Can we take a moment to call out out OUT political agenda posters?

1  2018-11-29 by Kat_B0T

Ed you aren’t a radical centrist like myself, you’re an agenda poster. Keep up the good work!


At least the midterms are over and this place has something besides thinly veiled political rageposting in terms of content now.

Though the amount of people triggered by the #ThotAudit is disappointing.

Almost no one here is a centrist, they are just using sarcastic jokes to hide pretend they have no political leanings.

My political ideology is mostly limited to whatever causes the most drama and manufactured outrage.

Taking politics seriously at the federal level is just cheerleading for your favorite group of corporate stooges.

I actually very much agree with you. The difference is you have those that can be objective about our own tribe and not reeeee mayo talking points, and you those like Ed who are r/politics caricatures. The post history doesn’t lie..

lol droppers since when are you a centrist? You're a Trump guy wtf droppers.

I think he's a cough work in progress

Sttaaaaaahhpp lysis’

I’m more radically centrist than Ed 😤😤😤😤😡

They dont even post drama, they just post articles from WaPo or theHill.

I think most of them are just butthurt chapo faggots mad that this sub dunks on tankies like everyday.

Just stop, its pathetic.

Exactly. I in fact feel inclined to rip on the dumbasses of the side I lean to, just to check my partisanship. All these chapo fags think a buzzfeed article pwning drunpf is “drama”. It’s pretty sad but like the poster said above it’s gotten better since the mid terms, well somewhat.