Dog of peace bites 9 special kids, FAS patients come to the pitt's defense

1  2018-11-28 by tea_wolf


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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What if we shipped all the pitbulls to Islamic countries? 🤔

What if we shipped all pitbulls to underdeveloped SEA countries? 😏

How many postage bricks would that take?

one for each dog, if you throw hard enough.

I was thinking to get them to their ocean based destination. At least a few in each bag.

Well they would Fuck the pit bulls and we'd have even more deadlier creatures

The only pit owner I’ve ever known was also an anti-vaxxer. I’d like to see a Venn diagram of those two groups.

Pit bulls are like mayos, they both like to commit mass school chewing/shootings. Both need to be exterminated.

Ten to one odds one of the estranged fathers of the kid got the most psychotic dog he could find and let it loose in the classroom so the kid would be mauled to death and he could get out of paying child support.

I used to volunteer in a shelter. Most of the dogs were pibbles and every single fucking one had a problem or were aggressive.

All the non pibbles were all good puppers and behaved.

I will never own a pit or ever let a kid or dog of mine be around them. Way too much of a liability.

quick share cute picks pf pibbles

pitbull mixes are the only compromise. my dogs a pit terrier who kinda looks like the target dog.

its not their fault theyve been bred to go kill other dogs... but its gonna stay there in them until otherwise

The pitbull defense force has been notified, you have 10 minutes to take this down before the lying, deflection, and gaslighting squad gets here to fuck you up. If you want to represent pitbulls poorly you'll get intentionally misrepresented statistics and claims that pitbulls don't exist shoved so far up your ass you'll need a doctor to get them out. If you continue to not comply we will pull out the shock troopers, compare dogs to black people, and accuse you of being a dog racist.