Dinchew ruffins take the b8 as Pibble defense force once again assembles to protect their favorite toddlervores

1  2018-11-30 by Wraith_GraveSpell


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Good bait bro

One of the common tactics of Pitbull defenders is to constantly change the parameters of what makes "an attack".

Notice how the +15 comment talks about how that Pitbull fatalities are super high for a dog, but banning them didn't decrease total dog bites in an area.

It's funny, too. Every pibble lover I've met IRL is a huge liberal and most support gun control. Say to them that ARs should be banned because to people who either don't know how to use them or use them for nefarious purposes are out there and they'll cheer you. Apply the same logic to Pibbles and their long history as a drug dealer defense dogs and they freak the fuck out.

A white guy in my home town shot a pitbull that attacked him, his dogs and his wife in the hood. Some ultra liberal Muslim reporter put out a hit piece saying it was totally unnecessary and he was an irresponsible gun owner and all this shit. Went to the black family of the dog, who was fined for not having it on a leash and likely will be sued, and concocted this giant sob story. It was absurd. The pitbull had taken a chunk out of his leg and had its mouth on his dog's neck when he shot it. It was absurd. Luckily there was a big backlash against her on local social media so I believe she backtracked.

Yes I included the races to incite more drama. Yes I know this sounds like fake news MAGAtard erotic fanfic. But it is completely true.

If it's real, link the news story

I'll link this one because the website name is hilarious and it leaves out specifics.


Wtf that article leaves out all the fun bits about race and the retarded newscaster that you mentioned in your original story


SMH why don't people self dox these days

I love working/hunting breeds, but holy shit I would love needing training and certificates to own one as a pet. They require way more work and training pretty much only because they can do so much damage quickly.

That sounds pretty stupid. Labs, golden retrievers, border collies, and poodles are all working/hunting breeds which make good family dogs and are rarely involved in fatal or maiming attacks.

Shitbulls, on the other hand, are not working or hunting dogs, they are fighting dogs. People should need a license to own a fighting dog, at the very least. Better still, fighting dogs should be banned altogether, because no one needs to own such a dog, and they have absolutely no practical utility in the modern world, and, unlike with guns, there are no fundamental reasons why a person should have a right to owning a fighting breed.

"Fighting" breeds is a complete myth. Boxers, staffords, American pits, Danes, and Germans shepards are breed to hunt and kill big/dangerous game... All could pose dangers to humans. Almost all terriers could do damage, even rat terriers.

It's funny when poor people had GSs for cheap home protection they were seen as "dangerous" yet the RCA style pit was the perfect docile middle class pet mid Century.

On the fighting part do you know what it takes to make dogs fight to maime and kill other dogs? It's fucking horrific... Lifelong abuse, deprevation, and STILL they gotta milk down the dogs.

Honestly you’re right, we should just kill poors and be done with it

You're not half wrong...

this but unironically

I'm interested in your opinion on dobermans and their reputation.

Pretty much the same... If they are well cared, trained, and socialized reduces the risk like crazy. Doesn't eliminate but better than being a shitty owner.

My pops grew up raising them so At least I'd have a mentor

Pits, unlike those others, were bred to fight. The American bull, its predecessor was bred to work on farms.

Usually when people say "pits" these days they are talking about Staffordshire Terriers, which was bred to hunt and kill wild boar and bucks.

We need to have background checks for anyone trying to buy a pitbull

Lol just buy acres of land retard

Now I don't care for the breed at all, in fact it's rare to come across it in the UK at all. However, we have our own problem breed and it's the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Small but with a very powerful jaw, short haired, all the hallmarks are the same and they are very cheap and easy to keep as they require small amounts of food and have a small impact on the household (apart from mauling your kids). Now, the breed itself is fine, plenty of more aggressive breeds that have no problems, but the Staffie is the perfect strom of shit. Its the chosen tool of the fucking Chav. You can often see the feckless gobshites walking down the street, a tinny of stella (nice beer as well, shame), fucking scratch cards falling out his pockets, and a Staffie off the lead harassing people and eating dear ol Ednas little chou. Its the relationship the dog has with a type of human that means it has a higher incedence of attacks than other dogs.


I think Pitbulls in America are similar, they are attractive the very same gobshite who would accidentally shot a kid whils thigh on meth (thus ruining both guns and meth), and the same cunt who ruins anything they touch for the rest of us. Same with dog fighting culture, there are much better fighting dogs than a pitbull, but the pitbull is that perfect size and cost and availability to sit perfectly in the space for trouble.


I am not defending the breed, but the problem is those who do defend it will not address the underlying cause which is they are attractive to dipshit owners and banning the breed will just mean a new breed becomes the problem. In the UK it wasn't always Staffies, it used to be Rotties in the 80s, but they fixed that by pushing the breeding sale prices up nice and high so only people really commited to owning dogs would bother, and it reduced the problem massively, but then the Staffie took its place and now thats the hallmark of Chavdom.

I have memorised your links, get new material

Honestly (and this isn't to be mean, at all) that seems like it says more about you than about the bot's shallow response suite.

(and this isn't to be mean, at all)

remove this

staffordshire bull terriers are pit bulls retard

there are much better fighting dogs than a pitbull

I don't think so. Every once in a while if a dog fighting ring is broken, or a breeder caught its almost always pits or mixes. I do agree they attract shit owners but the real issue is the fact that they are terriers (terriers of all stripes are obnoxious). With that come tenacity, and in pits the tenacity of a berzerker. When they bite it is very difficult to get them to let go, and they have a tendency to snap. Look up pit stories way to many of them the owners say the dog snapped after years of peaceful behavior. I don't like pits and want them banned or at leased licensed, but honestly I fear shitheads will just move back to rottweilers or something.

A caucasian shepherd is a far better fighting dog. But its at least 3 times the size so its food costs are much higher, and its a rather obscure breed so its extremely expensive to get one. Pitbulls are not the most dangerous of dogs, its just that they fit nicely with all other things considered and they are quite easy to look after compared to other breeds. The stories of dogs snapping feature all dogs, same as people, sometimes animals just snap once old age sets in and they are basically senile. German Shepherds are world renowned for being effective attack dogs, its why they are almost universal in any army, but they are not the best fighting dogs because they are expenseive, they vary wildly within the breed, and more exspensive to maintain with food and their breeds health issues.


Banning pitbulls would do fuck all, as you say, it would just be some other breed that would end up as the problem. All dogs owners requiring a license and aggressive, lifelong banning for problem owners with very heavy fines would go someway to fixing it. Thing is though, just like people, you will get arseholes and nothing would really stop it entirely. Some wanker will get a mutt and think he is Billy Big Bollocks, likely try to give it HRT, raise it badly, and have it maul some poor kid in the street. Same cunts who try whip thier mums shitty Nova at 50mph down a 30 and smash into a bus stop and kill some bloke. Some cunts are just a danger to us all, no matter what they have.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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No offence mate but have you seen what these fuckers are breeding? You seem to think pits are pibbles, not the absolute behemoths that have came into existence over the last 5 years. Your comments read like someone who hasn't met a chav in like a decade... Staffs are so much less prominent now. Nova's? Good luck at catching one of them outside of a specialist car show. Away.

Some of the larger mastiff breeds lime a press canario or a dogue de Bordeaux would prolly fuck a pitty up

I'm surprised, I assumed pitbulls are trashy white people dogs.

But yeah, the entire "bad owner" and "they were improperly secured and chained to a post" is pretty much exactly the same as "guns don't kill people..." and "most murders are made with illegal guns" arguments.

As a liberal I fully support the gassing of pitbulls and hillbillies

only bit two toddlers this year. Maybe next year we can cut that in half.

My sides hurt now.

Did a pibble bite you?

I think the proper term is maul.

It's no surprise that the Pibble Defense Force is white as fuck 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Outlaw toddlers. Problem solved.

Exterminate dogs. Problem solved.

Who will white women cuck men with then

Idk, but, for sure, won't be you.

Thank G-d

Jew spotted. Heh.

Ban assault dogs

I bet you can't even define what an assault dog is, libtard.

He only hates them because they're black

Tbh he is a cute dog.


OP's title game is on point.

Dinchew Ruffins

Damn OP, title game on point

Breed of Peace defender-cide when?


pitbull bites toddler


pitbull bites toddler


pitbull bites toddler


pitbull bites toddler


pitbull bites toddler


We need to combine mayos, muzzies, and pibbles to create the most peaceful creature this world has seen.

Serious, unironic question

Why the fuck do any of you idiots care if pitbulls eat babies?

i am pro-pitbulls eating babies.

Finally a reasonable individual

Found the nanny dog

There is nuance in all things, some babies need eating others don't.

Parents that raise the good babies don't leave them around pitbulls

"good babies" get that crap outta here, we are born with sin. Only God is good. Babies are pure evil.

Let me rephrase that, babies that don't need eating don't get left around pitbulls

The nuance is pibbles eat precisely the babies they are meant to.

masterful troll, unironically well done