One user says Reddit’s biggest fear isn’t that big of a problem in r/unpopularopinon. It becomes the most controversial post of all time in that subreddit.

1  2018-11-30 by Ghdust2


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Cant argue with the facts.


Wait if only 10% of all rape allegations lead to conviction and 2-6% of allegations are proven false then what about that other 85%? Are they really assuming the false accusations are static and not a ratio? Oh they really dont have any idea and are just speaking out of their ass?

That's legally, not including Becky whining on girls night about regretting sex.

False accusations are common.

Srs post done

When they talk about "rape statistics" they use extremely permissive survey science where random women answer leading questions and then a third party evaluates those questions to subjectively decide whether that woman was sexual assaulted. Then small brains take those things interpreted as sexual assault and assume that every case was rape.

When they talk about "false accusation statistics" they use extremely specific crime stats where rape was reported, the case makes it to the court, during the case it's found to be provably false, and then solely count.

They purposely ignore false accusations of other forms of sexual assault. They ignore false accusations made outside of the legal system. They ignore false accusations that are false but not provably false, as proving a negative is quite difficult. They ignore false accusations that got turned over after the person was convicted (extremely rare because judges/prosecutors never want to admit they are wrong. They ignore false accusations where someone is convicted and rotting in jail.

Weird huh? How could someone be so bias?

Weird huh? How could someone be so bias?

A person who is influenced by a bias is biased. The expression is not “they’re bias,” but “they’re biased.” Also, many people say someone is “biased toward” something or someone when they mean biased against. To have a bias toward something is to be biased in its favor.

This post was sponsored in part by Momrupari, and bussy like you.

Keep going, Im almost there!!

Never stop edging!


There is also the assumption that all "unreported rape" are true

Why are you assuming that the 2-6% are coming only out of the cases that went to conviction? I would think that a lot of the accusations proven false did not lead to a conviction.

Well to be fair, by the same logic YOU can't assert

"False accusations are common"

Any more than anybody else can assert that false accusations are uncommon

Not really. General statements about that are comparisons. Rape is extraordinarily rare compared to physical assault, but they are in different categories. When these morons say "false accusations are uncommon" they are implying the context of sexual assault - and they are wrong/misleading on purpose.

Proven false accusations are frequent in the context of overall sexual assault, and remember that is just proven. Not many DA will touch those cases anyways. This doesnt even count Becky regretting after she found out he is mean :'c poor mayo girl

With 2-6% of accusations false and 10% conviction rate I have no reason to believe the rate of false reporting isnt anywhere from 25-40%.

Okay, well for starters you're comparing apples to oranges.

The rate of conviction once someone has been charged with rape is 58 per cent.

10% comes out of those accused

That 2-6% figures comes of convicted charges.

So now your gap has closed significantly. You say "When these morons say "false accusations are uncommon" " you're the moron comparing apples to oranges.


It could still be 2%, even with the 85% considered. Gambler's fallacy and all that.

Fucking kek, homeslice brought an actual unpopular (reddit) opinion to the unpopular opinion sub and they're just crying so hard about it.

You know that subs for opinions we secretly agree with and nothing else.

They cried so hard the mods removed the post lol

That's so fucking pathetic holy shit my sides.

going to an "unpopular opinion" sub and tantruming THAT loudly because you don't like an opinion there is the sort of next-level weak little bitch shit that makes me feel smugly superior despite being the kind of general failure who posts on /r/drama

They should just change the sub name to right-wing opinion. That's all it is now and they get triggered whenever anyone posts something that breaks the circlejerk of dae women/minorities/gays/trannies/progressives are bad.

If the mods were quality they would immediately sticky posts this wildly controversial instead of deleting them

Imagine being worse at modding than drama mods

I know right? It's such a low bar to clear and they managed to sashay right under it.

They have the right to debate it you know

thEy hAvE tHe rIgHt tO dEbATe iT yOu kNoW

Mocking doesn't prove your point it just makes you sound retarded

Where do you think you are?

I'm in my room

Oh, well that explains a lot.

Go ahead and quote the people "crying so hard" about it, cause I'm not really finding them.

A lot of people disagreeing with him, I guess if you were an idiot you could call that "crying".

M*leoids: Women are so emotional and easily upset!

Also m*leoids:

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

U mad

imagine believing women about anything lol

Most controversial comment:

Hi everyone! Please make sure to upvote well written unpopular/controversial opinions, and downvote badly written opinions OR popular opinions.

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"False accusations are a real problem. It happened to my brother's friend! How do you know lots of rapes go unreported?"

"Multiple women I know have told me--"


That is not a fair comparison. Everyone knows that guys can be trusted whereas women are always trying to steal people’s Jew gold. That’s just science.

10% of men and 10% of women can't be trusted.

I don't trust these statistics.

it all depends on how you define "can be trusted"

Multiple women said what? That they don't falsely accuse people themselves?

out of 1000 women

  • 100 women were raped

  • 10 women who were raped reported that rape to police

  • 5 women who were not raped make a false accusation

You say, "no it's impossible that 0.5% of women would lie about something like this, because 90% of those women who were actually raped didn't even report it." and you think that's a coherent point.

If you put that many words in my mouth I won't have enough room for cock 😤😤😤

good or bad?

So what you are saying is, in a given rape trial there is a 25% chance it's all made up.

Explain how you inferred this from my comment above. It's probably not far off, but it really doesn't follow from anything I said, because I didn't talk about trials at all.

  1. A large majority of rape reports to the police don't lead to a trial.

  2. Among the ones who make it to trial, about 70% end in a conviction.

Portland dog park math right here.

You sure did manage to combine multiple different people's responses into a single caricature in order to give a false appearance of hypocrisy.

It's real noble work you're doing for the cause, you'll get into leftoid heaven for sure.

Yeah it was pretty easy actually

It's over for incelcels

It never began 😔😞

They get a darwin ward for their non-participation, which is nice.

incels on incel watch

What's especially funny is that sub is really supposed to be a safe space for racists and g*mers.

"Unpopular opinion, but DAE anti vaxxers are dumb?"

5000 updoots

Reddit loves shit that makes them feel smart, like Rick and Morty, or falling for flat earth trolls.

Shit I went to immediately downvote because I dislike that opinion...

Don't worry, you're using that sub correctly.

Minus the voting linked comments bit

False rape accusations are a legitimate fear. Just not for ledditors.

Lmao they fucking removed it. The snowflakes over at r/unpopularopinipm couldn't handle a real unpopular (on Reddit) opinion on their safe space sub 😂😂😂

Oh shit they did. I got drunk and forgot I made that thread. What a bunch of pussies.

Actually it is now number 1 on controversial of all time, which arguably makes it the least popular opinion of all time.

Wow I’ve made retard history


Sweet circlebroke post, fellow circlebroke3 poster.

Damn it why did i click that!