Daddy Kavanaugh gains access to prime gussy, WaPoCels on suicide watch

1  2018-11-28 by UrMumsMyPassword


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Kavanaugh posts in /r/drama? that doesn't suprise me actually

Chick basketball players are not prime gussy.

Prime for a kid in high school

Prime for a lesbian in high school.

It is for an ephebophile with a wnba fetish.

the only people who watch the wnba are creepy old men who are "just really interested in the game of of basketball itself", feministas, and family members/ friends of the players


Well maybe for other gussy. By the time girls are playing basketball at the high school level the non lesbians have mostly been weeded out.

How long do you think it will take for him turn into the teacher from persona &

I thought J O B I N T E R V I E W was the most retarded take on the issue, but apparently I was wrong.

It's "Sworn testimony is legally defined as evidence, so you can't say there was no evidence! Checkmate Kav!" Bitch you know damn well what people mean.

The job interview talking point is fun, solely on this one factoid; In Washington Dc it is illegal to ask in an interview about criminal accusation that did not result in a conviction

That's interesting. I did not know that. If I ever become a convicted felon I'm just gonna move to D.C. and apply for jobs once I get out. I will fit right in with all the politicians. :)

if youre interested in discussing this more here is a link to a better thread on this:

Notice how WaPo put this article under the "Public Safety" section. And they wonder why people question their credibility these days..