The Chapo boys react to Bush’s death.

1  2018-12-01 by Ghdust2


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Good praxis

Boringly predictable response tbh


I wrote "good thing that imperialist pig is dead" on 9gag. One person said "as a leftist im disgusted by you" lmao!

Ew 9gag

Even more reasons to hate r/CTH

It’s bad for the revolution when all your enemies die comfy of old age.

Chapotards are the useful idiots and they unaware of it.

Imagine if sub said the same thing as Obama, gone in 60 seconds

They hate Obama too tho

At least they have a reason for that.

all presidents are pretty shit and serve corporations and US empire?

Yeah, but some of them actually accomplish things that further that agenda.

Getting democrats to ignore the normalization of assassinating US citizens without trial and managing to set public healthcare back several decades are pretty big feathers in Obama's cap.

Chapo hates Obama

huh, I see.. who do they not hate?

People on the left. Obama is a lib

Mass murders like Stalin and Mao.

When you live a highly successful life and die at the age of 94

"lol got em" -ChapoTards

Commies live, reeee and die with out accomplishing anything or bringing the revolution even an inch closer to fruition. Celebrating the death of a better man is their only source of joy. Let them have this one.

I mean, name a less effective president in the past 100 years... besides JFK you sick fucks

Warren G Harding.

Tea Pot Dome Scandal. Died in office. NEXT!

No one cares bot

Bad bot. NEXT!

Yeah...that's what made him ineffective. He was immediately stalemated by four different scandals and couldn't even outlast Kennedy.

On the other hand, Bush started a war.

Be honest, you just googled him and wrote the first two facts related to him you saw, didn't you?

No I just remember the two facts they gave me in high school. Sorry for being so basic.

You could argue that Reagan really started the Gulf War and Bush just sat on his hands. But I also like arguing this.

Considering Bush more or less ran the last half of the Reagan administration due to Ronny's senile obsession with Jellybeans...

Good point. But do you just assume everyone is a Wikipedia addict? I take offense to that on a personal level.

I mean, I wouldn't say addict...

But when the only thing someone says on a topic just so happens to align with the description in the first paragraph on its wikipedia page, I do get a little cynical yeah.

Fair enough. I pride myself on my rudimentary knowledge of all US presidents. Example: Woodrow Wilson was a terrible historian, when not in office, and a meh at League of Nationing.

See that historian fact isn’t even in the first paragraph of his Wikipedia.

But now that I think of it... his successor Calvin Coolidge was known for literally doing nothing. But he served for two terms somehow. So I’m not sure.

Now that I have made it past the first paragraph of his wikipedia article


I'm pretty sure these children are too young to have lived through Bush senior.

Tell us more about Bush presidency, gramps.

How many of these Idiots think it's W?

Classy as ever.

caring about class on r/drama


Huh, I didn't know it was Kool and the Gang who did Celebrate.

Since when does r/drama love the Bush? L