I remember the /r/badmathematics (it's sadly private cause one of the mods is a retard) thread about this thing. It was revealed that whatever add agency Pepsi employed made this as an obvious joke as part of their pitch. They never intended for anyone to take it seriously.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-12-01
Have you posted bussy yet?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-12-01
What am I looking at Snally??
Did you mean to post this to r/graphic_design?
1 snallygaster 2018-12-01
We are living in the new age of Pepsi.
1 Think_Once 2018-12-01
1 snallygaster 2018-12-01
im the second one
1 LighthouseToLunar 2018-12-01
Mfw when I take a sip of delicious bepis
1 snallygaster 2018-12-01
1 nmx179 2018-12-01
Join the conversation
1 redmugofcoffee 2018-12-01
the best part about protesting is the smiling and laughing
1 nmx179 2018-12-01
In fairness if protesters smiled and laughed normal people might give a shit about protests.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-12-01
Here's and article about this I found
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-12-01
I've seen this somewhere before, but I can't remember where.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-01
Probably one of those child porn sites you frequent
1 BasicallyADoctor 2018-12-01
I was following the circles and shit bit the gravity stuff had me like
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-12-01
We need Pepsi Energy Field based emojis.
1 recriminology 2018-12-01
1 Think_Once 2018-12-01
Ed posting Pepsi emojis. That's exactly what's missing in /r/drama.
1 Anarcho_Autism 2018-12-01
I love that the subtext of the gravitational analogy is basically: The world revolves around MOTHERFUCKING PEPSI, BITCH.
I wonder how many brainwashed execs pre-came in their pants when the design agency likened their brand to the source of life on Planet Earth.
(Brilliant move by the agency, btw)
1 uniqueguy263 2018-12-01
And all that for a truly awful logo change. Up there with Google deciding to make their logo just Arial
1 DerekSavageCoolCuck 2018-12-01
Identity Pepsiropa
1 Assy-McGee 2018-12-01
1 sevgee 2018-12-01
1 error404brain 2018-12-01
Needless to say someone able to get paid a million for this is a genius.
1 jewdanksdad 2018-12-01
Explain this nonsense
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-12-01
Ad guy was on hella coke when he wrote a Pepsi memo
1 Inceltiers 2018-12-01
1 nonatrual 2018-12-01
You are aware this is a joke, aren't you?
1 snallygaster 2018-12-01
You are aware that Pepsi actually paid the design agency a million dollars for this, aren't you?
1 nonatrual 2018-12-01
I remember the /r/badmathematics (it's sadly private cause one of the mods is a retard) thread about this thing. It was revealed that whatever add agency Pepsi employed made this as an obvious joke as part of their pitch. They never intended for anyone to take it seriously.
1 SpiceAndEvNice 2018-12-01
That’d. And sense. It’d go viral because of how dumb it is but that’s the point. No such thing as bad publicity, etc.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-01
Lol you fell for marketing while making fun of marketing.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-12-01
Lol you fell for marketing while making a post making fun of marketing.
1 pewkiemuffinboo 2018-12-01
girl you make the best posts. I read more than I care to share, but this is absolutely beautiful insanity.
1 -6x- 2018-12-01
I don't vibrate high enough for this shit.
Cool bottle designs progression though.
1 Momruepari 2018-12-01
what is u/snallygaster smoking?
1 Dramatictuna 2018-12-01
The Devil's Lettuce
1 Van-Diemen 2018-12-01
All ad execs must be living off a diet of their own gelatinised farts.