Interracial couple posted to OSC and the predictable happens

1  2018-11-28 by better_bot



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It's impossible for a soldier of an occupying army to have a consensual relationship with a woman of the occupied country. The power dynamics involved are just too creepy.

This photo is a photo of a rape.

Good point, he probably bribed her with food as well. Pretty problematic if you think about it.

Ok, that's problematic.

He was talking about the foid. She held all the power in that relationship and was keeping this poor, innocent melaman forever trapped in her privilege orbit.



Good, Krauts deserve it.q

well, all sex is rape now so we should lock up anyone with kids and use the kids as evidence of the rape.

Racemixing is a good thing. The future is hapa!

i hope just hapas and not /r/hapas, or in other words ethnocentric insecure fags that project and call everyone white supremacy while considering Asians a master race

t. inbred polack

t. inbred polack

He goes to sleep every day crying, damning his parents for making him a dopey looking mutt.

Potential MDEgenerate/CAnimal spotted


Nah he's confirmed - but, like the cap and mumu, he's been here long enough that he's grandafathered into our immigration system.

Depressing and disgusting

t. inbred polack

I’ve always wondered, do other interracial couples also get a lot of upvotes.

The top up voted tend to just have basketball Americans doing normal things

Why though?

Because reddit is racist basically. Black people doing normal things like graduating, helping an old lady etc are seen as shocking and incredible, and if they upvote it, they can't be racist right?

Everyone, every human on Earth, is racist, change my mind.

And the only good racist is a dead one

Correct. I think we're done here.

We aren't done until you neck yourself, racist

Helen Keller probably wasn’t

This post is Based and Centristpilled

yeah there are lots of "My Indian mom married my white dad even though her family didn't speak to her again" posts

Most are wmbf as far as I can tell

Most of them are actually with white men lol. It's just that 'cels tend not to notice that.

Black man, white woman. Name a more iconic duo.

Unattractive white man, asian woman

ricecel and a sturdy rope


Sorry, lemme fix that

The Virgin BMWF vs the Chad WMAF

Coming soon in meme form

I always knew The Zuck was a chad.


Other way around lol

This must be why I love asian girls so much.

Unattractive white man

White nationalist,Asian woman.

White woman, fatherless child. The cornerstone of burger society.

globally I think the most common interracial pairing is probably Asian man/black woman

The new master race. The strength of the negro with the cunningness of the chinamen. It’s over for mayocels

That reminds me of this history story of a black woman and a Chinese man who fell in love in Canada like in the 1800's. They knew they couldn't have a successful life together so they both married white partners then continued on with their love by having an affair.

4D chess cucking

I don't think it works like that. They get the intelligence of the negro with the strength of the ricecel

So a drunken kungfu guy?

Mestizos vs. Chinegros. Which mutt will win?

you sure? if i had to guess i would have though it would be white man/latino female

I think by now there are millions of Chinese men working in Africa

Skinny Black man, fat white woman. Name a more iconic duo.


People of currency and scheckles

“Take a look at my black dad”.


Redditors love this interracial shit

(((Propaganda))) in late state

Like I don't care at all if people race mix. But okcupid admittedly referring black dudes to white women because they wouldn't match organically is pretty heinous, and guess (((who))) is behind it?

I care

Bots are becoming woque to the dastardly ashkenazi tricks.

Sent from my iPhone.

Tinder and other IAC dating sites specifically match people based on race, so if you’re accusing us of this you’re looking in the wrong place tbqhwyf.

> upvotes

Heh this will totally prove Im not racist!!!

One of the most obnoxious threads I ever saw on reddit was about a girl that had a rebel flag or nazi tattoo or something trashy, and there were dozens of comments hoping she gets "blacked" or tries "bbc."

The average redditor is a perverse porn addict full of white guilt.

supporting rape to show how progressive you are


Most OSC posts are facebook tier shit anyway.

This one is my favorite

The most boring proposal picture I’ve ever seen, and it got upvoted 75000 times because Reddit loves anything interracial for some reason

There was one recently with a white guy and an indian woman that hit the upvote stratosphere.

There's a popular one on twitter with what I think is a pumpkinheaded indian chick who tweeted "people said I'd never find a husband if I didn't lose weight."

Her head is comically large. The moral of the story is somehow she got what she wanted without having to stop chugging gravy.

I need to see this. Linkkk

Spicy curri pussy is consistently underrated, plus the it offends the Pakicels, some of the best inbred lolcows there are.

Oh god, she is going to age badly.

Maybe shes already 48....

>If I call everything virtue signaling, I wont have to confront being without virtue.

Don't chapo users love to hear about their family members getting blacked?

that was a good troll though. Even they were confused.

Redditors love this interracial shit

That's bourgeois neoliberalism for you.

Redditors love this interracial shit

Imagine not loving interracial shit

Imagine imagining things.

Getting angry at a white woman for marrying a black guy 30 years ago, in a totally different country, is a pretty funny type of autism.

Do these guys really think some German chick marrying an African American soldier is the reason why they're a 20-year-old virgin?

From what I hear these pairings are pretty common and the vast majority of the servicemen husbands are white. This isn't ""white genocide"", it's just somebody being interested in a more worldly foreigner from a cooler country.

This isn't ""white genocide""

Stop ruining my hopes and dreams

To be fair, nobody said they got married.

' Waah white women aren't fucking me. This must be White genocide '

Dude incel lmao

The thing about /pol/lutants is that they can call you a cuck, a soyboy, a bugman, whatever, but if they see a pretty blonde white girl holding hands with a black dude on the street, it will ruin their day. And that's funnier than any maymay.

Old school cool used to be pics of people looking like badasses when they were in their prime. Now it's just "hey I found this pic from 30 years ago".

I upvote every interracial post there is , because triggering nazicels is hilarious.

the new german

Reminds me when mde would post sam or another member with story bullshit as the tifle and grt like thousands of upvoted.

I wonder if someone does this to troll people.

I don’t know why these people are so annoyed kr*ut autism is getting removed from the genepool

This is probably the first time he saw his dad

LOL at the "teenage?" -> "20" -> "can't drink?" -> "Germany, dumbass"