r/Libertarian is having a constitutional crisis; Jedi soon to lead a counterattack

1  2018-12-01 by modern_rabbit


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Libertarian ideology fails once again

patience, the market will surely correct itself

Libertarians: Let the free market decide what ideas are worth having!

The Free Market: *decides that Libertarian ideas aren't worth having"

Libertarians: The bans will continue until the system works the way we want it to.

but all the libertarians in the sub are against the bans, you inbred

Except /r/libertarian which has a top mod going on a banning spree.

The second we let some shitstain mod take control total control, was the exact moment libertarian went from shit to worse shit.

If we just do nothing everything will sort itself out.

The irony that "libertarianism is failing" is only now haooening once an authoritarian poll system is implemented...

Democracy is literally fascism

It was working perfectly up until the admins invaded

Question: When did libertarians get associated with lolis and pedophilia?

Age of consent is a government regulation. People would ask libertarians questions like "when you say you're against all regulations, does that include things like the age of consent and laws against statutory rape?"

A blessed few lolcows would hold onto their absolutist principles and answer "yes."

That seems to be fun discussion to witness.

I prefer the much more scientific principle "if there's grass on the field, play ball!"

Poes law is a hellofa drug!

I think that ignores two things:

1) The only people making impassioned arguments for why "actually, it's ephebophilia, and it's historically common...", etc., are people who at least describe themselves as (American) libertarians.

2) People who actually do want to fuck kids are obviously going to be attracted to political philosophies that would allow that to happen- see above.

It's not really possible to shake the fact that there's always going to be a sizable minority of (American) libertarians who are (potentially wannabe) kid diddlers.

Libertarianism simply attracts all kinds of people who want to do something that is illegal or extremely regulated. As soon as that particular thing becomes legal/acceptable, that group almost always drops the libertarian moniker. People who want weed legal or gay marriage used to be overwhelmingly liberal or libertarian, but these days a fuck ton of them are conservative because they were always conservative with one or two opinions that were liberal.

because age of consent is unconstitutional

I don't know, because historically communists have had the most pedophile activists in their ranks.

Influential libertarian thinker Murray Rothbard believed that a consistent application of libertarian ideals implies that parents should have the right to sell their kids into slavery.

Instead coming to a realization about the flaws in their ideology, some libertarians have decided to run with it.

Yeah, and it really does follow. Assume that every man is an island, a fully self-sufficient rational agent, and the best social structure probably looks quite libertarian-ish. Humans are not though, and the part where every single human absolutely definitely and obviously is not a self-sufficient rational agent during the first 10 or so years of their life (optimistically) had been a thorn in libertarian side since the inception.

When Reddit gives your libertarian sub a democratic way of handling things and you vehemently reject is because it might give the libs a voice.

Nevermind that there's a sub karma safeguard to keep brigadiers from abusing it

Theres already upvotes, downvotes and the ignore button. Thats as democratic as it needs to be. This is solely about making reddit as advertiser freindly as possible and non deleted political disagreement isnt advertiser freindly.

And here we have a libertarian arguing that giving users the ability to moderate democratically is actually a bad thing. Are you just into libertarianism for the kiddie diddling?

Nice strawman.

Is actually a "democratic" vote when votes are weighed based on community points? No society should ever have the option to execute someone you dont like just because you can spin a story about why they deserve it.

As opposed to what you currently have now, which is a mod unilaterally banning anyone with an opinion he doesn't like?

No that's unacceptable too. why would you think Libertarians think that's acceptable? It even goes against the rules in the sidebar.

well looks like all the libertarians are rolling over and presenting their assholes to this dude so yeah, must be acceptable

Why arent you guys clamoring to get him removed? Or even using the new voting system to remove him? It must be acceptable on some level since nobody seems to be doing anything about his clear violation of sub rules.

Get back to me when he is removed from the mod list

This is solely about making reddit as advertiser freindly as possible and non deleted political disagreement isnt advertiser freindly.

Thats just the free market at work sweaty.

Yup, and if they ruin it then I'll leave. I'm sure I won't be the only one. Good luck advertising to nobody.

Yup, and if they ruin it then I'll leave. I'm sure I won't be the only one. Good luck advertising to nobody.

You're not the only one but there are more gays than libertarians on reddit, so they won't be advertising to nobody. Sucks to be a minority under unconstrained capitalism, eh?

lmao, oh no how will reddit ever survive without their denizens from /r/Libertarian holding them afloat?!

It's not about that small user base. Its about a company not caring what its members want in order to maximize profits. This sub isn't the only one they're pushing away with poor choices.

give the libs a voice

God knows there's not enough of a lib voice on this literally Hitler website.

The voting system wouldnt even give brigading chapotards a voice though. Only people who meet a certain karma threshold in the sub would be able to vote on decisions. The giving the libs a voice was tongue in cheek

*spits out male feminist ally load.

Libertarianism isn’t a “radical democracy” ideal. A libertarian would prefer a lightly regulated dictatorship to a heavily regulated democracy. It just so happens that in real countries, democracy tends to produce more freedom than dictatorship, but this is not necessarily the case on online messageboards.

jfc someone help me out here. What is going on?

/r/libertarian rarely moderates or bans people because that's against their ideology of free speech. But then Chapo invaded and now one of the mods has started censoring and banning? But the admins are involved? Who's pissed, the actual libertarians or chapos larping as little Ayns?

I'm so confused.

rightc0ast is banning left libertarians. rightc0ast isn't even a libertarian, he's a fuckin fascist. Libertarians wouldn't support physical removal. It's nothing more than a blatant power grab to turn it the way of T_D.

See? This is real drama right here. Retarded people that think obscure political forums on the internet are important.

Nah, I think it's funny. It's been a shithole thanks to him for a longtime and I look forward to shitposting it into hell.

THIS LITTLE PIGGLY WIGGLY POSTED HIS HOG, THIS PIGGLY WIGGLY GOT A DICK LIKE A DOG. RED rocket RED rocket, cumming on the capitalists with RED rockets.

I don't speak autism.

You post here so we know that ain't true.

Still learning.

Dude maybe you need to get a hobby that is less invested in internet points. I know posting is war to communists and that's why all they do is lie. But maybe screeching like a paranoid child about fascists while you plug an even more murderous ideology called communism. Is not a very good way to find a usefulness outlet in life. Maybe try golf or croquet like your rich upper class white roomate parents do.

You think I actually care about some sub that has been garbage for years? Maybe you need to get a hobby that's less invested in killing people/prevailing with FACTS AND LOGIC on the internet and let us shitpost/live.

Post pics of your piggly wiggly, you pussy.

Back to your rape box.

Libertarians told me I can take up arms against tyrannical overlords. Can I shoot rightcOast now?

He's a fascist, so that's a hard yep. Right in the face.


He isn't even a libertarian, he's a fascist.


rightc0ast was a typical reddit libertarian back during the Ron Paul years.

libertarianism is a right wing ideology.

Libertarians wouldn't support physical removal.

how does he "support physical removal"?

It's nothing more than a blatant power grab

i haven't checked that sub for many years, but I'm glad the top mods are cleaning house.

everything is better than chapotard/idpol "libertarianism" whatever that is supposed to be.

Being anti authoritarian isnt inherently right wing you retard. Thats just the norm for burgerland lolbertarians.


rightc0ast has been modding that sub for many years, and never banned people for having different opinions, pretty sure even manually lifted that annoying 10 minute wait time for heavily downvoted accounts.

But now the admins have implemented binding polls. And since the far-left trolls outnumber the people who participate on /r/libertarian in good faith, not banning them would be the same as simply destroying the subreddit.

Banning them is a last resort, but it's necessary.

The polls aren't binding because they had a poll to get rid of the polls and it didn't work.

Back to chapo, filth.

left libertarians

There's no such thing.

Stop lying. Marxists are brigading it. r/libertarian bans the marxists. Marxists whine about free speech, while simultaneously not caring about free speech.

real take: liberals invaded the subreddit and pretended to be libertarians. it was really blatant. both ideologies are gay and sharia law is the only chosen way

right and instead the extreme right nutters are now taking over the sub.

why does EVERY libertarian community ultimately lean toward right wing authoritarian fascism. Happens every fucking time.

have you ever met a libertarian in usa you literal retard? they completely lean right and not left. what do you think happens when liberals poke at them.

yeah no shit, thats my point

why do they claim to be super free but always side with the fascists? makes no sense.

because their ideology fails with mass immigration or demographics are not in their favor. that or they realize a large part of the nation won't engage in reasonable debate. it's the logical next step honestly.

that or they realize a large part of the nation won't engage in reasonable debate

As if Libertarians engage in reasonable debate.

libertarians are by far the most reasonable in debate, even if their ideas are not. republicans strawman you and socialist/dems shame or mock you. again i must go back to sharia law though as the intellectuals ideology though.

Libertarians constantly pull the same shit as socialists do with "not real socialism" and blame any evidence of capitalism's shortcomings on "government overreach".

are you trolling me by giving me canned statist meme lines? what are you going to say next, who will pay for the roads? give me a real talking point and I will gladly destroy it

You are literally providing an example of my point.

ahah u have just proved my argument!

literally embarrassing. im getting second hand humiliation from your comment. i can tell no one likes you irl.

republicans strawman you

what are you going to say next, who will pay for the roads?

socialist/dems shame or mock you

i can tell no one likes you irl

You are the best counterargument to your own claims.

I can tell you’re arguing in bad faith and I’m done here. Last reply.

arguing in bad faith

Lol, the refuge of last resort for every pseudo-intellectual hack on the internet. God forbid someone uses your own behavior as evidence of your inability to engage in reasonable debate.

Islamofascism is the only hope for the west.

Because fascists might allow us to live while communists would send us straight to the gulag. It's an easy choice.

I wish subreddits would get taken over by the extreme left rather than the extreme right

Okay buddy, back where you belong.

It's over for Kaffir-cells

The admins decided to force a voting system into to the sub. User can now make binding polls

Lolbitarians: “Wow baste Pinochet, commies get the helicopter!”

Lobtitarians under a Pinochet mod: “WTF I HATE far righties now!”

Marxists are brigading it. r/libertarian bans the marxists. Marxists whine about free speech, while simultaneously not caring about free speech.

This is unironically sad. The libertarian sub was the best political sub on this website.

morally indefensible but arguably necessary

They got sooooo close.



That one flew under my radar, nice

lyl, always love watching libertarian hubs proving the libertarian to alt right pipeline true.