/r/GenderCritical really makes us think

1  2018-11-30 by RememberTheAyLmao


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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I only look at GC for the articles, I swear...


That's harsh :(

How is everything in that sub not tagged rant?

It would be like tagging everything in GoneWild as "not safe for work".

it is tho

Social activism / commentary and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand 95% of the time

Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you cant

If you don't comment on society you can't be wrong about said society

Your post is commenting on social activism/commentary, thus it is social commentary in and of itself.

You are a hypocrite by your own logic.

Shows how right i am doesnt it?

You are simultaneously extremely right and wrong in an exactly equal ratio. I'm unironically in awe. Your level of centrism has got me rock hard, bravo.

The centists’ centrist. Move over, South Park

So, he is even more right

thots > betas > incels > femcels


Are those greater than signs or sub category markers?

where can I meet my femcel thot

according to incels, anywhere you can find women

Probably both, Walter

Set inclusion

betas > incels

This is some 1>0.999... shit

I feel like a beta is equal to or less then.

Betas can rarely get laid.

That comes from the weird misuse of the word beta. Why did people start using beta to refer to people that low on the hierarchy when it is supposed to mean the second-highest after Alpha? Now that makes it difficult to refer to that position.

how could you forget chads and cucks?

Cucks are level with betas. You can't get cucked without getting a girl in the first place.

Objectively wrong.

Getting a girl and letting her get fucked by some other dude is worse than having no girl at all.

yeah, but being able to get a girl is still better than not even being able to get a girl

beta > cuck > incel

Objectively wrong.

Incels have the power of self-awareness. The knowledge of knowing you'll never get a girl is better than having your hopes dashed when the girl you get is being bent over a couch by a tribe of Afrikaans.

C 😂 P E

What, if these nerds are so self aware why do they cry about girls not fucking them all day.

If you were self-aware you would cry all day too.

incel projection lmao

They're not self aware, they're self defeating.

At least a cuck gets cucked by and can blame a Chad. Incels just piss and moan and never try to actually make anything better.

Are you telling me that incels don't know they're losers?

You're driving a hard bargain here.

No they know they're losers.

They don't know why, or by extension how to not be losers, though.

Is this becoming a serious conversation? Do I need to hurl a racial epithet at you?

You should just in case

you fucking mayo

god damn cracka

t. c o p i n g incel

The main point of cucking is that you're not worthy of your own wife. You're also too pathetic to end things or take control of your life in any way. Many of these people also those cage things which basically turns them into incels but even more pathetic.

Honestly I think it's a fantastic experience and I can't wait for my wife to cheat on me.

You sure do know a lot about cucking. LARP or genuine?

where do volcels stack up on this spectrum of self disrespect

depends why they're a volcel, and how much bitterness is there

if they're like "all women are whores i don't want to deal with it fuck the world" then you put them above cuck but below beta. the bitterness makes them sadder than your average beta, but at least they're not a cuck.

but if they're not really that bitter and they're like "yeah it's just not worth the trouble and i'd rather focus on hobbies and my career and shit" then put them above betas, because at least they have some self-respect (even if they're not a chad)

in most cases it's the guy's fetish though, like it's him more or less pressuring his partner into fucking another guy. That's kind of alpha if you think about it

Too much nuance.


Counter-blocked & triple cucked.

how dare you

My wife's gonna feel that in the morning.

No u

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

Nah it’s pathetic

yes having ur partner fucked by another guy is totally alpha ill be in my bathroom pleasuring my butthole with a dragondildo

in most cases it's the guy's fetish though

no it's not. in most cases the cuck is just too much of a pussy to do anything about it

It depends on if you are cucked or a cuck. Getting cucked is just getting cheated on but being too much of a pussy to leave. A cuck wants their partner to have sex with other men. They're getting what they want. Cucks: the new Chads?

imagine wanting to be a beta lul

wanting that is bad enough

Not being able to be anything but an incel is worse, lol

Tons of people want to be beta. They just don't realize that it's hard to be this way in every other area of life but magically hope to be Alpha sexually.

faggots smh

Cucks are level with betas.

Imagine being this mayo, lol

The point is that they're still better than incels.

Not an achievement but it's true.

Lol, it sure smells like mayo all of a sudden

It's hilarious how incels can't cope with the fact that even degenerates like cucks are better than them

Being a cuck is having zero self respect; nae, negative self respect. Incels at least can conceive of having self respect and can achieve some self respect greater than 0. Only a mayo would argue that negative self respect is greater than 0.1. The absolute state of mayo logic, lmao

t. c o p i n g incel

the only real cope is rope. hold my beer....

Ed we all know you're a pajeet who cant get pussy and creeps on underaged girls to get off.

Thinking that it's worse to be a cuck than an incel is straight up white though. If you live in the straight up ghetto people cheating is a given, but being an incel is even lower since unlike beta whites it's less common.

Being a cuck is having zero self respect; nae, negative self respect. Incels at least can conceive of having self respect and can achieve some self respect greater than 0. Only a mayo would argue that negative self respect is greater than 0.1. The absolute state of mayo logic, lmao.

This is right

Lol at the cucks in here defending said degeneracy. Call a italian man cornutto, a spanish man cornudo or a Brazilian man corno and observe their reaction.

Being a cuck is literally the worst thing

Still better than being a femoid

Is that what helps you sleep at night?

لأخرجن القحاب والعواهر من منتدى ر دراما حتى لا أدع إلا تراپا

To bring out the lovers and the characters from the drama forum so that I can only call Trappa


Mayos are really into getting cucked for some reason 🤔

for some reason

Not if the dude has a smaller dick.

finally a good argument

You can be a beta and still have self-respect. They might not be Chads but Betas are an integral part of society. Cucks are forever just cucks though.

Again, I am a trannie and I feel left out. Better still, we need levels for TranCel, PassTran, PanTran, StacTran, Sissy, More etc. too. I need clarity.

Sorry but Reddit is an English site.

Hurls negative stereotypes, waves fist _Get off my lawn you young rapscallions!*

Is this ironic

Sorry madam but this is McDonald's

We live in a society

This but unironically

all of those get laid more than any other category tho

They’re all bussymonsters

This is an excellent point. It sounds like you have a good grasp of the potential so maybe you could make the levels?

When will (((they))) learn

oof, you're so close. This is how it should be.

Tyrones > Chads > Thots > Betas > Incels > Femcels > Cucks

How it should be ain't how it is and I think Tyrone knows that.

Where do Gamers and Normies come into this?

Gamers come right after cucks, and Normies after Thots

thots > betas > incels > femcels > transcels

What does “>” exactly mean here?

Ever studied basic algebra idiot?

pointy arrow

I've honestly seldom heard women being described as insecure, and o see men described that way all the time. Usually for women I hear things like "jealous" or "stupid"

If you've never heard of a woman described as insecure, I question how many human beings you've interacted with.

being in r/drama

interacting with humans

Choose one

I said seldom you goon

It's honestly just a given nowadays

From what I've seen, insecure women tend to be called 'crazy' or 'controlling' instead.

Fuck those TERF assholes.

Those shitheads and their "biology". Geez, smdh my damn head.

I know right? It's like they're stuck in grade school with their definitions.

Biology is for children and mental illness is for adults, shitlord

But by that definition, you can't be mentally ill when you clearly are!

no u

From my point of view, the Jedi are mentally ill!

Indulge my fantasy or you're a child


smdh my damn head

TIL Today I learned.

It is just a simple FACT that men are more violent than women, across all other demographics. Go to a 100% white country, and look at who is committing 80%+ of the crime. MEN.


Specifically white men.

This isn't about TERFs.

Didn't say it was.

But if you post in GC, you're a TERF.

Stop being fucking bootyblasted. There are tons of tranny threads that you don't need to whine in non tranny threads.

I don't care about trannies, I just like to shit-stir feminists who don't consider trans-women as REAL WOMEN®.

I care

Then do a better job retard. You have them being retarded right in that picture.

Hey, want to go to the zoo?

I recommend not doing so - I've seen TERFs talking about how anal is a form of misogynistic violence.

That only makes me want to get the lube.

Don't be so hard on femcels.

Imagine being so fugly that trans women are more feminine and better looking than you.

trans women also have a longer taint, making them superior to femcels, whos vaginas are only 2 inchs away from their assholes

whos vaginas are only 2 inchs away from their assholes

being really generous there.

as it was written, so it shall be

That's my least favorite part of trans women. You might have a feminine penis, but there's no doubting that's a masculine taint.

Too bad they're both full of shit

WTF I love trannies now

That sub is hilarious, but /r/GenderCriticalGuys is even better. The amount of self-loathing is really over the top.

Wtf that sub exists

its not that bad tbh. least they have the common sense to call non-binary people out on their stupidity

We're hitting soy levels that shouldn't even be possible.

I can't begin to fathom what these guys must look like.

Oh boy! It is almost like a "AntiSemiticMuslims"!


When being a giant fucking menslib cuck just isn't enough to get your rocks off.

But it's so weird. Where's the payoff when most feminine feminists will reject you out of hand?

The payoff is in humiliating yourself.


Nothing is my fault and I am entitled to everything.

Wow, that's pretty anti-Semitic.

It isn't anti semitic it is anti patriarchy.

How can it not be the men in charge and still be the men in charge?

Por que los dos.

I'll be honest. It's fucked up maybe but I refuse to date a girl without a graduate degree in an emoloyable field. At this point they are the only women Ive dated who are independent for real and are willing to put in equal work.

Is this pasta?

BS in STEM master race

Own apartment, own car, ps4 pro, us know

One day,I will enslave every man on this planet, board them all up in an interstellar ship and travel to another earth like planet, and setup a true patriarchal society.I will force scientists to create male clones who can get preggo and no longer need women to carry our semen.

We will see how these women survive on earth when they have no one to blame for their miniscule problems and period trantrums.

It's only a matter of time until artificial wombs are a thing. Might be 100 years though.

More like by 2030 actually.

Dear god, please let this happen.

I don't know what would be more interesting; how women would act without men, or how men would act without women.

how men would act without women

Just look at r/braincels

True marriage is between man and trap. As God intended.

gaslighting is such a meaningless buzzword

It's basically interchangeable with disagreeing these days.

You're just gaslighting people from saying that gaslighting is real.

Yep. My house mate accused me of gas lighting her...because I disagreed with her.

It's real but like all actually bad things it's been appropriated by people who just want their argument to seem stronger.

you are literally gaslighting BigTiddy rn

internet gotta appropriate all the words. goddamn abuse victims keeping words to themselves like they own the place, gotta show them

Buzzword is, in itself, a buzzword now

It used to actually mean something in the realm of child abuse, now it means "boyfriend no longer attracted to me because I gained weight"

Hey guys, I have proposals to rename /r/gendercritical:

  1. /r/projection
  2. /r/confusingfeelingsasfacts
  3. /r/wordplaygeniuses

Submit your vote now my little cunts!

👉🏿 /r/comedycemetery 👉🏿


I have been in a very loving relationship with a man for 7 months now. It is not as equal as I would like, i.e. I bear the brunt of the emotional labor

the fuck does that mean

  • She does more housework

  • They do equal housework, but she is always telling him to do more

  • He does all the housework but it counts as work for her because she told him to do it

  • She works in a customer service job and he doesn't

I've seen all of these definitions used. The last one is the most correct definition but probably not what she meant.

She's the one having all the "feelings" all the time. Whenever there's someone who needs to feel something, e.g. to cry about something, it's always her that needs to do it.

Fact: Thots make their own emotional labor.

Do these women care about intersectionality? Do I as a PoC get treated better there than mayo men?

white women > any male in the oppression hierarchy

No. Intersectionality is libfem shit.

When it's the same gender, the word means what it means. When a gender calls the other insecure, they are trying to con them into doing something that benefits the accuser and hurts the accused. Hell, in the bottom thread she's not really calling herself insecure, she's low-key mad because she's not free to control him enough.

Women and lack of intelligence, name a more iconic duo.

Men and lack of sex

Honey, with an attitude like that, Chad won't pound your bussy with his huge throbbing cock, okay?

Delete this nephew

Yeah, if there’s one demographic that needs to stop gender policing, it’s totally working class men that just want to be left alone by the social justice types.

Tired of hearing men tell women to “woman up” and get over their “female fragility.”

Just rename the sub r/kafkatrapping tbh.

The most interesting thing about not being centrist is the ability to accept flip flops without any hesitation, all that is important to the non-centrist is us vs. them and which side you're standing on; but never truly the substance of either side's beliefs or their hypocritical evolution.

I don't understand conflict between men and women. We literally cannot survive without one another.

Gaslighting is a totally meaningless word now.

Thread number 6 was created by a guy pretending to be a woman on the Internet.

Gender Critical acts as if trannies are all pervert rapist and they act like men who play video games or watch porn aren’t worth the time.

Like lol good luck getting dick like that.

I don't think a bunch of angry lesbians are going to be too upset that they risk losing out on dick.

A lot of the conversations they have about dating men specifically are bitching about those things.

I guess I need to start lurking. All the posts I've seen were from lesbians wanting to avoid men (with or without their dicks) at all costs or the rare straight person just worried about bathrooms and locker rooms.

Every tranny on this planet is a freak and a walking time bomb. They all deserve to be hate crimed.

Shouldn't insult them too much, they have taken a step in the right direction by becoming terfs. Should be commended
