Chapotards brigade r/Libertarian over private property, further proof why people hate communists.

1  2018-11-30 by GodOfLoveWarDeath



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Pinochet 🚁did🚁nothing🚁wrong🚁


A bunch of pedos and autists battle it out?? AGAIN??


pedos and autists

Wait a minute. Which is which?




Begone Weeb!

calling me a weeb

Why you little shit!!

Normally I’d agree, but since the great Prince got rinsed imma throw in a horseshoe 🤓

No, I'm proposing that you can't own property that gets worked by someone else.

I'm okay with you owning a house. The moment another person enters the picture and you start charging them rent is when I start to have objections.

Same goes with other methods of production: You can own anything you want, as long as you're the only one using it for production. Once you need to work together to produce anything, you should have some form of shared ownership.

Imagine someone stranger living in your house, touching your stuff, sharing your bowls and you can't kick them out or make them pay you for living there. This has to be one of the wronged things I've seen.

Imagine someone stranger living in your house, touching your stuff, sharing your bowls

Except it’s not “your” stuff. The moment the bowl can be used to make breakfast for another person, it becomes a community bowl, like your home and “your” stuff. It’s all returning all the means of production back to those who make it and doing what is best for everyone.

Imagine someone touching your dick and sucking it. Now it's the community dick that everyone gets to suck from. So much for the concept of personal property as distinct from private property.

So what your saying is all I have to do to get a bunch of bowls is to break into your house and declare them my bowls?

You won’t get them. They’ll belong to all of us.

So you're fine if I take your bowls and keep them in my cupboard?

Commies are so fucking retarded

But both in a room and fill it with water I say

I think I hate commies more than any demographic.