CNN commentator makes a speech at the UN that is mildly critical of Israel. All hell breaks loose.

1  2018-11-29 by seshfan2


Remember goy, Israel is your greatest ally. Please donate to the IDF so they can buy themselves pebble shields.

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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No point giving that speech anyway. Daddy America always vetos everything even if every other country on the planet agrees to it.

Uhhhh ohhh looks like the blacks lost all the jew support now πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

No mildly, "to the sea" is genocide talk.

He urged grassroots, local, and international action to "Give us what justice requires -- and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea."

Are you saying that a free Palestine automatically means you're advocating for the destruction of Israel? That almost sounds you're saying Israel cannot exist unless it's oppressing Palestine.

It's the 'from the river to the sea' part that is genocide talk. That's not even coded language for 'abolish Israel.'

And thats a good thing


Hey hey ho ho white people need to go

Til hamadic and semetic tribes are β€œwhite”

Spentsl hundreds of years in europe then ventured out to steal land from people of colour soubds white to me.

probably more sephardic and mizhari jews there now than ashkenazi

Omg nobody gives a shit about your 23andme showing less than 1% of arabian descent.

mizrahi jews are middle eastern

You are fucking retarded.

They're Turks. Khazars to be precise.

They cluster with the olive oil mayos

Israel can’t exist without oppressing Palestine’s constitutional right to murder Jews en masse

from the river to the sea references borders

jew are scared of everything because they know their past is catching up

Hitler will rise from his ashes.

πŸ™‹πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ HH

not hitler just everyone else that ends up sick of them

arabs white people black people its a uniting cause

coming in 2019

black hitler

In 2018 you did the black power fist salute.

Now in 2019, do the nazi (aka bellamy, look it up for lols!!) salute

more like nation of islam super farrakhan but yeah potato potahto

Is it? It quite clearly referencing national borders. Nothing about such a suggestions inherently requires the death of anyone, its just that those are the only conditions under which its likely to happen.

Lol this dude pals around with Nation of Islam.

Based 😍😍😍

Infidels btfo

Muslims hate NOI more than they hate... Well, everything.

Based and CNN contributor of peace.

How is NOI even a thing lol

Black nationalism. They aren't really different than white supremacist groups except it is woke to treat them as civil rights leaders.

Oh I'm aware, its just that their beliefs and myths are so out there I can't understand how they have followers?

This is nothing, how about hoteps we invented literally everything on Earth and then fucking inferior white people stole it from us when we weren't looking and convinced the world we are poor and uncivilized and uneducated. Africa superpower by 2020!

Doesnt the UN have daily anti-Semitic speeches?

is israel an apartheid state?

> israel upholding decade or longer blockade of gaza

No one cares.

Russia rams some ships and other things

OH NOes!!!!

Imagine if the US banned marriage between mormons ans baptists and demaded italy give them 38 billion double bucks to keep the amish out.

Is hating both Israel and Palestine radical centrism?

Yes. It's also the only correct view on the conflict.

It's centrism. Nuking both is radical centrism.

colonization for the American centrist empire is the only option

Plz Condoleezza ...


Wtg black brother. HH 88


jews will just keep ignoring what everyone says lmao.

Let's see for the n-th time how much influence Jews have?

The original identity politics mob justice is ready to strike... go... fire him, remove him, censure him, call his university, call BET and everything else he has and make him nobody.

Come on... do it!


That is not mild at all, if his idea was implemented it would surely end in war.

The fact that a schizophrenic's response to being given an ice cream cone might be to stab you in the face doesn't make giving someone an ice cream cone a radical action.


What I'm saying is, just because the israeli response to the idea of giving back the land they stole is violence, doesn't mean the request is unreasonable.

Land that they stole? So every nation on Earth?

I'm not saying we go back through history and avenge every slight and conquest, but we can at least try to take some responsibility for the dumb decisions comitted by nations that still exist today, with ongoing consequences.

Its like in the US, we take some responsibility for the whole native american genocide thing. Not nearly enough, but its clearly not a ridiculous concept for a government to take steps to redress crimes comitted long in the past.

Lol, America doesn't do shit for natives. They lost their land because they couldn't defend it. The stuff America does to address it is a fucking pittance and they don't have to because they are stronger than the people that were there and greatly outnumbered them.

People talk about returning to 1967 borders in Israel but completely forget that wars have consequences. They were invaded from all sides by every country bordering it. Why would you give land back to people that want to exterminate you? Israel has made peace with several of the countries during that time as well.

People talk about returning to 1967 borders in Israel but completely forget that wars have consequences

And one of those consequences is the ongoing Intifada, that Israeli seems to be having such a hard time dealing with that they're actually negotiating a cease fire.

They were invaded from all sides by every country bordering it.

Because they randomly set up a state in the middle of some of the most religiously significant land in the world, lead by a known terrorist, and backed by western nations that had spent the last several centuries fucking with that region.

The only reason they could win those wars is that they were given advanced technology by the west, so I think its entirely reasonable for the US to be making the decisions here. Its a proxy war that we started, and so we should take some responsibility for that.

Lol last several centuries? It was fucking Ottoman empire for centuries until WWI. What are you even smoking? Ottomans also had zero issue fucking with Europe as well.

I was referencing the crusades and other nonsense, but I think the point still stands that the region had no real reason to love the west.

Anyway its a moot point given the relative demographics in israel and palestine. An apartheid state grows less sustainable the more outnumbered the land-owning minority is. I like how there are so many people freaking out about the idea of letting palestinians vote in israel "bUt thEre aRE sO ManY of THEM!!!1"

It isn't a moot point at all. You completely glossed over an empire that spanned centuries across three continents just because it was not Western Europe being the "bad guys" and there was no way to pin the blame on America.

Weird that 1900 is somehow less relevant than the fucking Middle Ages.

Even better is the idea that Europe is responsible for that area being a shit hole.

It is!

You completely glossed over an empire that spanned centuries across three continents just because it was not Western Europe being the "bad guys" and there was no way to pin the blame on America.

The ottoman empire isn't really relevant to the israeli discussion here, and I have no idea why you're so obsessed with turks, maybe its the hairy men?

The point is that east vs west is a pretty long reaching conflict, and regardless of "blame" many the tensions exist. Then for no conceivable gain of any kind, the west decides to back a terrorist in setting up a radical theocratic state in the place where it was the most likely to piss off the most people.

Its moronic. Think what kind of concessions the US could get in exchange for dropping the support for israel. I bet you they could make a list of the heads of all the major islamic terrorist organizations, and then say "If you bring us the dead bodies of everyone on the list, we'll stop supporting israel", you'd have a boatload of dead terrorists delivered within 48 hours.

How the fuck are you going to say "colonialism" caused it when the fucking Ottomans were the colonizers for centuries on that very area?

Oof, this is beyond fucking retarded.

I refuse to speak for this long about as people as hirsute as the turks. They need to fucking wax.

Also, you're not doing a good enough job to earn your shill pay this week. I'm still not convinced that anti zionism and anti semitism are equivalent.

I also assume evil white people make Muslims fight each other like Iraq and Iran and Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Who said anything about white people? We're talking about the jews, who are historically a semitic, aka dark skinned arab, population.

You missed the part of blaming Europe and America on everything bad in the world that you were talking about.

You've just been having a whole separate conversation about hairy turkish buttholes while I've been out here with my Logic and my Reason.

Do you really think what you're doing right now is an appropriate outlet for the anger you have about being circumcised?