Chinese smartphone company close to bankruptcy after chairman gambled away 144 million dollars of company money

1  2018-11-30 by POST_BUSSY


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Shut fuck up

This guy is dead lol

Ricecels can't stay away from the roulette table. If daddy wanted to get back all that trade deficit money he'd build a line of casinos on the west coast catering to Chinese businessmen.

Roulette? It’s all about baccarat where there’s literally no control over anything and it’s easy to think you’re a genius on a hot streak.

But Pinky and the Brain taught me that it's the thinking person's game

Craps is where its at. Knowing how it works is optional, just throw dice and magically get money.

Better strategy is to sit on no pass and make money while every roller gets pissed at you for giving them "bad luck"

Protip: If you see a Chinaman go on a winning streak at the Baccarat table copy their moves until their winning streak ends. When they bet on Player you do the same, when they bet on Banker, ditto. It really pisses them off and when their winning streak inevitably ends they blame you for ruining their luck lol

Daddy has some experience with trying to rip rich ricecels off:

In typical fashion he ended up shitting himself and getting cucked out of his money

It says that he was stabbed 150 times with a samurai sword. Daddy dealt with him the honorabru way.

Murdering somebody because they refused to fall for your retarded scam is the ultimate C O P E

While you studied how to be a legit businessman, I studied the blade - Donald Trump

Holy shit Daddy actually got a guy killed



How about floating ships parked 13 miles off their coasts? A floating Trumpastan could make its own laws and have a few carriers and subs nearby to keep things kosher.

o o f

Still a better investment than bitcoin tbqh.

Pffft pretending spinning some stupid fucking wheel with a steel ball isn’t as fun as opening 100x leveraged loans on bitmex and having the whole globe look at your big dick candle while REKT bot posts your liquidation 2 minutes later.

Finally it’s over for droidcels. It was hilarious for a while that nerds were worshiping shitty Chinese spy phone tech because due to the lack of quality controls and security the phones were easy to break and put Linux on.

lol I opened it waiting for the content to load and say he gambled it on creepto. He just lost his money the old fashioned way.

So like FedEx but not the movie ending

I bet his social credit goes down.

I bet he's going down to the laojiao pretty soon

I didnt realize laogai had an alternate spelling. Thanks for learnin me!



Comments in the article are saying he just made an elaborate cover story for moving the money out of China. Maybe it really IS over for ricecels.

excution van roles up

Shit like this is why I love Pai-Gow. Bunch of bald Asian guys wearing old windbreakers and huge fake-tits Asian women who own nail salons smoking Edgefields and writing down numbers to a game that's basically high card.