Daddy doesn’t believe in climate change because the air is clean.

1  2018-11-28 by Ghdust2


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I bet the qucks are eating this up

Watching a rich, city-dwelling prick talk matter-of-factly about trees, forest management, and how an ecosystem normally behave is laughable.

a lot of people like myself - we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers

absolute top mind

if you go back and if you look at articles, they talked about global freezing, they talked about at some point the planets could have freeze to death

Virtually all published climate articles since the 70s find that the planet is warming and that there is no viable or compelling alternative explanation born out by observations to explain it except human input of CO2, but none of that matters because a few paragraphs of conjecture were published in Newsweek in 1975. What an absolute titan of logic.

He doesn't understand global temperature or the jet stream, but during the 70s they actually did teach global freezing, it just in newsweek a lot of boomers had to graduate on those papers, they aren't going to budge.

The article is what the boomers remember. There something like nine papers published through the 70s altogether. It never made its way into textbooks, and nobody had to graduate on them.

I'm always dumbfounded about how ignorant people are of how scientific progress actually works.

It largely works off of consensus. Mistaken work gets published. Those mistakes are nearly always quickly routed out as being incorrect. Doing that sort of thing in the open is what helps everyone fine tune their understanding.

For example, a few years ago some researchers published results that showed that they measured faster than light neutrinos. They knew it was wrong, because, you know, Relativity. They couldn't figure out their mistake, though, so they make their results public basically saying to the scientific world "hey, this is very probably wrong, but we can't figure out why and if it isn't its kind of a big deal. Have at it."

Soon, other researchers figured out that they made a few mistakes and when corrected showed that their results were consistent with expectations.

So, now, if you do an academic search for faster than light neutrinos, you get this paper with results that violate relativity. 99.99999....% of published results confirm relativity, but laymen on the public are happy to pull that one paper out and be like "not so fast, bucco, the science isn't settled yet!"

The same shit with global cooling. The original results were totally contrary to the vast majority of contemporary papers, it was pretty quickly and thoroughly disproven, but because it helps their narrative (and because they don't really understand the research or more broadly the scientific method), climate change deniers continually point at them as some sort of proof that global warming isn't real.

I've known more coherent downies.

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Daddy doesn’t believe in climate change because the air is clean.

That's at least what he attempted to say. What he actually said is much much dumber, of course.

"You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean."

"A record clean"

What the fuck does that even mean

It means the dementia is progressing

The best clean.

It's quite similar to a YUGELY clean.

The clean-- the cleanest, the biggest clean. Yuge clean, bigger than you would know.

CO2 is invisible, tasteless, and odorless

Thinks air is clean

Can we just leave daddy alone in a running car in the garage and call it a day?

If global warming is real then why is it cold outside?

Is it radical centrism to believe in global warming but also that we shouldn't do anything about it because it would destroy the East Coast, Florida and the Third World?