Gaymers fight over bags.

1  2018-11-30 by Ghdust2



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Sorry, I know this is 😴😴😴 gaymer drama, but I love seeing people rage out over a nylon bag.

So wait, I'm not up to speed here. They spent 200 bucks or so to get a duffel bag and a plastic helmet?

What happened was, the bag that was promised in the collector's edition of the game was supposed to be canvas. But it ended up being nylon because the company claims that they couldn't afford / couldn't properly source canvas.

Now normally gaymers wouldn't get so pissed off at this, but since the game is garbage as well, they flipped out.

based gamers rising up to fight injustice

For a game everyone knew would blow ass.

It all goes back to the primary reason gmers hate microtransactions. They know that they *will buy them, because years of vidja and jacking off have disconnected their prefrontal cortex and they literally can't keep themselves from throwing money at their toys.

God damn, I don't think I've ever seen a post get 21k downvotes before. That's really something.

I see you weren’t around when EA’s AMA went down:

(That’s the most downvoted comment in Reddit history by the way)

Well fuck me running. Now that's impressive.

Apparently Disney is really mad at them for fucking up Battlefront 2

Literal bagholders lmao.

Edit: We are working with our CS team to provide 500 Atoms to Power Armor Edition purchasers. Please visit our Support article here that provides instructions on how to get in touch with them:

Translation for the non-gaymer spergs: They're giving them $5 worth of in-game currency. For a $200 "Special Edition"