Mayocide is impossible because Mayos don't exist.

1  2018-11-28 by Mikeavelli


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Just kill whoever doesn't pass a reverse paper bag test tbh

Justforfungus is embarrassingly fucking stupid, it's amazing that this is what gets upvoted on world news these days

He raises a good point though.

What IS a mayo? How can you promote the mayocide, if you don't truly understand what makes someone a mayo?

White people do exist, but it's a social construct and not an objective, biological category.

That doesn't mean it doesn't matter, though; national borders are socially constructed and don't necessarily match objective geographical reality, that doesn't mean they have no effect,

A social category based on biological factors.

OP claims neither black people nor racism exist and gets highly upvoted

I mean, race boundaries are socially constructed yes, but that doesn't mean attacks based on a social construct aren't a thing.

For example, you can do something similar with the black race. What makes someone really black? What are black characteristics? Is it east African features or west African features or pygmy features? So while it's true that the "black race" is a socially constructed label, people can and will still be racist to others who they believe fall under said label. For example, the kkk has historically hated blacks even though the avg African American has anywhere between 15-30% mayo DNA. would the fact that they're not "pure" black stop the avg racist from hating them? Or the fact that the idea of a black race is a socially constructed one? No.

What makes someone really black?

Their twitter bio.

I mean black basically means someone with SSA ancestory. Yeah you will be able to find edge cases, but that doesnt mean the concept is useless. No need to overthink it.


But those groups don't have unifying characteristics, there's a ton of phenotypical and genetic differences between the different SSA people groups

That is true, but I don't see how it is relevant to what I said.

You said that "black" means people with SSA ancestry, I'm asking why is that the case? Why are you grouping SSA together when the population there is vastly diverse? Hell, why stop there, why not include the entirety of Africa? Because its a social construction as I said. There are no objective, set in stone guidelines that define racial groupings.

We group them together because ~ 90% of the black people we see are West African and look fairly similar. The small % who do not look like that are not prevalent enough to make a separate racial category for, so we as a society put them in what most closely matches their ancestry, which is the general "black" category. We already have a matching racial category for N Africans, which is "middle eastern", so it wouldn't make sense to call them black.

There are no objective set guidelines for defining racial groupings, but this is true for almost every concept. Is Gilroy in the bay area? Is a hotdog a sandwich? When does red turn to orange? Just because there are no objective boundaries doesn't make a concept useless.

Also, yes race is a social grouping, but it is a social grouping based on biological characteristics. Just like being "tall" depends on social context but height, which determines whether you are considered "tall" or not, is biological.