SRDines RISE UP to defend thots after #thotaudit was started.

1  2018-11-28 by DistortedLines

A bit of a backstory for those of you who live under a rock: A couple of days ago our lord and savior David Wu decided he had enough and declared an all out war on foids, starting the thotaudit movement. The movement was immediately picked up by incels and similar groups who enjoyed seeing those freeloading criminals and their manlet beta fans get cucked by the IRS. (You can look up the threads concerning this on here and on /r/braincels (just search by "top" if you're lazy)).

Naturally, this movement also receives a lot of support from gamers, who have long history of feuds with gamur gurls and titty streamers. Some of these gamers RISE UP

One particular SRDine (who shall not be pinged) takes Issue with this and so he RISES UP and creates this thread ( on SRD to defend M'ladies' honor. Here are a few highlights:

Boomer finds out what THOT means

B-But why aren't they targeting male streamers?

Brave SRDine goes against the circlejerk and says that paying taxes is a social responsibility and that avoiding it is bad, quickly regrets it as he finds that that SRDines are now ancaps and libertarians

Dramalord and fellow mod tries enjoy the drama, gets shut down

Anyway look through the whole thread its full of hot takes.

Back to our friend OP, who hates gamers with a passion and thinks they are racist nazis Apparently, upon submitting that thread he typed in this comment:

Just to be clear, personally I think the ThotAudit is fucking reprehensible, but I needed to comply with the rule against title bias. I'm putting this out there for people who'll share my concern with seemingly whitewashing it through describing it as merely 'controversial'. While I know the subscribers of /r/SubredditDrama are smarter than this, If any users from elsewhere do want to call me a 'white knight' for this like they're doing to others with my position on the /r/GamersRiseUp post I honestly won't give a shit, because if you sincerely use that term then you're one of the exact same raised-by-the-Internet, capital-G gamer dumbasses /r/GamersRiseUp was originally designed to poke fun at in the first place.

If you're not familiar with SRDine culture, this means that the post clearly violates two of SRD's rules about obvious bias and not using the sub for call outs. Butttt instead of removing the post itself and warning OP, the mods removed the OP's comment to keep the post up. Rly makes u think doesnt it?

Anyway here's a very cute Taypic 4u for reading through this post


Oh and the OP has a new account where all he does is rant about gamers

a majority of gamers are incels, racists, both or complete shitheads in some other way.

When the gamers and incels join forces, it'll be alll over for the roasties

The Venn diagram of gamers and incels is a near-perfect circle, so that wouldnโ€™t be much of an alliance.

Does 100% rapelay count as having sex?

Same as liberal white knights

We're so close to victory now. Never forget who our enemies are. Chad and Stacey STACEY AND CHAD winners of the genetic lottery!

"Incel" is the new "neckbeard"

Change my mind.

Back in my day we called them NEETs!

Zhe's not wrong there

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. /r/braincels -,,*

  3. Some of these gamers RISE UP -,,

  4. -,,

  5. Boomer finds out what THOT means -,,

  6. B-But why aren't they targeting mal... -,,

  7. Brave SRDine goes against the circl... -,,

  8. Dramalord and fellow mod tries enjo... -,,

  9. hates gamers with a passion and thi... -,,

  10. /r/SubredditDrama -,,*

  11. /r/GamersRiseUp -,,*

  12. Taypic -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Have we seen the return of effortposts?


That's a very beautiful Taypic!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ž

Agreed! She looks so adorable in it <3

12/10 would titty stream.

Dat bish so flat, it'd be a titty trickle.

Holy shit you killed me

Certainly more adorable than SRDines attitude, at least. ๐Ÿ˜’

Do you actually like Tay or is this just a shtick like Cdace who I hear in reality has a bunch of dinosaur bones in his basement

I literally love her so much you can't even understand, she's my qween!

Implying anyone in this sub isn't posting their actual opinion and making it look ironic

I'm on so many layers of irony I voted for Hillary Clinton several times in California then posted evidence of my election fraud on T_D

This but unironically

There are legit people obsessed with her

For once

She isn't aging very well though is she?

gussy ๐Ÿ˜’

Thinks gamers are incel Nazis

This but unironically.

Don't get me wrong he's absolutely right on that part. Let it be known that I do not support gamers in any way shape or form.

Phew, thanks for clearing that up buddy I was this close to canceling you

You forget us gamers have the power to CREATE LIFE

Your spore monster won't save you when the g*mercide will come.

active in those subreddits

Would you change your position if I sold my lung to disadvantaged children?

No because then you're a fucking liar. Gamers have no need to breath. The just permeate oxygen through their skin. It's a skill picked up through hours of focusing on the screen, so the body naturally adapts.

Only if you sold both of your lungs. One to a woman of color domestically and one to a starving child in southeast Asia.


The YouTube algorithm gives you alt-right videos if you watch kittens and knitting. That's just youtube being shit and promoting Nazis incessantly.

I just get weird Indian cartoons and e-celeb bullshit in my feed, maybe Google knows more than this guy is letting on ๐Ÿค”

He probably googled erectile dysfunction and interracial cuck porn, and it's basing it off that

Is that what happened to you?

Seriously. If youtube is showing you alt-right videos, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're alt-right. That's all.

if im getting a bunch of rap videos in my feed do i get to say the N word

Yes, and do please remember to greet all the brothers in your neighborhood with a friendly "what up, nigga?"

This but unironic. You will make friends and play that cool Dbz fighting game.

play that cool Dbz fighting game.

while passing blunts and sippin' 40 oz malt liquor. Prime male bonding right there.


This is the whitest shit I've read in a while wow

Specifically, Anaconda Malt Liqour

it's called the knockout game

The mistake you're making is assuming the target audience for those videos are as equally melanin-ated as the artists in question.

/r/hiphopheads is evidence to the contrary.

Either that or you've clicked on too many r/drama links. Also the reason why Amazon keeps suggesting I want 55-gallon drums of lube.

Only 55 gallons. Casual.

What if the algorithm recommends me both alt-right and commie videos?

Then it has determined you're a radical centrist. Congrats.

this post made by nazbol gang

Correct, I'm left leaning and I get a lot of reccomendedations to watch vox and shit, unfortunately vox is fucking cancer

Google knows my room is messy cause I just get Peterson videos.

I get a bunch of crtv and prageru ads bc I watch Peterson and Shapiro videos for the memes, also media literacy

Seriously. Im subbed to fucking Varg Vikernes of all people (because hes a lolcow) and I never see any videos in my feed about restoring a white Evrope.

My suggested videos are adds for scrubs. I dont know what that means about me.

their algorithm has determined, scientifically

I think we can do this without sucking Larry Page's dick

I get religious stuff. Maybe the algorithm found out I need Jesus.

Which one is it alt-right videos or nazi videos

Whats the difference ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘‰

Every altrighter is a nazi but not every nazi is altright, but both are commies

SMH my head everyone just needs to watch gachimuchi videos until their feed is nothing but professional muscular pants wrestling 24/7

Really for me its been giving me MMD DDLC videos

I get boys doing their makeup and Joe Rogan clips because Google knows I'm a masc4twink

Oh and I just realized Neon_noodles had a post regarding one of the comments before me. Here's his post if you haven't seen it



Serious post time. WTF is wrong with Tay's lower teeth in that pic?

That's her tongue i think

standard disgusting mayo anatomy

Why does she have a hand attached to her head?

They targeted titty streamers.

T I T T Y S T R E A M E R S!


They're "sex workers" now. Get with the program.

And "sex taxpayers" soon, inshallah ^^

Sex work is real work! Also please don't make us pay taxes at our real job.

But sex work actually requires you to have sex. If I were an old fashioned whooor, I would be livid for their cultural appropriation. Thats like calling gamers athletes.

They've rebranded as "full service sex workers" or fssw. There's occasional slapfights on leftbook between people saying they're sex workers and how they struggle with things vs. fssw who stand a considerably higher risk of getting kidnapped/murdered/whatever

I thought they were called escorts now? A fssw sounds like she should pump my gas afterwards.

Much better would be chasing corporations that avoid taxes through dubiously legal loopholes, and rich individuals that do the same, and passing legislation to close those loopholes. Further, it's deeply inappropriate to treat the IRS as a means of harassing people you don't like.

โ€œHello, IRS? Iโ€™d like to make an anonymous tip. A little bird told me that thereโ€™s this guy, Jeff Bezos, who has billions of dollars in offshore accounts to avoid corporate taxes. So, uh, do what you will with that information. I think I just nabbed a big one for you folks๐Ÿ˜‰.โ€


"Hello, IRS? I've been sending money via Venmo to this chick (she has a penis but she's a chick) named Lotta Booty XXX and I don't know if she's been paying taxes on it. I mean she may have been but she may not have, I really have no way of knowing. So could you look into it? Plus she hasn't been sending me as many nude pics as she said she would, maybe you could look into that too"

  • Brave Gamer rising up

Guys all we have to do is close the loopholes. How come nobody ever thought of this before?

The fact that they're referring to it as "Thot Audit" just goes to show it has nothing to do with their unrelentingly desire to uphold law and order!

Yeah no shit it's funny tho.

Remember guys, this is VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS. I don't want any jokes out of you.

Knock knock

Who's there?


BUSSY Lmao who


I remember when nihilism was cool.

Now it's just a bunch of soyboys vying for social media points.

Pretty nice tuck job on Tay's part in that pic.

Downvoted for tayposting, the worst of all posting

That's not nice!

I got a 3 day ban in that thread for saying "The whole point of thots is that everyone is invited for a small fee" in response to someone claiming that Thot Auditors are "just mad about a party they didn't get invited to."

SRD is a weird place.

Join the club, im permabanned from there for anti-white racism.


Mayocide when?

Not soon enough!! ๐Ÿ˜”

that is an oxymoron, sasuga SRD

you cant be racist against mayos

I'm banned from about five or six different subs for saying that white people were a mistake. One of them of course is black people Twitter.

I got banned after making fun of TiTs on another sub.

Making fun of trials in tainted space should be an automatic permaban everywhere.

I got banned from black people twitter just for saying I think Katylin Jenner went trans just for the cash. Has anyone ever been banned from that place for saying something bad about black people?

I absolutely take your story at face value, and I'm sorry that happened to you.



I highly doubt srd bans for anti white racism

Tell that to their mods. I tried appealing the ban and they told me I was a "low effort troll"

Same. It was in a thread where everyone was crying about how awful white people are but I got banned for not being genuine in my hatred lol. Because hating whites is fine, but joking about it is a bridge too far!

I'm sure that's exactly it.

That's such a great line tbh

"The whole point of thots is that everyone is invited for a small fee"

I feel like I over the age limit to participate in this drama

Like when people post Ninja fortnite drama.

gamers RISE UP has got to be one of the cringiest things I have ever read on here.

What the fuck am I going to rise up to do exactly? I game specifically because I don't want to rise up. I've done enough rising up for the day now leave me alone and let me enjoy my pedo skinner box.

maybe its about erections

"I just want to unwind after a long day of work"

You people fucking ruined video games

Nowhere did they say they were employed, there's a chance they aren't a filthy casual.

I honestly don't get if Drama doesn't get this or what.

/r/gamersriseup is a satire sub for the few thousand edgy 15 year olds who act like that out here.

This is the 2nd post of all time on there.

When someone responds "[X NICHE GROUP] RISE UP" it means your beliefs are meme-tier shit beliefs.

Like when a chapo posts his manifesto and someone responds "STALINISTS RISE UP", only one of those two people agree with the points being made.

There are definitely people who use "RISE UP" unironically, as a rallying call.

It is super cringe

Yeah, obviously. There are people who unironically think white people are completely useless and should be killed, but 99% of "MAYOCIDE NOW" jokes are satire.

What's your point?

my point is my dick

That 16 year old zoomer who tries to white knight for titty streamers in the name of moral posturing.

I'm so glad twitch wasn't a thing when I was a teen

It's amazing how blazingly asshurt leftoids have gotten over the suggestion that camwhores making money off of flashing their cunts at lonely dudes might possibly be held to the same standards as people who have real jobs, and how furiously misogynistic this all is.

I guess when all you know is privilege, equality feels like oppression.

To the extent that THOT AUDIT isn't entirely fake and gay, I still think it ends with a few IRS agents getting their dicks sucked and a bunch of the guys doing the reporting getting investigated for wasting the government's time.

Ignored everything else and looking forward to that TayTay pic. Thanks OP!

As someone who posted in that thread, I stand by my comment that everyone involved is terrible to a varying degree.

lmao when u totes know what gamersruseup is abt

Best drama thread in a while, good post.

SRD is against diversity of thot

Single moms doing drugs and selling their bodies to total strangers doesnt sound the best environment

How fucking dare you even be SLIGHTLY critical of a women dumb incel mysoginist mra

Reminder that "Children need their mothers" is a core component of the patriarchy. Women need to pick their battles.

ok now this is epic


Maybe in this hallowed day the SRDines will get their creepy PM acknowledged by the thots they orbit

Actually this campaign is sexist against men. Men can't be thots, and any campaign targeting only thots and not fuccbois is exclusionary by nature.

An actual good point that is somewhat funny in irony.

Itโ€™s not a good point because fuccbois usually arenโ€™t sending dick pic private snaps

Men are so sexist because they only murder women 20% of the time and murder men 80% of the time

which means this is a lesser form of swatting.

Stop the world, I want to get off now please

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

โ€ข [/r/circlebroke2]

โ€ข [/r/subredditdrama] โ€ข [/r/topmindsofreddit]

Hmm, shocking

You can't be an incel and a Nazi

I just looked at /r/gamersriseup for a while.

Wtf? I donโ€™t get that sub at all. What is the point of it and why does every picture have the joker?

From my comment above:

I honestly don't get if Drama doesn't get this or what.

/r/gamersriseup is a satire sub for the few thousand edgy 15 year olds who act like that out here.

This is the 2nd post of all time on there.

When someone responds "[X NICHE GROUP] RISE UP" it means your beliefs are meme-tier shit beliefs.

Like when a chapo posts his manifesto and someone responds "STALINISTS RISE UP", only one of those two people agree with the points being made.

Those smug liberals deserve a year in the gulag.

taxation is theft lol"

This is why we need to overthrow capitalism.

We need to start going to Hooters and take down names. I guarantee you those thots aren't paying taxes on their tips. #worldwidethotaudit

Man, Tay sure isn't aging well.