Snoregon FISTED by FACTS and LOGIC

1  2018-11-29 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I never watched the debate and I'm not going to (not enough autism), so IDK all the deets, but I appreciate Ghazi's effortpost write-up.

Oh god i remember the embarrassment of watching sargon in 2014 and thinking he was smart and being scared of the sjw boogyman

and thinking he was actually smart lol

What snapped you out of this malady?

I went to college and realized there are no actual people like this. Or at least very rare.


Why are you on the internet lying? Just go visit your diversity department at your college, or any humanities class, or visit a city on the west coast.

Continued listening.

Sargon's the epitome of the "give a man enough rope, and he'll hang himself" idiom.

That's why I fucked your bitch, you white niggas

Take money

Radical centrists, SJW killers

You know who the liberalist is

We shitpost too

Take money

First off, fuck your memes and your identity politics

Kekistan when we troll, come equipped with game

You claim I'm a cuck, no one fucked my wife

We bust on alt right, white niggas fucked for life

Plus Spencer trying to see me, weak hearts I rip

Mike Enoch and Andew Anglin some mark-ass bitches.

This but unironically

wassup honk!

Lol Kevin Logan. That dudes a complete nobody autist. He called shoeonhead a cunt and a cumdump so I'm surprised he's allowed to be talked about on ghazi

IIRC Shoe's an acceptable target over there.

Though she keeps flipping between tribes in terms of her political pandering, so they may like her this week, I'm not sure.

Holy shit! 60 point paragraphs lmao