We must prepare for the dogfuckercide

1  2018-11-28 by templesthataum

Soon, with the (white) thotpocolypse and the inability for white women to acknowledge the travesties facing non-white women all around the world in favor of their own, the white woman's actions will catch up with her.

She will be abandoned by all men, cast into the shadows of society and be shamed to the outskirts. There she will remain, begging and pleading for passing-by men of any race to "breed" her.

"No," they will reply.

The white woman will go extinct soon, as white men are slowly starting to realize they have, through dark rituals of their own making, created the doom of civilization. The only way to prevent her from taking over the planet and creating a heroin-monopoly that is funded by selling her kids for drug money, is to abandon her. All white men must finally give up the hopes that Richard Spencer and his fellow alt-right sodomites had, to continue the mayo race. This is an honorable goal, one that won't be forgotten.

Lest we do not act, every single dog on earth will be turned into a sex toy, every child will become currency for opioids and countless black men will face false rape charges when a mayo woman is found to be cheating on her husband. This future can be prevented, but only if all peoples join together.

The dogfucker is not stronger than us. We are stronger than the dogfucker.


OP any bigger fedora and you'll have to go outside for once

These words mean nothing to me, mayonette.

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