Autists or /r/edmonton have a meltdown over shoes

1  2018-11-30 by carnivoreinyeg


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Can we just ban uggos instead?

Or fatties

he already said uggos tho

or did you just out yourself as a BBW enthusiast


None of the girls raking in an extra $1k per week by dressing sexy are complaining. Just the ugly ones bitter over not being hired.

But Edmonton is literally the largest shithole in Canada. Even Winnipeg, Brampton and fucking Regina look down on them. Lipstick on a pig? More like paint on a pinto.


Hot women make BANK in Edmonton with all the horny rig pigs coming in and out of town

hot women


Pick one.

You got me

We need to take it a step further and just ban Canada instead. Or better yet turn it into a penile country and ship all are pedos and other undesirables there.

Or better yet turn it into a penile country and ship all are pedos and other undesirables there.

If we did that Japan would suffer.

Ban heels. Ban makeup too.

No more getting tricked into overtipping5 roasties. 😤

I'm starting to see the merit in sharia 🤔

Wut? If you’re deceived by makeup, you’ll be even more deceived by someone wearing a garbage bag.

garbage bag


lol at tipping anyone ever

If you only get chicken tendies and hotpockets you never are put a position to tip

or if you live in a country where restaurants operate normally and pay servers instead of having a dumb counter intuitive gratuity system

How many of these autistic mayo fatties do you think live by the motto "if U cAn'T hAndLe mE aT mY wOrSt U dOnT DeSeRVe mE aT mY bEsT"

Remember requiring anything of women is unethical as they are genetically incapable of intelligence or hard work.

PPE is technically forcing dress code onto private business.

Wee woo idiot detected.

PPE is a requirement of the job, not the dress code. Trust a desk jokey to come up with utter nonsense about shit they don't understand.

Probably the same type of idiot who complains overtime workers in criitical roles like paramedics, or emergency electrical repair workers are 'lazy' when they stumble into work exhausted after a 20 hour shift.

You work in sewage, and required no training to do your job. I don't want to belittle what you do, I certainly wouldn't want to do it, but putting yourself on the same level as a paramedic isn't really fair to the paramedic.

No respect for the turd wranglers.

Is there any location-based subreddit that isn't full of subhuman scum?


is bussy a location?

i thought they liked private businesses making up rules and saying fuck off somewhere else if you dont like it

"b b but they all do it! theres no choice!"

oh wow funny about that huh