Femcel tells totally 100% REAL STORY!

1  2018-12-01 by Ayylmao11023


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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I'm going to start calling femcel delusions 'Femtasies'

Is the fantasy part when she has a boyfriend or when she has the courage to leave an abusive one?

All of it

He was arrested for domestic violence in Jan 2016, I can't believe I've continued this for so long. It's no longer physical but I am worried what will happen when we really stop living together. He is totally dependent on me.. thank you for your comment.

How retarded do you need to be to stay with someone who gets arrested for hitting you. Like just leave lmak

God these open letters are even more cringeworthy than rage comics

It's such Facebook nonsense.

To the woman who told my "girlfriend" to leave

Thank you. Thank God for you. This woman Rebecca has been approaching me each day when I get home from work for 3 years. My wife has repeatedly called the police on her but they say their hands are tied. She has left multiple samples of body fluids on my car door handle and calls it "her flesh and blood offering." I was at my wits end until recently when she left a note on our door that said she was leaving me to search for a better future husband. There was also a print of a selfie she had taken at the airport with an old woman, and on the back of the print Rebecca had written, "I told this woman you aren't very nice sometimes. She told me to leave. She is a queen."

Thank you, my queen.

I couldn't make it through the whole thing. My eyes started to bleed. Y'all are braver than I am.

Why did she need the approval of some random old lady on a plane before leaving a dude who hits her??