The psychotic edgelord behind the fake Prince_Kropotkin pedo screenshots is at it again, this time using fake screenshots to implicate PK's friend in the commie pedo conspiracy

1  2018-11-29 by burtonei


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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PK always said that shot was made by u/nowaydaddioh. Is that one of their alts?? surprised it's over a year old tbqh

you do have to wonder why, in the same week, a few different users go after specific people with pedo accusations, while specifically invoking the name of a sub that's been dead for nearly a year now. I don't have it to hand but someone's been trying to make this stick for a long time now.

Why would the top mod of /r/drama suddenly buy into this?

Nowaydaddioh? That's a name I've not heard mentioned in the meta subs in a long time...
