Lobsterman experiences Joe Rogaine. Nerd thinks we're witnessing history.

1  2018-11-30 by AnnoysTheGoys


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Snappy is on a roll

the drama will really begin when peterson runs for public office. the thought of it gives me a woody unironically.

Imagine thinking Canadian politics could ever be interesting 😂😂😂

it would be a good bit if hillary after losing to trump again tries canadian politics and it's against peterson

This is sad. Be more creative.

you are right there is no ceiling and i can always improve


Hey, what's your mom's number? It sounds like she's used to disappointment.

looks like im pullin another all nighter to try and write some new ones

I find some Jiminy Glick or Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts really sets the mood.

never heard of em. i only listen to hannah gadsby

Glick is a fucking TITAN. Despite every time he interviews someone his fat ass slips out of the chair but always stays on point. He's that good.

He runs against slavoj zizek in the most incomprehensible political matchup this century. Debates consist of two men talking past each other about different philosophies.




The M is for Mountie.


The acronym is boring and forgettable, just like Canada.


Imagine Canada being interesting at all.

Rob Ford made a go of it.

We elected a crackhead for mayor of DC all the way back in 1979 🇺🇲 America First 🇺🇲

Goddamn snowbacks

That's not happening. The Canadian parliamentary system (and most if not all of the Westminster type systems) work like this: There is a bicameral (two chambers) legislature and people vote for a representative (Member of Parliament) for the lower house. The lower house then chooses a prime minister, who is usually the leader of the winning party. The prime minister creates a cabinet out of other MPs with himself at the head. In Canada, if you're not the PM or a Cabinet member, you're just there to cheer, clap, and jeer at the appropriate times and you vote like your party tells you to. Unless memerson becomes a party leader or an MP who then becomes a cabinet member he won't amount to anything. And of course he'll never be able to rise through the ranks of any party that matters.

Sorry. No fun allowed up here.

nah it's fucking not. peterson will be elected official up there. i already screenshotted this comment to throw this in your fucking speechless faggot face later when it happens.

I'm not saying that being a backbencher is impossible. I'm saying that getting any real power would be impossible. If you honestly think that lobsterson can become PM or even be chosen as a cabinet member you're delusional or just stupid.

if he marries queen elizabeth he becomes king of Canada actually

He's got a better chance of becoming Prime Minister than marrying that old hag.

> reading a whole paragraph about canada


Stop pretending you can read you dumb burger

If you've ever talked to a Peterson fan about philosophy its amazing. Somehow this Christian Jungian has convinced millions of atheist incels that theres no need for philosophy and if we just purge the SJW's from our culture with their Post-Modernism Conspiracy (Foucalt = power! duh its so obvious!) and follow Dad Stoicism and live everyday like a shitty Gary Vaynerchuck instagram post we can go on to do great things like work for an investment firm or convince your daughter to only eat meat to cure her aids

that theres no need for philosophy

This is true though. If we didn't have philosophy, I wouldn't have to write stupid ass papers about dead, German philosophers.

going to school for a major that makes u write papers on old m*yoid men


More like having to take classes unrelated to my major.

AKA a dick move to make you spend more money

that theres no need for philosophy

I'm not sure how that's what you derive from his messaging...

He is doing what Joseph Campbell did with his rise to popularity va Bill Moyers: combining Heroes Journey with Jungs archetypes/collective unconscious but spicing it up with anti-PC talk (a pendulum swing that already happened in the 90s with rise of PC culture but now its back). If you read Hero With A Thousand Faces by Campbell Freuds Civilization and Its Discontents, and an actual philosopher like Rick Rodericks youtube lectures youll do yourself much better. If you want your JP hes all yours i could care less

How much less could you care?

I couldnt care more about you kids and youths and backback dances and all your experiental music on NPR. But as for YOU and your retarded brown lab i would probably maybe cautiously throw you a quarter into your moldy mandolin case on the median from my Tesla



well he is sorta attempting that but he is too retarded to pull it off so he winds up sounding like a half assed wannabe slightly deranged intellectual

but in the age of the retard and the rise of magatards, thats good enough.

All philosophy is made obsolete by the first ten pages of William James's Pragm-autism CMV

Deleuze and Guattari being casually name-dropped at a cocktail party cause I want to bang that one mayo gussy who only kinda read 1000 Plateaus.

talking about philosophy

Oh boy oh boy

Not even chicks that are into philosophy would fall for that

Seriouspost: Whenever a chick you want to bang is really into something unconventional for a woman, talk about everything else besides that if you wanna actually get laid.


I don't take dating advice from r/Drama

I hope no one ever does unless it's a sacrifice for dramacoin

If you're deep enough into philosophy to touch the critical theory diarrhea pile, you gotta leave.

talking about philosophy

yeah no thanks


He is an influencer, best-selling author, thought-thot, icon, startup idea incubator man, and an even gayer and new jerseyer version of Tony Robbins

Talking about philosophy on Reddit.

You're literally talking about spirit-of-being with schizophrenics and major-depressives.

Just change your major to a STEM degree for yourself and for your family, Jesus Christ.

Im graduated bud. Will put a note in my graphics calculator to not have intellectual hobbies besides hard sciences because they do not in fact make me hard for women but instead soft and gay. Thank you again god bless

People like you stole the Democratic Party from the poor and made them represent rich LGBTQ kids.




Yeah, exactly.

You: Left = Identity Politics. Youre a fucking tard mate

lmao ok buddy


go back to modding that containment zone for viral retardation /r/conservative

lmao sick reference

He’s not self aware enough to understand that most people think he’s retarded.

fOuNd ThE sTRasSeRiTe

MDE was cancelled its not coming back just lube up fer more Hydewars and Jay Dyer Hollywood conspiracy books

I'm not MDE.

Read my comment history you qtpie I go over the chapo vs Angela Nagle wars

I won't cause you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

Shit i was just about to dm you my gamertag and ask to your opinon on Fallout 76

Why lmao

Because Im here for the jokes and ironic alienation

Ok well now I like you.

Come for the jokes, stay for the crippling nihilism.

[Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!]

We did it Reddit!

Culture Wars = Solved! Well ive gotta get going but im always looking for help with my Tik Tok Harley Quinn/Joker videos. So, uh, inshallah and dont forget to incorporate the hex bar into your deadlifting regimen as well as vertical and horizontal carries for dynamic strength capacities! And watch your late night shows colbert is a riot! So funny yet so true

Dude Bussy lmao!

Richards yapping about post modernism as some kind of conspiracy to destroy societies perception of truth is the least self aware yet most fitting thing. The group of people who have voted in a guy who will even deny his own words when they played back at him, complain about how nothing means anything.

The group of people who have voted in a guy who will even deny his own words when they played back at him and basically have made facebook news their new bible, complain about how nothing means anything.

That's the funniest part by far. When the "fake news" meme first came into being, I was genuinely uncertain if it was in relation to trump's retardery.

Then again, republicans always were the party of projection. How many anti-gay repubs were found to be buying rent-boys, again?

Cool story you fucking Pseud.

Damn you got me

For fucking real

in your head

Thank goodness we've got an undergrad here to set us straight in /r/drama.

You leave stoicism out of this

Peterson problem is not his advice on how to improve yourself, they are usuallu trivial and obvious. If anything incels needs more Stoicism and not less

Im talking shit to Boomer Dad Stoicism. Im reading Epictetus right now so not talking shit to Stoicism as a whole just the cheapened Silicon Valley version of it that gets repackaged with Influencers and various thought tards with exceptionally big wrist watches

What's Boomer Dad Stoicism and how does it differ from regular stoicism?


Cheapened Silicon Valley version of it is better than nothing and it isnt as retarded as most pop philosophies. Compare cheap stoicism to discount buddism or existentialism, is basically on academic standards by comparison.

Thats literally the worst thing about bad philosophy is that they reee about something that is completely harmless and is probably only gonna benefit people and get them into philosophy

What they are really mad about is that people dare to say they are into stoicism while being capitalists or rich or whatever the fuck. Booty blasted that those meanies try to actually be happy

Anyway stoicism is always going to attract more conservative and centrists than leftists by the nature of the philosophy itself. Is not incompatible with leftism but is not usually attractive to the average leftist

I like how you use your words, friend. Stick around to trigger the rightoids

Foucalut is roughly to blame for current SJ stuff as much as Einstein is to blame for the Atomic Bomb.

It would be fun if he was alive now.

Imagine studying 3000 year old dead gay Greeks who get owned by an incel retard

Jordan Peterson has cemented himself in our world's history. Children and scholars will read about him in history books

Lol no. He is just another snake oil salesman who cons beta males raised by single mothers, but only those who have enough money to afford their studies because they studied STEM while other teenagers fucked girls no stop.

Basically I think this about Peterson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEcvOIvJ1c0

Stop failing for scams bucko.


Maybe some people are way too young but J. B. Peterson basically got famous because he owned a trashsexual AWESOME STYLE at a college conference.

That meme is top shelf

I let Mister Metokur/King Gamergate tell me what to think about JP.

lmao you're serious.


Completely irrelevant, but I'm on the app and after I wrote a comment it got posted and inserted into your comment as well for some reason (obviously only on my end). Trippy.

How to fuck nonstop????

tl;dr: the identitarian right hates him as much as the identitarian left.

I mean no shit. But at least he tries to help incels and other degenerates instead of just laughing at them

Srsly nobody cares about the incels. There is going to be a long percentage of an entire situation depressed and isolated from society and people solution for it is to mock them more

Srsly nobody cares about the incels


You know who else cared about the incels? Jesus Christ.

Thats why he was so pro whore?

He is just like yet another Coach Red Pill.

Literally who

I like you already.

I want to like JP but he is a leaf and as a good Muslim I must denounce his name and spit when spoken

While simultaneously occupying his homeland and demanding gibs.

lmao, no one wants a drawn-out mayocide. No homeless, no needles, just blast them away with a single dose of fentanyl and let the world keep moving.

"With this sword cut buckos who insult Jung"

While you studied post-modernism, I studied the blade.

joe rogan and his fans are infinitely more cringey than jordan peterson and his

It's the same people

No u

Fuck Jordan Peterson. I intentionally knock things about and leave a mess in my room just to spite him.

You're a true radical centrist, son :')

You are a powerful man

knock things about

Which off-brand America are you invading from?

Thats power son

You must have one dirty penis

How is memerson bullshiting about Philosophy and Political Theory with such confidence? I am surprised that people aren't calling him out.

Hot take: Cause it's already bullshit?

No it's not bullshit just a little irrelevant.

The only thing he's done for us from is convincing you pathetic man children to spend more time inside cleaning your rooms and not interacting with society.

idk i think he's pretty intersting to listen to even if he does say some shit sometimes that makes me raise an eyebrow

I took my girlfriend to see Dr. Peterson.

It did not go as well as I hoped. Let me give you a bit of a back story.

I found out about Jordan Peterson about a year ago and since then I became a huge fan. I was never a big reader, but I got all of his books. (They are the only books on my bookshelf and also a book about John F. Kennedy my aunt gave me but I never read. So I don't have many books and it's a small shelf.)

I am 19 years old now. I met my girlfriend when we were 17 in high school. When I was 18 I moved out and began to go to the local university. My girlfriend is the same age as I am and she started classes there too. When I moved out is around the time I started reading Dr. Peterson's work and I took the battle against chaos to heart. Mostly because I was a very messy person before. So I kept my new room very clean (I have a roommate who helps) and I was finally able to decorate it the way that I wanted since I moved out. Mostly I kept it simple and tasteful but I also have a big poster of Dr. Peterson in my room.

When I began to see how important Dr. Peterson had become in my life I started trying to get my girlfriend interested. But she did not seem very interested. I thought he could help her a lot, because when we met and she lived at home she was a very messy and chaotic person also. We both were then. Since she moved out also and got a roommate it has gotten even worse for her. I would say her room is about fifty percent messier than it was. She is slouching a lot. She is also very disorganized with her classes and note taking (somehow she is still getting all As, I got all As too my first semester but I also got two Cs). I can't even read or understand the notes she takes for her class. I tried to tell her to be more organized and less chaotic with it, that it would help her more, but I think it got annoying for her to hear it.

Anyway when we would hang out I would try to get her to listen to Dr. Peterson's lectures but it always seemed like a chore or like she didn't really want to. I found it really frustrating because he was so inspiring for me. Eventually I stopped putting them on because I would hear and see her sigh in an exaggerated way when I would put YouTube on with his lectures.

Not long ago it was coming up on the day that we met (our anniversary) and we had a nice dinner at a seafood place we both really like. A few days later I got us tickets to see Dr. Peterson speak. I had hoped that it would be better than the videos. She seemed excited to go and we had a nice night together.

The next day we didn't talk, which is normal these days with school and stuff. I sent her a text message the day after and she didn't respond which I thought was weird. Then I did it the day after and still no response. She didn't write back to me for four days! Until I sent her a long message just asking for an explanation for why she ghosted me or at least let me know she is okay.

A few days later she finally sent me a long email. She said that she wanted some space and that she needed to think. That things were changing and that they weren't the same as they were. She actually blamed Dr. Peterson for changing me! Which is true but I thought I changed for the better. She said I was being really strict with the cleanliness now and that I was saying too much about her being messy. That I wasn't fun anymore. And also she said that she wanted to see other people and that she wasn't sure I was the person she wanted to be with forever in a relationship. This was very disappointing to see her go against monogamous relationships.

That isn't all though. I talked to a mutual friend of ours and she told me some things really candidly. Our friend said that after seeing Jordan Peterson in person my girlfriend was really weirded out. Because I cried a little bit there and there were other men crying too. (I didn't think this was fair, there is no shame in crying.) Also that she felt like following Dr. Peterson's advice made me kind of less fun and more boring than how I was when we met at 17. Basically that she thought I became a little too "obsessed" with him. She also said that my girlfriend thought some of the things Dr. Peterson said about relationships were chauvinistic and unrealistic. And then she (not my girlfriend but our friend) said she researched Dr. Peterson and that he hated women and kind of scolded me. I told her that was just SJW/Cultural Marxist propaganda, that Dr. Peterson wasn't really like that and she just didn't understand him. She said I was "talking down" to her and that is why my girlfriend left me. (I don't think she left me she never said she didn't want to see me anymore btw.)

Anyway what do I do? How do I fix this and get our friend and my girlfriend to be okay with Dr. Peterson?

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Another sentient bot appears.

It must now do battle with Snappy, for there can only be one.

Can I take some of this pasta home with me? It's too much for one meal

My boyfriend (John…not his real name) and I like a bit of light kink mixed in with role play. Nothing too unusual, some boss/secretary stuff, some teacher/student stuff, that kind of thing. It’s fun, maybe something we do once a week or so? Last night my boyfriend started a professor thing…that was cool with me, although he seemed a little more nervous than usual. Once we got into it, he asked me to call him Professor Peterson. A couple of days before we’d been watching some of Jordan Peterson’s videos. I hadn’t really thought much about him, but my boyfriend was excited to show me…he says Dr. Peterson has been helping him figure some stuff out in his life.

I watched the videos and thought some of the stuff he had to say was okay (yeah, take responsibility for your life, for sure), but some of it was just a bit weird over the top alpha male for me (something about not respecting men who won’t fight or something?). It just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

So anyway, when my boyfriend brought up the Dr. Peterso thing I knew where it was coming from. I really like to be accommodating in bed…I totally get off on it actually. So I went through with it but in the end I wasn’t super comfortable. John has brought it up every day since then…he’s got some real dom fantasies that he wants to act out as Jordan Peterson. I don’t know, like, should I look more into these videos and see if I change my mind about him? Should I play along? I can tell John is totally into it…he’s normally a sex two or three times a week kind of guy but he wants it ALL the time now. I’m happy he’s feeling more horny and I don’t want to shut him down (I’m normally the high libido one). What should I do?


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incel tier "philosophers" lmao

I don't want to overreact but Peterson may be the MLK of our times. Not saying he is MLK just saying there's a lot of correlation there.
