Chapstick is proud his niece is getting blacked. Imagine being this racist.

1  2018-11-27 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Imagine being happy your sister may become a single mom

Better than it being an incest baby

Incest baby probably has a higher IQ

I think you mean chromosomes

That too


Hahahahahaha you're a racist! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Asia continent proves that, yes.

Closer the kin the sweeter the skin bud

How do blacks even know if they're committing incest when none of them know who their fathers are?

I was wondering if they could tell each other apart tbh, I know no one else can.

If the dad is always in jail how did he have more kids

They are tremendously well endowed.

their cocks are so long they can extend beyond the walls of the jail and nest in nearby fertile mayo gussy


MDEcels coming back i see

Imagine being happy your niece is fucking anyone but you 🀒🀒🀒

Wtf why is anti idpol leftism on the rise???

Let's put our thinking caps on...

You sound disappointed

I am. I was hoping it would cause a world war.

Because not every leftist is a total fucking retard.

Turns out most of the """socialists""" wanting to """nationalise""" every thing we're really natsocs all along.

Why didn't we listen to Ben Shapiro?

Did he not own enough libs? Was the style not epic enough? I fear the answers to these questions will come to us too late...

national SOCIALISM


We're coming for your pronouns whitey.


"Hi everyone, I'm David. I'd like to let you all know that I just love the negros. Big, big fan of the blacks. They're fantastic, and you should know that I support the savages in everything they do."

"im so proud my niece will become pregnant at a young age with no support for the baby once its born!"

Dumbshit. How do you expect mayocide to happen if niggas stick around every time they get a white girl pregnant? 10 white idiots for every 1 beautiful black man. They have to keep moving to achieve our goals.

Again, white people self-flagellate in front of minorities because they want something from them.

In this case probably forgiveness since most of chappies ancestors were probably slave owners

Slave fluffers

I'm part native and part Canadian, I didnt have shit to do with slavery, so ain't nobody guilting me over fucking slavery.

most chappies are part j*ws so yeah they were slave owners

Ironic, their ancestors spent their time raping slaves, and they spend their time dreaming about being raped by them.

Yeah, both of them want that big black clock in this case

Am I woke now, daddy?

That black kid is about to experience a real life "Get Out" scenario

It's over for pale-cells

I support this. Mayocide now.

white people are so fucking weird about race lmao even the β€˜woke’ ones are extra corny

So many truths, so little time

Thanks for checking my priverage

The only white people who aren't weird about race are on the right.

Baste black man owns the libs. (+5000 uptrumps)

Okay, this is epic!





My pedo detector suddenly started beeping.



We really need a Black Israelite mod.

I think he was talking more the "LOL FUCK NIGGERS" kind of right wing than the "Based and epic kanye!" kind of right.

This but ironically.

Yeah. the American progressive (99% white) obsession with non-whites is pretty off putting.

So is the American right-wing obsession with non whites.

Burgerland just has issues with race in general.

A white person wrote this.

One of my wife's friends back in college married a black guy.

It was a big scandal because her own family refused to show up for the wedding.

Dude was even a pre-med student (not that you have to be very smart for that if you are black), but her family didn't show up those horrible racists!

They are divorced now, he was beating her.

Now I wonder if they family was really racist or they just knew the guy was a piece of shit and refused to support it.

This random story is brought to you by

burn the coal...

Pay the toll

A lot of naive college kids are pre-med until their 5th consecutive F's in organic chemistry so they change their major track to finance or sociology or some shit.

It doesn't mean shit.

He was already accepted into med school, I should have added that.

Yeah that sounds a lot more impressive than premed

he treated her right, a mayo soyboy cuck could never keep his woman in place

This but unironically


what did that woman do to that poor man to make him hit her?

being a mayo girl

That is so fucking creepy and gross. I bet he ask her if she has trouble 'taking' him and hes no longer allowed around her unsupervised

it was actually inspired by this one time when me and my gender non conforming friend were walking on our college campus and this random dude went up to my friend and high fived them yelling "way to go!". We were both freaked out that that dude basically congratulated my friend for being alive and kinda convinced that that dude was congratulating my friend on surviving a plot (created by the high five guy) to kill them

Dude, take your seroquel.

Every trans person has a different definition of what it means to be trans. I remember asking about how being trans isn't just following gender roles and the answers I got ranged from "Gender is actually real and women are naturally girly" "It's just about wanting boobs and stuff maaaaan", "genders don't exist, but we have an internal sex that we want to be seen as through the right pronouns" and a hundred others. The annoying part was that literally all of them were upvoted too.

Yeah the ideology in general is just wildly inconsistent with itself. But GNC literally just means not conforming with the stereotypes for your sex, so it's next-level retarded when they start talking about it like it means trans. No, your retarded-ass gender-neutral pronouns do not come into play just because a dude is wearing a skirt or a chick cut her fucking hair off. By that galaxy brain logic all twinks and bulldykes are trans.

It's cool how there's been we've made a grand circle (or, perhaps, a horseshoe) from thinking that portraying any woman who wants to do something masculine as a dyke is extremely sexist to it being extremely woke.

It's almost as if they are making it up as they go...

Imagine having a family and posting that.

Imagine posting that

Does this guy even Reddit? You're supposed to post a picture of them to /r/pics for maximum karma.


Haha what a piece of shit

Holy shit this is low hanging bait

This is pathetic even by chapocel standards.

Inspirational. She is on her way to being the next Thomas Jefferson.

Comparing my niece to a slave owner because she's dating a black guy seems pretty extreme.

i fucking can’t.

They're probably referring to Jefferson's slave gf (Sally Hemings).

chapotards and dramatards: yay mayocide now haha dude mayocide lmao shakes nervously

also chapotards and dramatards: no no no not like that

Remember folks. Once you go black, you're a single mother.

interracial relationships in 2018 are so revolutionary