Is tony soprano responsible for Donald Trump, one brave vanity fair writer says so

1  2018-11-30 by PotentialFortune5


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The Sopranos? Overrated as hell. ugh

You are dead to me.

Nigger pls ✋️

I gave it an honest view. 2 whole seasons. I'm not saying it's garbage. But it's not the gem everybody is making it out to be. The Wire and Oz are much better tbh.

Incase you disagree, don't @ me 💅

Paulie get the bolt cutters.

Paulie nooooooo!! 😭😭😭

Not gonna lie, Paulie is the reason i even made it this far into the show.

You are a man of taste, Ed.

The wire is leaps and bounds better, you ain't wrong about that.


Also, fuck Kima. I mean, what a bitch! The Bunk was a true bro! God, i love Bunk so much 😂

Watched S02 for Ziggy's pet duck 🦆 tbh

Bunk is the man no joke. Shiiiiiiiiit

I love when McNulty and Bunk mess around with each other. Like grabbing each others' asses from behind or the usual anal sex joke, lol.

Pure. Art.

The wire has a better story but sopranos has better characters. Also the reporter storyline in wire season 5 was absolute dogshit.

The wire has a better story but sopranos has better characters.

Also the reporter storyline in wire season 5 was absolute dogshit.

Now ain't that the truth!! Amen!

Watch it, Ed

S03 and onwards? It's on my watchlist but it's gonna take some time. Once i give up on a show, it's hard to pick it back up, lol.

Just watch an episode a week like how it was released instead of binge-watching it like some Netflix zoomer.

I watched like 2 episodes per day. I was told to avoid binging so i did just that.

There are some great Paulie centric episodes in the later years as people die off. I can't remember if the episode he gets lost in the woods is in seasons 1 or 2 but if not just go watch "Pine Barrens" I think its called. One of the best one off episodes of the show.