Lost in all this thotaudit fun is the fact that jewdank not only got away with charging people money for premium Snapchat without delivering, she also probably never paid taxes on it. She really was our queen

1  2018-11-27 by ChipChippersonAMA


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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i work for the irs and will be taking this very seriously

Is jewdank still around on reddit or did they finally leave for good

It's kind of shocking she hasn't come back. I wonder if she just ended it all

My guess is either jail or drugs.

Maybe in jail because of drugs.

Did anyone ever figure out what those tattoos are supposed to be?

Having looked through her McJewdank posts just now, I’ve figured out a little bit.

The one on the front is a rainbow peace symbol. I can’t get clear pictures of her back, but one looks like maybe a Alice in wonderland style caterpillar smoking a hookah while sitting in a crescent moon (I’ve seen similar tattoos before). The large block of text might be Illuminati, but I can’t really tell. There’s something on her upper ass cheek that looks like the MLB logo, but probably isn’t. There also a scrollwork tramp stamp with a phrase I can’t read clearly

TL;DR, not really

Your detective work is truly appreciated. I may also need to study this out more.

It’s definitely “Illuminati”. It’s from Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, one of my fave books when I was twelve and turning into an edgy atheist.

Tramp stamp looks like Latin maybe

Classy tramp

I think it says "DJ El Colmillo".

Def Latin then

The MLB style logo is basically the MLB logo but with the man replaced with a kneeling woman.

Wow, that's even worse than what I expected.

The tramp stamp is clearly jailhouse. It might not even be legible at this point.

The red white and blue one is the logo for the National Thot Association.

She posts on Snapchat sometimes she gained about 20 lbs. granted she was stick thin during the height of her Reddit run

so /r/drama drove her into comfort eating

Her South Park r/drama post was quite possibly the worst thing I've ever read on this sub, which is obviously saying something

Wrong, the post forbidding pinging was

I'd love to see the numbers but I would guess that Jewdank was the most pinged user of all time


Between the rightoid retards over at TD accusing him of being an enemy of free speech, and the leftoid retards accusing him of being a Nazi sympathizer, he probably dwarfs her mentions.

I shoulda specified I meant here in Drama

I'm thinking ballowgoob probably gives her a run for her money.

If you weren't here for Jewdank's heyday there was pretty much a daily thread about her where I'm pretty sure half the people were typing one handed while they flung tepid insults at her

Who was the whore dramaposter who started doing sex work (stripping then hooking) again? I feel like she was also jewish.


Right, whatever happened to that thot? Was she killed by a customer yet, or is hir just doing heroin and feeling gender dysphoric?

The wisdom of all who know enough to cash our before the reckoning.

praise be to the thots.