Old man yells at cloud. Shitty retired WWE wrestler drunk tweets unprovoked insults and threats at indie wrestler. Bonus trans drama in the comments.

1  2018-11-30 by GoldenMonkeyPox


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JBL once punked out of a confrontation that he started with manlet Matt Stryker, and got bitch slapped by Joey Styles.

Bradshaw's a big fat bitch.

I'll never not enjoy watching Stevie Richard's receipt for JBL sucker punching Blue Meanie.

Don't work yourself into a shoot, brother.

bonus trans drama in the comments

When is this not true?

JBL only got any kind of push because people left (Lesner) or died (Eddie, Benoit). He was an Option C at best. And a tard to boot.

And he played golf with the boss.

According to quite a few wrestlers, JBL had a thing for sexually molesting younger wrestlers in the shower when they first signed up. Seems he fingered Edge whilst he was showering, who just sort of ignored him and he was left alone. Many others said he was one of the worst back stage and a lot of the stuffs very sexual in nature. JBL has also had issues with homophobia on many different times as well.


Now with those two things, I am not saying he is a homosexual who is closeted.....well actually I am saying that. He is a closeted homosexual, and a sexual molester. And his matches were shit. And hiw cowboy gimmick was super gay. And he couldn't wrestle. And his gimmick, APA, was Always Poundin Ass, which just adds to the gay shit to be fair. And he looked like a fucking idiot with his hat and assless chaps on.