Bush is Dead

1  2018-12-01 by throwawayforme9000

press F


it hurts so much lads ;_;

he died, many more died at his hands. He does not deserve to rest in peace. Oil is not worth more than our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Let's not dilute facts with pathetic attempts to worship war mongering killers. You can down vote me but you can't deny the guilt that you feel as you leave your sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters to die to accomplish the goals of the wealthy and safe.

I'd like marinara sauce with my pasta please.

this guy Chapos

Many more died at his hands

BASED. Honestly what else is there. Come back bush im not ready to go on without you. 😭

Wrong Bush, moron.

Unless you're talking about fucking Operation: Desert Storm.

killing sand people is bad

Lmao πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€”

Shaved was always better.

Landing strip ftw

Is it gay to have a landing strip as a guy?

Just asking

You dont put the landing strip on the plane, you put it on the airport


What if you like to tuck?

Hey bby πŸ˜‰

This Bussy isn't a landing strip it's a World Trade Center

My jet fuel will melt your steel beams.

Casts Alex Jones on ur 9/11

I'm sure this is a quote by Confucius.

Confucius say, man who have last laugh, not get joke.

"Just a bot trying to brighten up someone's day with a laugh. | Message me if you have one you want to add."

You dont put a landing strip on the plane, you put it on the airport.


Alright great!

I'm going to try it out 😘

It looks and feels sexy. You’re gonna love it, hon.


Hundreds of dramatards came here to post this comment. You got here first.

You happy?

Mildly so.

He was such a piece of shit, I hate when people die (like McCain) and everyone is supposed to pretend they are good people just because their dead. I don't believe in hell but if it does exist he's getting burned with all the hot crackpipes he helped fill in the 80s.

It's ok, as an American you have a right to be wrong.

George Bush is one the reasons why you can have such a terrible opinion.

George Bush is one the reasons why you can have such a terrible opinion.

Thank God he stood beside George Washington to give the Gettysburg Address.

My favorite part was when him and Louis Pasteur dumped tea into the Boston harbor and started Christmas.

Umm sweaty I'm pretty sure it was the Hammurabi harbour.

saddam dindu nuffin amirite

I dont think it is pretending. He was a well liked president. Despite losing to Bill HW had a 56% approval rating. And even those that didn't are usually what we would call "respectful" and keep their traps shit. Only really mentally ill people who would lack the courage to actually say any of this to someone's face would think to sperg out on a recently deceased beloved figure

beloved figure.


Pick one.

The CIA was smuggling all that cocaine, not Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel through Cuba and later Nicaragua with the help of their governments. REEEEEEEEEEE

Imagine believing this in 2018.


They may or may not have had direct involvement in the drug aspect of the contras, but they definitely sold weapons to Iran in order to fund those same contras, in illegal defiance of Congress's refusal to provide funding.

That's just a creative workaround to bureaucracy.

Yes. Iran-Contra was bad. But jumping from that to "the CIA was smuggling cocaine" is a leap that requires schizophrenia. It was Oliver North in the White House running the operation, not the CIA. And some contras might have had some involvement with the drug trade on a small scale, but seriously, are you fucking kidding me? I hope you never say hello to anyone who smokes weed because that will make you literally a drug lord.

A lot of this really comes down to racism, where upper-class whites looked down at the contras for being Nicaraguan and assumed they must all be drug dealers. At the same time that didn't prevent them from buying it themselves.

Imagine thinking you know what really happened because you read a few articles in between jerking off to trap porn. GTFO

jumping from that to "the CIA was smuggling cocaine" is a leap that requires schizophrenia

Nobody is making that leap.

The contras were smuggling cocaine. The contras were working with the CIA, receiving funding through the CIA. The CIA was working with a cocaine-trade-funded rebel group. The CIA knew about the cocaine trade. The question is: did they assist?

some contras might have had some involvement with the drug trade on a small scale

Did you even click the link I posted?

In 1985, another Contra leader "told U.S. authorities that his group was being paid $50,000 by Colombian traffickers for help with a 100-kilo cocaine shipment and that the money would go 'for the cause' of fighting the Nicaraguan government."

On March 16, 1986, the San Francisco Examiner published a report on the "1983 seizure of 430 pounds of cocaine from a Colombian freighter" in San Francisco which indicated that a "cocaine ring in the San Francisco Bay area helped finance Nicaragua's Contra rebels."

the CIA's Chief of the Central American Task Force went on to say: We knew that everybody around Pastora was involved in cocaine ... His staff and friends (redacted) they were drug smugglers or involved in drug smuggling.[2]

Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry_Committee_report

The Kerry Committee report found that "the Contra drug links included ".... Payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies."[3] The US State Department paid over $806,000 to known drug traffickers to carry humanitarian assistance to the Contras.[4]

It was Oliver North in the White House running the operation, not the CIA

I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The CIA was directly involved with the contras, we know that.

Oliver North was the fall guy at the time. Bush pardoned everyone who was indicted. Documents that might show who really was involved are still classified. There can only be speculation about who knew what. But I for one do not believe that Oliver North took it on himself to do anything. That's crazy.

In any case, you say "not the CIA," but of the 11 people indicted criminally for Iran Contra (including Oliver North), three worked for the CIA. (All three were pardoned by Bush.)

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Is this new Pizzashill? Or someone equally autistic? (Serious q)

I have no equal in autism.

$50,000 for 100 kilos is a big deal in global drug trafficking


You're so far from having any sense of proportion, I don't know what to say.

everybody around Pastora was involved in cocaine

So since Eden Pastora was sometimes allied with the Sandinistas and sometimes fighting against them... that means... the CIA is fully 100% responsible for everything he ever did? I worry that you might not be as well-informed about this subject as you imagine.

$50,000 for 100 kilos is a big deal in global drug trafficking

The fact that a single shipment is 100kg, I think does indicate that "some involvement with the drug trade on a small scale" is not a good characterization.

Certainly, I don't think that "saying hello to anyone who smokes weed" will "make you literally a drug lord." But I do think that receiving shipments of cocaine in 100kg batches will make you a drug lord.

the CIA is fully 100% responsible for everything he ever did?

I didn't say anything like that at all. I said "They [the CIA] may or may not have had direct involvement in the drug aspect of the contras."

We really don't know. We know they didn't get caught, but that does not mean very much at all.

nice try spook

shutup pussy. he was an american hero. if he was alive and well and in your presence you wouldnt say shit. youd prob elbow your boyfriend and say "look, it's bush sr!"

But he's dead though and your scenario will never occur because he's fucking worm food

ooww ouch. i cut myself on your edge. oowww.

You should finish the job tbh

keep saying problematic stuff. see if that will cure your nihilism and discontent with life. i will do a prayer tongiht while praying for the bush family.


Oh no it's retarded


I hope this is a parody of a conservative SJW.

Get Em

Do you think that he knew what was going on with the Iran-Contra stuff? I figure since he was head of CIA before VP, he literally knew every single thing that they were doing.

i trust everything he was doing was in the best interest of this country and well thought out. more than you ever could possibly imagine. i hate redditors trying to play geo politics.

You didn't actually answer the question.

He was the head of the CIA for one year but he was a political appointee. He wasn't someone who rose up through the ranks within the agency, so he didn't actually have strong ties to it.

As for Iran-Contra, as far as I've heard he knew more than he would admit to, but he wasn't a key player in it. It was Reagan and some of his staff who were the driving force behind it.


Bush was as deep state as they come.

I figure since he was head of CIA before VP, he literally knew every single thing that they were doing.

I hate to admit it even to myself, but at this point I have to acknowledge that I have no idea what is and is not bait in this subreddit.


Think about how many worthless mayos died thanks to said crackpipes.

Go back to your home on dicksucker island

Magatard or chapstick?


Neither, found the NPC though. People are capable of having having political ideas being retarded outside of an being Trumptard or Commie, right or left.

This is true



Long live Bush.





This was the link above this one on my feed, I was pretty sure there was going to be a 'historian' fight over pubic hair.


lol bye

Kissinger next

It never was all love so stop the lies



Wrong Bush, retard.

Many are hating the man on r/T_D. You would think he was the founder of Communism from the shit I'm reading.

"Founder of Communism"

"finder of autism"

people all over reddit love to be smug about how much they hate the guy.

once got into an argument with a sperg because i said he seems like he would've been fun to have a beer with.

Gotta step up your game, if you wanna piss everyone off, say he was the last true republican to be president, and that America needs to bring back that old type of conservativism.


i'm voting for his dead body next election



Thought it might've been Jeb for a second and I almost had a heart attack. Thank the lord he is safe

What would Florida do without him?

Jeb is too bland even for the grim reaper

likely will live forever


It truly is a tragedy, that he never stuck to primarily anal sex


An old person did a thing that old people do.



press F

U press F, fag.



Drama: β€œChapoTrapHouse is filled with leftist weirdos and edgy Zoomers. We are centrist πŸ‘β€

Also Drama on the most centrist president in the last 42 years:

Kissinger next.

Lol bye


He was such a piece of shit

This sub has too many young retards.

Zoomers Ruin every sub they touch. We’re too focused on making fun of retarded boomers

glosses on Bush's grave

This sub isnt full of moderated you mong. Its radical centrist because we have a collection of spergs who from the far left and right.

Also its a meme.

imagine being so autistic you think the radical centrist meme is a sincere statement of political belief


God took him because he needed another angel beside him in heaven.

press R and hold M1

Allahu Akbar, brothers


The zoomers who make up the neoDrama audience probably think this is talking about GW, if they have any clue who's being discussed at all.


He died surrounded by loved ones and Jeb

And Jeb!

He was a warmonger. So was every single other president of the USA. Lots of people died as a cobsequence of his decisions, again just like every other president. He lived a very long, comfortable life. He's now dead. I'm sure it's a horrible time for his family, and I'm sure lots of people who didn't know him are celebrating because they have nothing in their own lives of consequence.

I'm tapdancing on his grave right now haha




Another pile of scum to toss in the ground.

And Obama is gone, how much better can it get