A weaboo getting exactly what he deserves.

1  2018-11-27 by ReichSmasher2018


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Japan may want to invest in more personnel training to better prepare for the Day of the Sandwich. Looks like it took an entire branch office of the Tokyo PD to spread a single serving of mayo.

Its like the Bataan death march all over again :(

Based nip police

It's like in Demolition Man where the police are so used to no crime they don't know how to manage a criminal

I love how that soyboy wears that one cop like a backpack.

That is one of my favorite Twitter accounts

Hyped for the new yakuzza game

Also Paul Smith exists outside of the uk?