Burger King corporate intern smokes too much weed on the job

1  2018-11-29 by snallygaster


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Where’s Wendy! Smh.


Where's the fun in that? 😏

😠 I'm triggered 😤

I was expecting mid-tier porn, not shit-tier 😒

mmmm sucky sucky

jeezus fuck

YIKES!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I always wondered why my Frosties were warm.


Snitches get stitches 🔪🔪🔪

lol we at Burger King let our dog promote the new dog treat available now. Hahaha! We sure are wacky!

It sad that some dude who did this shitty idea got paid more then I will make in my entire life.

It makes sense I see fat fucks driving around with dogs constantly

ill eat burgers despite this faggotry not because of it

jokes on you loser, I can't wait to try Burger King's Juicy & Tender Whoppers because of these nonsense twitter posts.

You get attention, tbh. You're the Shakespeare for telling our generation of retards when and how to shut the fuck up. The next time we vote for Pullitzers around here, you're gonna be my #1 pick.

How poor are you?

Corporations really need to stop allowing dumbass millenials controlling their social media accounts.

It's really embarrassing for them.

Who do you think makes up most of the work force and consumer spending?

Dead people?

its definitely the teenagers that sit on twitter all day complaining about how they have no money or prospects and cant afford anything




millennials aren’t teenagers anymore

might as well be for how dumb they are

Their parents make up the work force and they do a ton of the spending.

t. salty boomer

t. Ed nastyposter 😡


This is some ARG shit.

A """journalist""" got paid to write an article about the corporate BK account tweeting gibberish. Human civilization was a mistake.

Serious question- how much do clickbait writers actually get paid?

A lot of them are probably unpaid interns.

Rightfully so

They do it for FREE.

They do it for REEE.

They get paid in exposure

Exposure to cancer

Do you want a serious answer or a bullshit one?

They work on commission basis. Many are self employed and are contracted to write a set of articles on certain topics.

This but unironically

How's it unironic? It's the truth.

That was an ironic unironic...

And of course this (((journalist))) is Dutch, Western Europe was a mistake.

BusinessInsider is analyzing gibberish from a 17 year old

Just end me in current year

You missed the real controversy.

"By breaking its commitment, Starbucks is keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and others to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public Wi-Fi services to access illegal child porn and hard-core pornography,"

Fearmongering at it's finest.

That is one hell of a stretch, I'm pretty sure that Pornhub doesn't have CP. I mean, that is basically what they are doing right? Just restricting sites they know of?

Why don't those bums just go to the public library like normal people?

How can you spank it if you don't have a bunch of people slurping hot,crushed up beans?

Does Hooters tweet in binary on a regular basis? I kinda hope so.

Binary is a transphobic dog whistle

sassy social media interns are fucking cancer and i blame wendys

First they have shit-covered screens.

Now they have shit-headed social media bots.

It’s over for AIcels.

"Unsurprisingly other companies were quick to join in"

Fuck this gay earth

Reading corporate tweets should be a death sentence

20 years ago when you first got on the Internet and marveled at the world of possibilities, did you imagine giant multinational conglomerates publicly sending each other retarded jokes back and forth?

A lot of people did, it's kinda spooky how well a lot of sci fi mirrored the development of things

Probably a calculated marketing technique.

Our theory: this is some kind of promotion for the Dogpper, a flame-grilled dog treat that Burger King launched on Wednesday.

Not much of a change from the chow they’re usually slinging then. Sounds like animal abuse tbh.