To no one's surprise another NFL running back brutalizes a woman

1  2018-11-30 by Kelkymcdouble



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The sport of peace. Statistically speaking.

Relax man. Someone probably just spiked his drink with CTE. It isn't his fault.

NFL players are statistically less likely to be arrested/convicted than the general population of American men their age.

Yeah that's why i said peace.

iits a black guy beating the shitout of a shebon.. it wont make news lol..

i actually feel bad for black waymen ...

It looks like a white woman

burn the coal pay the toll

Always running backs for some reason.

Ehhh linebackers have been known to choke a bitch too. Reuben foster being a recent example.

Lawrence Taylor banged a 13 year old

True fact

And of course, his fighting style involves running and charging into his opponents.

Meanwhile, WRs are pussies who hire someone else to do the job.

And safeties are serial date rapists

Are they really? I was actually referring to Rae Caruth, but was there a safety who got put away for rape?

Yeah, Darren Sharper. He repeatedly met women, brought them to his room then drugged and raped them. Like it wasn't even out of desperation if I remember right, he just got off in drugging a raping

no kinkshame plz

Get yourself a fall guy- Cris Carter

And never kickers, punters or long snappers... 🤔🤔🤔

Former Giants kicker Josh Brown was actually blackballed from the league for domestic violence against his wife.

Dumb white girl went on a random party bus and ended up with NFL players. She thots her way to the finish line, a hotel room in town. When they find out she's 19, they kick her out of the hotel room. This act of terrorism infringed on mayo gussy's inalienable right of being anywhere she wants at any given time. So like any reasonable person, she decides to argue with the person that just kicked her ass out (which is a historically high success rate move). Gussy gets pushed, suffering BRUTAL contusions. NFL player's career is over unless he can wear the shit out of some pink cleats during international breast cancer awareness quarter or something.

I think the Chiefs overreacted. I bet he'll be back either next yr or the yr after

He should. This is honestly not that bad imo.

Mine too but public outrage dictates they gotta get ahead of it. Personally I'm glad it happened because I benefit from it in fantasy football

Spencer Ware Master Race

Spencer Ware is my new daddy

The other big thing was when the chiefs questioned him on it he apparently lied to them. Fighting thots is one thing, fighting a thot and then lying about it is totally different

it's actually pretty responsible to kick out a 19 year old girl

Sport of peace

A black athlete being a violent shithead? So surprising.

You have to go back...